BigOmics Analytics OmicsPlaygroud
Copyright (c) 2020-2024 BigOmics Analytics
This product includes software developed at BigOmics Analytics (
The project maintains the following source code repositories:
Omics Playground is written by:
- Ivo Kwee [email protected]
- Murodzhon Akmedov [email protected]
The project uses the following third-party content:
- AnnotationDbi 1.52.0 Artistic-2.0
- base 4.0.4 Part of R 4.0.4
- batchelor 1.6.3 GPL-3
- beeswarm 0.4.0 Artistic-2.0
- BiocManager 1.30.16 Artistic-2.0
- biomaRt 2.46.3 Artistic-2.0
- Biostrings 2.58.0 Artistic-2.0
- Boruta 7.0.0 GPL (>= 2)
- cgdsr 1.3.0 LGPL-3
- circlize 0.4.13 MIT + file LICENSE
- colorspace 2.0-2 BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
- ComICS 1.0.4 GPL-2
- ComplexHeatmap 2.6.2 MIT + file LICENSE
- corpcor 1.6.10 GPL (>= 3)
- corpora 0.5 GPL-3
- corrplot 0.90 MIT + file LICENSE
- cowplot 1.1.1 GPL-2
- curatedTCGAData 1.12.1 Artistic-2.0
- data.table 1.14.2 MPL-2.0 | file LICENSE
- DeconRNASeq 1.32.0 GPL-2
- DESeq2 1.30.1 LGPL (>= 3)
- devtools 2.4.2 MIT + file LICENSE
- doParallel 1.0.16 GPL-2
- dplyr 1.0.7 MIT + file LICENSE
- DT 0.19 GPL-3 | file LICENSE
- edgeR 3.32.1 GPL (>=2)
- EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86 2.99.0 Artistic-2.0
- EnsDb.Mmusculus.v79 2.99.0 Artistic-2.0
- fastcluster 1.2.3 FreeBSD | GPL-2 | file LICENSE
- fgsea 1.16.0 MIT + file LICENCE
- FNN 1.1.3 GPL (>= 2)
- genefilter 1.72.1 Artistic-2.0
- GenomicDataCommons 1.14.0 Artistic-2.0
- GenomicFeatures 1.42.3 Artistic-2.0
- GEOquery 2.58.0 GPL-2
- ggplot2 3.3.5 MIT + file LICENSE
- ggrepel 0.9.1 GPL-3 | file LICENSE
- ggsci 2.9 GPL-3 | file LICENSE
- glasso 1.11 GPL-2
- glmnet 4.1-2 GPL-2
- gplots 3.1.1 GPL-2
- graphics 4.0.4 Part of R 4.0.4
- grDevices 4.0.4 Part of R 4.0.4
- grid 4.0.4 Part of R 4.0.4
- GSVA 1.38.2 GPL (>= 2)
- harmony 1.0 GPL-3 + file LICENSE
- homologene MIT + file LICENSE
- htmlwidgets 1.5.4 MIT + file LICENSE
- httr 1.4.2 MIT + file LICENSE
- igraph 1.2.7 GPL (>= 2)
- iheatmapr 0.5.1 MIT + file LICENSE
- irlba 2.3.3 GPL-3
- ISOpureR 1.1.3 GPL-2
- isva 1.9 GPL-2
- jpeg 0.1-9 GPL-2 | GPL-3
- KEGG.db 3.2.4 file LICENSE
- liger 2.0.1 GPL-3 | file LICENSE
- limma 3.46.0 GPL (>=2)
- magick 2.7.3 MIT + file LICENSE
- maptools 1.1-2 GPL (>= 2)
- MASS 7.3-53.1 GPL-2 | GPL-3
- Matrix 1.3-4 GPL (>= 2) | file LICENCE
- Matrix 1.3-2 GPL (>= 2) | file LICENCE
- matrixTests GPL-2
- metap 1.5 GPL-2
- miniUI GPL-3
- mixOmics 6.14.1 GPL (>= 2)
- MultiAssayExperiment 1.16.0 Artistic-2.0
- NNLM 0.4.4 BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE
- 3.12.0 Artistic-2.0
- 3.12.0 Artistic-2.0
- parallel 4.0.4 Part of R 4.0.4
- partykit 1.2-15 GPL-2 | GPL-3
- patchwork 1.1.1 MIT + file LICENSE
- pcaMethods 1.82.0 GPL (>= 3)
- plotly 4.10.0 MIT + file LICENSE
- pls 2.8-0 GPL-2
- plyr 1.8.6 MIT + file LICENSE
- png 0.1-7 GPL-2 | GPL-3
- ppcor 1.1 GPL-2
- preprocessCore 1.52.1 LGPL (>= 2)
- psych 2.1.9 GPL (>= 2)
- qgraph 1.9 GPL-2
- qlcMatrix 0.9.7 GPL-3
- qvalue 2.22.0 LGPL
- randomForest 4.6-14 GPL (>= 2)
- randomForestSRC 2.13.0 GPL (>= 3)
- RColorBrewer 1.1-2 Apache License 2.0
- recount 1.16.1 Artistic-2.0
- remotes 2.4.1 MIT + file LICENSE
- reshape2 1.4.4 MIT + file LICENSE
- rgeolocate 1.4.1 Apache License (== 2.0)
- rhdf5 2.34.0 Artistic-2.0
- rliger 1.0.0 GPL-3
- rpart 4.1-15 GPL-2 | GPL-3
- Rtsne 0.15 file LICENSE
- scales 1.1.1 MIT + file LICENSE
- scatterD3 1.0.1 GPL (>= 3)
- scran 1.18.7 GPL-3
- Seurat 4.0.5 GPL-3 | file LICENSE
- shiny 1.7.1 GPL-3 | file LICENSE
- shinyalert 2.0.0 MIT + file LICENSE
- shinyBS 0.61 GPL-3
- shinydashboard 0.7.2 GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE
- shinydashboardPlus 2.0.3 GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE
- shinyjqui 0.4.0 MIT + file LICENSE
- shinyWidgets 0.6.2 GPL-3
- signatureSearch 1.4.6 Artistic-2.0
- SILGGM 1.0.0 GPL (>= 2)
- SmartSVA 0.1.3 GPL-3
- stats 4.0.4 Part of R 4.0.4
- SummarizedExperiment 1.20.0 Artistic-2.0
- survival 3.2-7 LGPL (>= 2)
- survminer 0.4.9 GPL-2
- sva 3.38.0 Artistic-2.0
- TCGAretriever 1.5 GPL-2
- tidyr 1.1.4 MIT + file LICENSE
- tools 4.0.4 Part of R 4.0.4
- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene 3.2.2 Artistic-2.0
- TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene 3.10.0 Artistic-2.0
- tximport 1.18.0 GPL (>=2)
- umap MIT + file LICENSE
- UNDO 1.32.0 GPL-2
- utils 4.0.4 Part of R 4.0.4
- uwot 0.1.10 GPL (>= 3)
- vioplot 0.3.7 BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
- viridis 0.6.2 MIT + file LICENSE
- visNetwork 2.1.0 MIT + file LICENSE
- webshot 0.5.2 GPL-2
- WGCNA 1.70-3 GPL (>= 2)
- wordcloud 2.6 LGPL-2.1
- xgboost Apache License (== 2.0) | file