diff --git a/src/Data/OpenApi.hs b/src/Data/OpenApi.hs
index e8c8ea6e..10d9445f 100644
--- a/src/Data/OpenApi.hs
+++ b/src/Data/OpenApi.hs
@@ -9,127 +9,128 @@
-- These files can then be used by the Swagger-UI project to display the API
-- and Swagger-Codegen to generate clients in various languages.
-- Additional utilities can also take advantage of the resulting files, such as testing tools.
-module Data.OpenApi (
- -- * How to use this library
- -- $howto
+module Data.OpenApi
+ ( -- * How to use this library
+ -- $howto
- -- ** @'Monoid'@ instances
- -- $monoids
+ -- ** @'Monoid'@ instances
+ -- $monoids
- -- ** Lenses and prisms
- -- $lens
+ -- ** Lenses and prisms
+ -- $lens
- -- ** Schema specification
- -- $schema
+ -- ** Schema specification
+ -- $schema
- -- ** Manipulation
- -- $manipulation
+ -- ** Manipulation
+ -- $manipulation
- -- ** Validation
- -- $validation
+ -- ** Validation
+ -- $validation
- -- * Re-exports
- module Data.OpenApi.Lens,
- module Data.OpenApi.Optics,
- module Data.OpenApi.Operation,
- module Data.OpenApi.ParamSchema,
- module Data.OpenApi.Schema,
- module Data.OpenApi.Schema.Validation,
+ -- * Re-exports
+ module Data.OpenApi.Lens,
+ module Data.OpenApi.Optics,
+ module Data.OpenApi.Operation,
+ module Data.OpenApi.ParamSchema,
+ module Data.OpenApi.Schema,
+ module Data.OpenApi.Schema.Validation,
- -- * Swagger specification
- OpenApi(..),
- Server(..),
- ServerVariable(..),
- Components(..),
+ -- * Swagger specification
+ OpenApi (..),
+ Server (..),
+ ServerVariable (..),
+ Components (..),
- -- ** Info types
- Info(..),
- Contact(..),
- License(..),
+ -- ** Info types
+ Info (..),
+ Contact (..),
+ License (..),
- -- ** PathItem
- PathItem(..),
+ -- ** PathItem
+ PathItem (..),
- -- ** Operations
- Operation(..),
- Tag(..),
- TagName,
+ -- ** Operations
+ Operation (..),
+ Tag (..),
+ TagName,
- -- ** Types and formats
- OpenApiType(..),
- Format,
- Definitions,
- Style(..),
+ -- ** Types and formats
+ OpenApiType (..),
+ Format,
+ Definitions,
+ Style (..),
- -- ** Parameters
- Param(..),
- ParamLocation(..),
- ParamName,
- Header(..),
- HeaderName,
- Example(..),
- RequestBody(..),
- MediaTypeObject(..),
- Encoding(..),
+ -- ** Parameters
+ Param (..),
+ ParamLocation (..),
+ ParamName,
+ Header (..),
+ HeaderName,
+ Example (..),
+ RequestBody (..),
+ MediaTypeObject (..),
+ Encoding (..),
- -- ** Schemas
- Schema(..),
- NamedSchema(..),
- OpenApiItems(..),
- Xml(..),
- Pattern,
- AdditionalProperties(..),
- Discriminator(..),
+ -- ** Schemas
+ Schema (..),
+ NamedSchema (..),
+ OpenApiItems (..),
+ Xml (..),
+ Pattern,
+ AdditionalProperties (..),
+ Discriminator (..),
- -- ** Responses
- Responses(..),
- Response(..),
- HttpStatusCode,
- Link(..),
- Callback(..),
+ -- ** Responses
+ Responses (..),
+ Response (..),
+ HttpStatusCode,
+ Link (..),
+ Callback (..),
- -- ** Security
- SecurityScheme(..),
- SecuritySchemeType(..),
- HttpSchemeType(..),
- SecurityDefinitions(..),
- SecurityRequirement(..),
+ -- ** Security
+ SecurityScheme (..),
+ SecuritySchemeType (..),
+ HttpSchemeType (..),
+ SecurityDefinitions (..),
+ SecurityRequirement (..),
- -- *** API key
- ApiKeyParams(..),
- ApiKeyLocation(..),
+ -- *** API key
+ ApiKeyParams (..),
+ ApiKeyLocation (..),
- -- *** OAuth2
- OAuth2Flows(..),
- OAuth2Flow(..),
- OAuth2ImplicitFlow(..),
- OAuth2PasswordFlow(..),
- OAuth2ClientCredentialsFlow(..),
- OAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow(..),
- AuthorizationURL,
- TokenURL,
+ -- *** OAuth2
+ OAuth2Flows (..),
+ OAuth2Flow (..),
+ OAuth2ImplicitFlow (..),
+ OAuth2PasswordFlow (..),
+ OAuth2ClientCredentialsFlow (..),
+ OAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow (..),
+ AuthorizationURL,
+ TokenURL,
- -- ** External documentation
- ExternalDocs(..),
+ -- ** External documentation
+ ExternalDocs (..),
- -- ** References
- Reference(..),
- Referenced(..),
+ -- ** References
+ Reference (..),
+ Referenced (..),
- -- ** Miscellaneous
- MimeList(..),
- URL(..),
-) where
+ -- ** Miscellaneous
+ MimeList (..),
+ URL (..),
+ SpecificationExtensions (..),
+ )
+import Data.OpenApi.Internal
import Data.OpenApi.Lens
-import Data.OpenApi.Optics ()
import Data.OpenApi.Operation
+import Data.OpenApi.Optics ()
import Data.OpenApi.ParamSchema
import Data.OpenApi.Schema
import Data.OpenApi.Schema.Validation
-import Data.OpenApi.Internal
-- $setup
-- >>> import Control.Lens
-- >>> import Data.Aeson
diff --git a/src/Data/OpenApi/Internal.hs b/src/Data/OpenApi/Internal.hs
index f6ae8811..87cc06b0 100644
--- a/src/Data/OpenApi/Internal.hs
+++ b/src/Data/OpenApi/Internal.hs
@@ -13,49 +13,66 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-module Data.OpenApi.Internal where
-import Prelude ()
-import Prelude.Compat
+module Data.OpenApi.Internal where
-import Control.Applicative
-import Control.Lens ((&), (.~), (?~))
-import Data.Aeson hiding (Encoding)
-import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as JSON
-import Data.Data (Constr, Data (..), DataType, Fixity (..), Typeable,
- constrIndex, mkConstr, mkDataType)
-import Data.Hashable (Hashable (..))
-import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
-import Data.HashSet.InsOrd (InsOrdHashSet)
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
-import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
-import Data.Semigroup.Compat (Semigroup (..))
-import Data.String (IsString (..))
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as Text
-import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
-import GHC.Generics (Generic)
-import Network.HTTP.Media (MediaType, mainType, parameters, parseAccept, subType, (//),
- (/:))
-import Network.Socket (HostName, PortNumber)
-import Text.Read (readMaybe)
-import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd (InsOrdHashMap)
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Lens ((&), (.~), (?~))
+import Data.Aeson hiding (Encoding)
+import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as JSON
+import Data.Data
+ ( Constr,
+ Data (..),
+ DataType,
+ Fixity (..),
+ Typeable,
+ constrIndex,
+ mkConstr,
+ mkDataType,
+ )
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
+import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd (InsOrdHashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as InsOrdHashMap
-import Generics.SOP.TH (deriveGeneric)
-import Data.OpenApi.Internal.AesonUtils (sopSwaggerGenericToJSON
- ,sopSwaggerGenericToJSONWithOpts
- ,sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON
- ,HasSwaggerAesonOptions(..)
- ,AesonDefaultValue(..)
- ,mkSwaggerAesonOptions
- ,saoAdditionalPairs
- ,saoSubObject)
+import Data.HashSet.InsOrd (InsOrdHashSet)
+import Data.Hashable (Hashable (..))
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
+import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
+import Data.OpenApi.Internal.AesonUtils
+ ( AesonDefaultValue (..),
+ HasSwaggerAesonOptions (..),
+ mkSwaggerAesonOptions,
+ saoAdditionalPairs,
+ saoSubObject,
+ sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON,
+ sopSwaggerGenericToEncoding,
+ sopSwaggerGenericToEncodingWithOpts,
+ sopSwaggerGenericToJSON,
+ sopSwaggerGenericToJSONWithOpts,
+ )
import Data.OpenApi.Internal.Utils
-import Data.OpenApi.Internal.AesonUtils (sopSwaggerGenericToEncoding)
+import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
+import Data.Semigroup.Compat (Semigroup (..))
+import Data.String (IsString (..))
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
+import Generics.SOP.TH (deriveGeneric)
+import Network.HTTP.Media
+ ( MediaType,
+ mainType,
+ parameters,
+ parseAccept,
+ subType,
+ (//),
+ (/:),
+ )
+import Network.Socket (HostName, PortNumber)
+import Prelude.Compat
+import Text.Read (readMaybe)
+import Prelude ()
-- $setup
-- >>> :seti -XDataKinds
@@ -70,85 +87,83 @@ type Definitions = InsOrdHashMap Text
data OpenApi = OpenApi
{ -- | Provides metadata about the API.
-- The metadata can be used by the clients if needed.
- _openApiInfo :: Info
+ _openApiInfo :: Info,
-- | An array of Server Objects, which provide connectivity information
-- to a target server. If the servers property is not provided, or is an empty array,
-- the default value would be a 'Server' object with a url value of @/@.
- , _openApiServers :: [Server]
+ _openApiServers :: [Server],
-- | The available paths and operations for the API.
- , _openApiPaths :: InsOrdHashMap FilePath PathItem
+ _openApiPaths :: InsOrdHashMap FilePath PathItem,
-- | An element to hold various schemas for the specification.
- , _openApiComponents :: Components
+ _openApiComponents :: Components,
-- | A declaration of which security mechanisms can be used across the API.
-- The list of values includes alternative security requirement objects that can be used.
-- Only one of the security requirement objects need to be satisfied to authorize a request.
-- Individual operations can override this definition.
-- To make security optional, an empty security requirement can be included in the array.
- , _openApiSecurity :: [SecurityRequirement]
+ _openApiSecurity :: [SecurityRequirement],
-- | A list of tags used by the specification with additional metadata.
-- The order of the tags can be used to reflect on their order by the parsing tools.
-- Not all tags that are used by the 'Operation' Object must be declared.
-- The tags that are not declared MAY be organized randomly or based on the tools' logic.
-- Each tag name in the list MUST be unique.
- , _openApiTags :: InsOrdHashSet Tag
+ _openApiTags :: InsOrdHashSet Tag,
-- | Additional external documentation.
- , _openApiExternalDocs :: Maybe ExternalDocs
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _openApiExternalDocs :: Maybe ExternalDocs,
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _openApiExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
-- | The object provides metadata about the API.
-- The metadata MAY be used by the clients if needed,
-- and MAY be presented in editing or documentation generation tools for convenience.
data Info = Info
{ -- | The title of the API.
- _infoTitle :: Text
+ _infoTitle :: Text,
-- | A short description of the API.
-- [CommonMark syntax](https://spec.commonmark.org/) MAY be used for rich text representation.
- , _infoDescription :: Maybe Text
+ _infoDescription :: Maybe Text,
-- | A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL.
- , _infoTermsOfService :: Maybe Text
+ _infoTermsOfService :: Maybe Text,
-- | The contact information for the exposed API.
- , _infoContact :: Maybe Contact
+ _infoContact :: Maybe Contact,
-- | The license information for the exposed API.
- , _infoLicense :: Maybe License
+ _infoLicense :: Maybe License,
-- | The version of the OpenAPI document (which is distinct from the
-- OpenAPI Specification version or the API implementation version).
- , _infoVersion :: Text
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _infoVersion :: Text,
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _infoExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
-- | Contact information for the exposed API.
data Contact = Contact
{ -- | The identifying name of the contact person/organization.
- _contactName :: Maybe Text
+ _contactName :: Maybe Text,
-- | The URL pointing to the contact information.
- , _contactUrl :: Maybe URL
+ _contactUrl :: Maybe URL,
-- | The email address of the contact person/organization.
- , _contactEmail :: Maybe Text
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _contactEmail :: Maybe Text,
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _contactExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
-- | License information for the exposed API.
data License = License
{ -- | The license name used for the API.
- _licenseName :: Text
+ _licenseName :: Text,
-- | A URL to the license used for the API.
- , _licenseUrl :: Maybe URL
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _licenseUrl :: Maybe URL,
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _licenseExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
instance IsString License where
- fromString s = License (fromString s) Nothing
+ fromString s = License (fromString s) Nothing mempty
-- | An object representing a Server.
data Server = Server
@@ -156,50 +171,54 @@ data Server = Server
-- to indicate that the host location is relative to the location where
-- the OpenAPI document is being served. Variable substitutions will be made when
-- a variable is named in @{brackets}@.
- _serverUrl :: Text
+ _serverUrl :: Text,
-- | An optional string describing the host designated by the URL.
-- [CommonMark syntax](https://spec.commonmark.org/) MAY be used for rich text representation.
- , _serverDescription :: Maybe Text
+ _serverDescription :: Maybe Text,
-- | A map between a variable name and its value.
-- The value is used for substitution in the server's URL template.
- , _serverVariables :: InsOrdHashMap Text ServerVariable
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _serverVariables :: InsOrdHashMap Text ServerVariable,
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _serverExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
data ServerVariable = ServerVariable
{ -- | An enumeration of string values to be used if the substitution options
-- are from a limited set. The array SHOULD NOT be empty.
- _serverVariableEnum :: Maybe (InsOrdHashSet Text) -- TODO NonEmpty
+ _serverVariableEnum :: Maybe (InsOrdHashSet Text), -- TODO NonEmpty
-- | The default value to use for substitution, which SHALL be sent if an alternate value
-- is not supplied. Note this behavior is different than the 'Schema\ Object's treatment
-- of default values, because in those cases parameter values are optional.
-- If the '_serverVariableEnum' is defined, the value SHOULD exist in the enum's values.
- , _serverVariableDefault :: Text
+ _serverVariableDefault :: Text,
-- | An optional description for the server variable.
-- [CommonMark syntax](https://spec.commonmark.org/) MAY be used for rich text representation.
- , _serverVariableDescription :: Maybe Text
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _serverVariableDescription :: Maybe Text,
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _serverVariableExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
instance IsString Server where
- fromString s = Server (fromString s) Nothing mempty
+ fromString s = Server (fromString s) Nothing mempty mempty
-- | Holds a set of reusable objects for different aspects of the OAS.
-- All objects defined within the components object will have no effect on the API
-- unless they are explicitly referenced from properties outside the components object.
data Components = Components
- { _componentsSchemas :: Definitions Schema
- , _componentsResponses :: Definitions Response
- , _componentsParameters :: Definitions Param
- , _componentsExamples :: Definitions Example
- , _componentsRequestBodies :: Definitions RequestBody
- , _componentsHeaders :: Definitions Header
- , _componentsSecuritySchemes :: Definitions SecurityScheme
- , _componentsLinks :: Definitions Link
- , _componentsCallbacks :: Definitions Callback
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ { _componentsSchemas :: Definitions Schema,
+ _componentsResponses :: Definitions Response,
+ _componentsParameters :: Definitions Param,
+ _componentsExamples :: Definitions Example,
+ _componentsRequestBodies :: Definitions RequestBody,
+ _componentsHeaders :: Definitions Header,
+ _componentsSecuritySchemes :: Definitions SecurityScheme,
+ _componentsLinks :: Definitions Link,
+ _componentsCallbacks :: Definitions Callback
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
-- | Describes the operations available on a single path.
-- A @'PathItem'@ may be empty, due to ACL constraints.
@@ -207,110 +226,94 @@ data Components = Components
-- but they will not know which operations and parameters are available.
data PathItem = PathItem
{ -- | An optional, string summary, intended to apply to all operations in this path.
- _pathItemSummary :: Maybe Text
+ _pathItemSummary :: Maybe Text,
-- | An optional, string description, intended to apply to all operations in this path.
-- [CommonMark syntax](https://spec.commonmark.org/) MAY be used for rich text representation.
- , _pathItemDescription :: Maybe Text
+ _pathItemDescription :: Maybe Text,
-- | A definition of a GET operation on this path.
- , _pathItemGet :: Maybe Operation
+ _pathItemGet :: Maybe Operation,
-- | A definition of a PUT operation on this path.
- , _pathItemPut :: Maybe Operation
+ _pathItemPut :: Maybe Operation,
-- | A definition of a POST operation on this path.
- , _pathItemPost :: Maybe Operation
+ _pathItemPost :: Maybe Operation,
-- | A definition of a DELETE operation on this path.
- , _pathItemDelete :: Maybe Operation
+ _pathItemDelete :: Maybe Operation,
-- | A definition of a OPTIONS operation on this path.
- , _pathItemOptions :: Maybe Operation
+ _pathItemOptions :: Maybe Operation,
-- | A definition of a HEAD operation on this path.
- , _pathItemHead :: Maybe Operation
+ _pathItemHead :: Maybe Operation,
-- | A definition of a PATCH operation on this path.
- , _pathItemPatch :: Maybe Operation
+ _pathItemPatch :: Maybe Operation,
-- | A definition of a TRACE operation on this path.
- , _pathItemTrace :: Maybe Operation
+ _pathItemTrace :: Maybe Operation,
-- | An alternative server array to service all operations in this path.
- , _pathItemServers :: [Server]
+ _pathItemServers :: [Server],
-- | A list of parameters that are applicable for all the operations described under this path.
-- These parameters can be overridden at the operation level, but cannot be removed there.
-- The list MUST NOT include duplicated parameters.
-- A unique parameter is defined by a combination of a name and location.
- , _pathItemParameters :: [Referenced Param]
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _pathItemParameters :: [Referenced Param],
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _pathItemExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
-- | Describes a single API operation on a path.
data Operation = Operation
{ -- | A list of tags for API documentation control.
-- Tags can be used for logical grouping of operations by resources or any other qualifier.
- _operationTags :: InsOrdHashSet TagName
+ _operationTags :: InsOrdHashSet TagName,
-- | A short summary of what the operation does.
-- For maximum readability in the swagger-ui, this field SHOULD be less than 120 characters.
- , _operationSummary :: Maybe Text
+ _operationSummary :: Maybe Text,
-- | A verbose explanation of the operation behavior.
-- [CommonMark syntax](https://spec.commonmark.org/) can be used for rich text representation.
- , _operationDescription :: Maybe Text
+ _operationDescription :: Maybe Text,
-- | Additional external documentation for this operation.
- , _operationExternalDocs :: Maybe ExternalDocs
+ _operationExternalDocs :: Maybe ExternalDocs,
-- | Unique string used to identify the operation.
-- The id MUST be unique among all operations described in the API.
-- The operationId value is **case-sensitive**.
-- Tools and libraries MAY use the operationId to uniquely identify an operation, therefore,
-- it is RECOMMENDED to follow common programming naming conventions.
- , _operationOperationId :: Maybe Text
+ _operationOperationId :: Maybe Text,
-- | A list of parameters that are applicable for this operation.
-- If a parameter is already defined at the @'PathItem'@,
-- the new definition will override it, but can never remove it.
-- The list MUST NOT include duplicated parameters.
-- A unique parameter is defined by a combination of a name and location.
- , _operationParameters :: [Referenced Param]
+ _operationParameters :: [Referenced Param],
-- | The request body applicable for this operation.
-- The requestBody is only supported in HTTP methods where the HTTP 1.1
-- specification [RFC7231](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-4.3.1)
-- has explicitly defined semantics for request bodies.
-- In other cases where the HTTP spec is vague, requestBody SHALL be ignored by consumers.
- , _operationRequestBody :: Maybe (Referenced RequestBody)
+ _operationRequestBody :: Maybe (Referenced RequestBody),
-- | The list of possible responses as they are returned from executing this operation.
- , _operationResponses :: Responses
+ _operationResponses :: Responses,
-- | A map of possible out-of band callbacks related to the parent operation.
-- The key is a unique identifier for the 'Callback' Object.
-- Each value in the map is a 'Callback' Object that describes a request
-- that may be initiated by the API provider and the expected responses.
- , _operationCallbacks :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Callback)
+ _operationCallbacks :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Callback),
-- | Declares this operation to be deprecated.
-- Usage of the declared operation should be refrained.
-- Default value is @False@.
- , _operationDeprecated :: Maybe Bool
+ _operationDeprecated :: Maybe Bool,
-- | A declaration of which security schemes are applied for this operation.
-- The list of values describes alternative security schemes that can be used
-- (that is, there is a logical OR between the security requirements).
-- This definition overrides any declared top-level security.
-- To remove a top-level security declaration, @Just []@ can be used.
- , _operationSecurity :: [SecurityRequirement]
+ _operationSecurity :: [SecurityRequirement],
-- | An alternative server array to service this operation.
-- If an alternative server object is specified at the 'PathItem' Object or Root level,
-- it will be overridden by this value.
- , _operationServers :: [Server]
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _operationServers :: [Server],
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _operationExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
-- This instance should be in @http-media@.
instance Data MediaType where
@@ -323,6 +326,7 @@ instance Data MediaType where
dataTypeOf _ = mediaTypeData
mediaTypeConstr = mkConstr mediaTypeData "MediaType" [] Prefix
mediaTypeData = mkDataType "MediaType" [mediaTypeConstr]
instance Hashable MediaType where
@@ -332,59 +336,60 @@ instance Hashable MediaType where
data RequestBody = RequestBody
{ -- | A brief description of the request body. This could contain examples of use.
-- [CommonMark syntax](https://spec.commonmark.org/) MAY be used for rich text representation.
- _requestBodyDescription :: Maybe Text
+ _requestBodyDescription :: Maybe Text,
-- | The content of the request body.
-- The key is a media type or media type range and the value describes it.
-- For requests that match multiple keys, only the most specific key is applicable.
-- e.g. @text/plain@ overrides @text/*@
- , _requestBodyContent :: InsOrdHashMap MediaType MediaTypeObject
+ _requestBodyContent :: InsOrdHashMap MediaType MediaTypeObject,
-- | Determines if the request body is required in the request.
-- Defaults to 'False'.
- , _requestBodyRequired :: Maybe Bool
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _requestBodyRequired :: Maybe Bool,
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _requestBodyExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
-- | Each Media Type Object provides schema and examples for the media type identified by its key.
data MediaTypeObject = MediaTypeObject
- { _mediaTypeObjectSchema :: Maybe (Referenced Schema)
+ { _mediaTypeObjectSchema :: Maybe (Referenced Schema),
-- | Example of the media type.
-- The example object SHOULD be in the correct format as specified by the media type.
- , _mediaTypeObjectExample :: Maybe Value
+ _mediaTypeObjectExample :: Maybe Value,
-- | Examples of the media type.
-- Each example object SHOULD match the media type and specified schema if present.
- , _mediaTypeObjectExamples :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Example)
+ _mediaTypeObjectExamples :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Example),
-- | A map between a property name and its encoding information.
-- The key, being the property name, MUST exist in the schema as a property.
-- The encoding object SHALL only apply to 'RequestBody' objects when the media type
-- is @multipart@ or @application/x-www-form-urlencoded@.
- , _mediaTypeObjectEncoding :: InsOrdHashMap Text Encoding
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _mediaTypeObjectEncoding :: InsOrdHashMap Text Encoding,
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _mediaTypeObjectExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
-- | In order to support common ways of serializing simple parameters, a set of style values are defined.
data Style
- = StyleMatrix
- -- ^ Path-style parameters defined by [RFC6570](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570#section-3.2.7).
- | StyleLabel
- -- ^ Label style parameters defined by [RFC6570](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570#section-3.2.7).
- | StyleForm
- -- ^ Form style parameters defined by [RFC6570](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570#section-3.2.7).
+ = -- | Path-style parameters defined by [RFC6570](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570#section-3.2.7).
+ StyleMatrix
+ | -- | Label style parameters defined by [RFC6570](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570#section-3.2.7).
+ StyleLabel
+ | -- | Form style parameters defined by [RFC6570](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570#section-3.2.7).
-- This option replaces @collectionFormat@ with a @csv@ (when @explode@ is false) or @multi@
-- (when explode is true) value from OpenAPI 2.0.
- | StyleSimple
- -- ^ Simple style parameters defined by [RFC6570](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570#section-3.2.7).
+ StyleForm
+ | -- | Simple style parameters defined by [RFC6570](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570#section-3.2.7).
-- This option replaces @collectionFormat@ with a @csv@ value from OpenAPI 2.0.
- | StyleSpaceDelimited
- -- ^ Space separated array values.
+ StyleSimple
+ | -- | Space separated array values.
-- This option replaces @collectionFormat@ equal to @ssv@ from OpenAPI 2.0.
- | StylePipeDelimited
- -- ^ Pipe separated array values.
+ StyleSpaceDelimited
+ | -- | Pipe separated array values.
-- This option replaces @collectionFormat@ equal to @pipes@ from OpenAPI 2.0.
- | StyleDeepObject
- -- ^ Provides a simple way of rendering nested objects using form parameters.
+ StylePipeDelimited
+ | -- | Provides a simple way of rendering nested objects using form parameters.
+ StyleDeepObject
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
data Encoding = Encoding
@@ -395,21 +400,18 @@ data Encoding = Encoding
-- for array – the default is defined based on the inner type.
-- The value can be a specific media type (e.g. @application/json@),
-- a wildcard media type (e.g. @image/*@), or a comma-separated list of the two types.
- _encodingContentType :: Maybe MediaType
+ _encodingContentType :: Maybe MediaType,
-- | A map allowing additional information to be provided as headers,
-- for example @Content-Disposition@. @Content-Type@ is described separately
-- and SHALL be ignored in this section.
-- This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type is not a @multipart@.
- , _encodingHeaders :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Header)
+ _encodingHeaders :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Header),
-- | Describes how a specific property value will be serialized depending on its type.
-- See 'Param' Object for details on the style property.
-- The behavior follows the same values as query parameters, including default values.
-- This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type
-- is not @application/x-www-form-urlencoded@.
- , _encodingStyle :: Maybe Style
+ _encodingStyle :: Maybe Style,
-- | When this is true, property values of type @array@ or @object@ generate
-- separate parameters for each value of the array,
-- or key-value-pair of the map.
@@ -417,17 +419,19 @@ data Encoding = Encoding
-- When style is form, the default value is @true@. For all other styles,
-- the default value is @false@. This property SHALL be ignored
-- if the request body media type is not @application/x-www-form-urlencoded@.
- , _encodingExplode :: Maybe Bool
+ _encodingExplode :: Maybe Bool,
-- | Determines whether the parameter value SHOULD allow reserved characters,
-- as defined by [RFC3986](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.2)
-- @:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=@ to be included without percent-encoding.
-- The default value is @false@. This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type
-- is not @application/x-www-form-urlencoded@.
- , _encodingAllowReserved :: Maybe Bool
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _encodingAllowReserved :: Maybe Bool,
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _encodingExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
-newtype MimeList = MimeList { getMimeList :: [MediaType] }
+newtype MimeList = MimeList {getMimeList :: [MediaType]}
deriving (Eq, Show, Semigroup, Monoid, Typeable)
mimeListConstr :: Constr
@@ -448,52 +452,42 @@ instance Data MimeList where
data Param = Param
{ -- | The name of the parameter.
-- Parameter names are case sensitive.
- _paramName :: Text
+ _paramName :: Text,
-- | A brief description of the parameter.
-- This could contain examples of use.
-- CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.
- , _paramDescription :: Maybe Text
+ _paramDescription :: Maybe Text,
-- | Determines whether this parameter is mandatory.
-- If the parameter is in "path", this property is required and its value MUST be true.
-- Otherwise, the property MAY be included and its default value is @False@.
- , _paramRequired :: Maybe Bool
+ _paramRequired :: Maybe Bool,
-- | Specifies that a parameter is deprecated and SHOULD be transitioned out of usage.
-- Default value is @false@.
- , _paramDeprecated :: Maybe Bool
+ _paramDeprecated :: Maybe Bool,
-- | The location of the parameter.
- , _paramIn :: ParamLocation
+ _paramIn :: ParamLocation,
-- | Sets the ability to pass empty-valued parameters.
-- This is valid only for 'ParamQuery' parameters and allows sending
-- a parameter with an empty value. Default value is @false@.
- , _paramAllowEmptyValue :: Maybe Bool
+ _paramAllowEmptyValue :: Maybe Bool,
-- | Determines whether the parameter value SHOULD allow reserved characters,
-- as defined by [RFC3986](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.2)
-- @:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=@ to be included without percent-encoding.
-- This property only applies to parameters with an '_paramIn' value of 'ParamQuery'.
-- The default value is 'False'.
- , _paramAllowReserved :: Maybe Bool
+ _paramAllowReserved :: Maybe Bool,
-- | Parameter schema.
- , _paramSchema :: Maybe (Referenced Schema)
+ _paramSchema :: Maybe (Referenced Schema),
-- | Describes how the parameter value will be serialized depending
-- on the type of the parameter value. Default values (based on value of '_paramIn'):
-- for 'ParamQuery' - 'StyleForm'; for 'ParamPath' - 'StyleSimple'; for 'ParamHeader' - 'StyleSimple';
-- for 'ParamCookie' - 'StyleForm'.
- , _paramStyle :: Maybe Style
+ _paramStyle :: Maybe Style,
-- | When this is true, parameter values of type @array@ or @object@
-- generate separate parameters for each value of the array or key-value pair of the map.
-- For other types of parameters this property has no effect.
-- When style is @form@, the default value is true. For all other styles, the default value is false.
- , _paramExplode :: Maybe Bool
+ _paramExplode :: Maybe Bool,
-- | Example of the parameter's potential value.
-- The example SHOULD match the specified schema and encoding properties if present.
-- The '_paramExample' field is mutually exclusive of the '_paramExamples' field.
@@ -501,41 +495,40 @@ data Param = Param
-- SHALL override the example provided by the schema. To represent examples of media types
-- that cannot naturally be represented in JSON or YAML, a string value can contain
-- the example with escaping where necessary.
- , _paramExample :: Maybe Value
+ _paramExample :: Maybe Value,
-- | Examples of the parameter's potential value.
-- Each example SHOULD contain a value in the correct format as specified
-- in the parameter encoding. The '_paramExamples' field is mutually exclusive of the '_paramExample' field.
-- Furthermore, if referencing a schema that contains an example,
-- the examples value SHALL override the example provided by the schema.
- , _paramExamples :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Example)
+ _paramExamples :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Example)
-- _paramContent :: InsOrdHashMap MediaType MediaTypeObject
-- should be singleton. mutually exclusive with _paramSchema.
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
data Example = Example
{ -- | Short description for the example.
- _exampleSummary :: Maybe Text
+ _exampleSummary :: Maybe Text,
-- | Long description for the example.
-- CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.
- , _exampleDescription :: Maybe Text
+ _exampleDescription :: Maybe Text,
-- | Embedded literal example.
-- The '_exampleValue' field and '_exampleExternalValue' field are mutually exclusive.
-- To represent examples of media types that cannot naturally represented in JSON or YAML,
-- use a string value to contain the example, escaping where necessary.
- , _exampleValue :: Maybe Value
+ _exampleValue :: Maybe Value,
-- | A URL that points to the literal example.
-- This provides the capability to reference examples that cannot easily be included
-- in JSON or YAML documents. The '_exampleValue' field
-- and '_exampleExternalValue' field are mutually exclusive.
- , _exampleExternalValue :: Maybe URL
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable, Data)
+ _exampleExternalValue :: Maybe URL,
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _exampleExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable, Data)
data ExpressionOrValue
= Expression Text
@@ -550,28 +543,26 @@ data Link = Link
-- This field is mutually exclusive of the '_linkOperationId' field,
-- and MUST point to an 'Operation' Object. Relative '_linkOperationRef'
-- values MAY be used to locate an existing 'Operation' Object in the OpenAPI definition.
- _linkOperationRef :: Maybe Text
+ _linkOperationRef :: Maybe Text,
-- | The name of an /existing/, resolvable OAS operation, as defined with a unique
-- '_operationOperationId'. This field is mutually exclusive of the '_linkOperationRef' field.
- , _linkOperationId :: Maybe Text
+ _linkOperationId :: Maybe Text,
-- | A map representing parameters to pass to an operation as specified with '_linkOperationId'
-- or identified via '_linkOperationRef'. The key is the parameter name to be used, whereas
-- the value can be a constant or an expression to be evaluated and passed to the linked operation.
-- The parameter name can be qualified using the parameter location @[{in}.]{name}@
-- for operations that use the same parameter name in different locations (e.g. path.id).
- , _linkParameters :: InsOrdHashMap Text ExpressionOrValue
+ _linkParameters :: InsOrdHashMap Text ExpressionOrValue,
-- | A literal value or @{expression}@ to use as a request body when calling the target operation.
- , _linkRequestBody :: Maybe ExpressionOrValue
+ _linkRequestBody :: Maybe ExpressionOrValue,
-- | A description of the link.
- , _linkDescription :: Maybe Text
+ _linkDescription :: Maybe Text,
-- | A server object to be used by the target operation.
- , _linkServer :: Maybe Server
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable, Data)
+ _linkServer :: Maybe Server,
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _linkExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable, Data)
-- | Items for @'OpenApiArray'@ schemas.
@@ -582,32 +573,32 @@ data Link = Link
-- @'OpenApiItemsArray'@ should be used to specify tuple @'Schema'@s.
data OpenApiItems where
- OpenApiItemsObject :: Referenced Schema -> OpenApiItems
- OpenApiItemsArray :: [Referenced Schema] -> OpenApiItems
+ OpenApiItemsObject :: Referenced Schema -> OpenApiItems
+ OpenApiItemsArray :: [Referenced Schema] -> OpenApiItems
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data)
data OpenApiType where
- OpenApiString :: OpenApiType
- OpenApiNumber :: OpenApiType
- OpenApiInteger :: OpenApiType
- OpenApiBoolean :: OpenApiType
- OpenApiArray :: OpenApiType
- OpenApiNull :: OpenApiType
- OpenApiObject :: OpenApiType
+ OpenApiString :: OpenApiType
+ OpenApiNumber :: OpenApiType
+ OpenApiInteger :: OpenApiType
+ OpenApiBoolean :: OpenApiType
+ OpenApiArray :: OpenApiType
+ OpenApiNull :: OpenApiType
+ OpenApiObject :: OpenApiType
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic, Data)
data ParamLocation
= -- | Parameters that are appended to the URL.
-- For example, in @/items?id=###@, the query parameter is @id@.
- -- | Custom headers that are expected as part of the request.
- | ParamHeader
- -- | Used together with Path Templating, where the parameter value is actually part of the operation's URL.
+ | -- | Custom headers that are expected as part of the request.
+ ParamHeader
+ | -- | Used together with Path Templating, where the parameter value is actually part of the operation's URL.
-- This does not include the host or base path of the API.
-- For example, in @/items/{itemId}@, the path parameter is @itemId@.
- | ParamPath
- -- | Used to pass a specific cookie value to the API.
- | ParamCookie
+ ParamPath
+ | -- | Used to pass a specific cookie value to the API.
+ ParamCookie
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
type Format = Text
@@ -615,70 +606,69 @@ type Format = Text
type ParamName = Text
data Schema = Schema
- { _schemaTitle :: Maybe Text
- , _schemaDescription :: Maybe Text
- , _schemaRequired :: [ParamName]
- , _schemaNullable :: Maybe Bool
- , _schemaAllOf :: Maybe [Referenced Schema]
- , _schemaOneOf :: Maybe [Referenced Schema]
- , _schemaNot :: Maybe (Referenced Schema)
- , _schemaAnyOf :: Maybe [Referenced Schema]
- , _schemaProperties :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Schema)
- , _schemaAdditionalProperties :: Maybe AdditionalProperties
- , _schemaDiscriminator :: Maybe Discriminator
- , _schemaReadOnly :: Maybe Bool
- , _schemaWriteOnly :: Maybe Bool
- , _schemaXml :: Maybe Xml
- , _schemaExternalDocs :: Maybe ExternalDocs
- , _schemaExample :: Maybe Value
- , _schemaDeprecated :: Maybe Bool
- , _schemaMaxProperties :: Maybe Integer
- , _schemaMinProperties :: Maybe Integer
- , -- | Declares the value of the parameter that the server will use if none is provided,
+ { _schemaTitle :: Maybe Text,
+ _schemaDescription :: Maybe Text,
+ _schemaRequired :: [ParamName],
+ _schemaNullable :: Maybe Bool,
+ _schemaAllOf :: Maybe [Referenced Schema],
+ _schemaOneOf :: Maybe [Referenced Schema],
+ _schemaNot :: Maybe (Referenced Schema),
+ _schemaAnyOf :: Maybe [Referenced Schema],
+ _schemaProperties :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Schema),
+ _schemaAdditionalProperties :: Maybe AdditionalProperties,
+ _schemaDiscriminator :: Maybe Discriminator,
+ _schemaReadOnly :: Maybe Bool,
+ _schemaWriteOnly :: Maybe Bool,
+ _schemaXml :: Maybe Xml,
+ _schemaExternalDocs :: Maybe ExternalDocs,
+ _schemaExample :: Maybe Value,
+ _schemaDeprecated :: Maybe Bool,
+ _schemaMaxProperties :: Maybe Integer,
+ _schemaMinProperties :: Maybe Integer,
+ -- | Declares the value of the parameter that the server will use if none is provided,
-- for example a @"count"@ to control the number of results per page might default to @100@
-- if not supplied by the client in the request.
-- (Note: "default" has no meaning for required parameters.)
-- Unlike JSON Schema this value MUST conform to the defined type for this parameter.
- _schemaDefault :: Maybe Value
- , _schemaType :: Maybe OpenApiType
- , _schemaFormat :: Maybe Format
- , _schemaItems :: Maybe OpenApiItems
- , _schemaMaximum :: Maybe Scientific
- , _schemaExclusiveMaximum :: Maybe Bool
- , _schemaMinimum :: Maybe Scientific
- , _schemaExclusiveMinimum :: Maybe Bool
- , _schemaMaxLength :: Maybe Integer
- , _schemaMinLength :: Maybe Integer
- , _schemaPattern :: Maybe Pattern
- , _schemaMaxItems :: Maybe Integer
- , _schemaMinItems :: Maybe Integer
- , _schemaUniqueItems :: Maybe Bool
- , _schemaEnum :: Maybe [Value]
- , _schemaMultipleOf :: Maybe Scientific
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _schemaDefault :: Maybe Value,
+ _schemaType :: Maybe OpenApiType,
+ _schemaFormat :: Maybe Format,
+ _schemaItems :: Maybe OpenApiItems,
+ _schemaMaximum :: Maybe Scientific,
+ _schemaExclusiveMaximum :: Maybe Bool,
+ _schemaMinimum :: Maybe Scientific,
+ _schemaExclusiveMinimum :: Maybe Bool,
+ _schemaMaxLength :: Maybe Integer,
+ _schemaMinLength :: Maybe Integer,
+ _schemaPattern :: Maybe Pattern,
+ _schemaMaxItems :: Maybe Integer,
+ _schemaMinItems :: Maybe Integer,
+ _schemaUniqueItems :: Maybe Bool,
+ _schemaEnum :: Maybe [Value],
+ _schemaMultipleOf :: Maybe Scientific,
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _schemaExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
-- | Regex pattern for @string@ type.
type Pattern = Text
data Discriminator = Discriminator
{ -- | The name of the property in the payload that will hold the discriminator value.
- _discriminatorPropertyName :: Text
+ _discriminatorPropertyName :: Text,
-- | An object to hold mappings between payload values and schema names or references.
- , _discriminatorMapping :: InsOrdHashMap Text Text
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _discriminatorMapping :: InsOrdHashMap Text Text
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
-- | A @'Schema'@ with an optional name.
-- This name can be used in references.
data NamedSchema = NamedSchema
- { _namedSchemaName :: Maybe Text
- , _namedSchemaSchema :: Schema
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ { _namedSchemaName :: Maybe Text,
+ _namedSchemaSchema :: Schema
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
data Xml = Xml
{ -- | Replaces the name of the element/attribute used for the described schema property.
@@ -686,27 +676,26 @@ data Xml = Xml
-- When defined alongside type being array (outside the items),
-- it will affect the wrapping element and only if wrapped is true.
-- If wrapped is false, it will be ignored.
- _xmlName :: Maybe Text
+ _xmlName :: Maybe Text,
-- | The URL of the namespace definition.
-- Value SHOULD be in the form of a URL.
- , _xmlNamespace :: Maybe Text
+ _xmlNamespace :: Maybe Text,
-- | The prefix to be used for the name.
- , _xmlPrefix :: Maybe Text
+ _xmlPrefix :: Maybe Text,
-- | Declares whether the property definition translates to an attribute instead of an element.
-- Default value is @False@.
- , _xmlAttribute :: Maybe Bool
+ _xmlAttribute :: Maybe Bool,
-- | MAY be used only for an array definition.
-- Signifies whether the array is wrapped
-- (for example, @\\\\@)
-- or unwrapped (@\\@).
-- Default value is @False@.
-- The definition takes effect only when defined alongside type being array (outside the items).
- , _xmlWrapped :: Maybe Bool
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _xmlWrapped :: Maybe Bool,
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _xmlExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
-- | A container for the expected responses of an operation.
-- The container maps a HTTP response code to the expected response.
@@ -716,12 +705,14 @@ data Xml = Xml
data Responses = Responses
{ -- | The documentation of responses other than the ones declared for specific HTTP response codes.
-- It can be used to cover undeclared responses.
- _responsesDefault :: Maybe (Referenced Response)
+ _responsesDefault :: Maybe (Referenced Response),
-- | Any HTTP status code can be used as the property name (one property per HTTP status code).
-- Describes the expected response for those HTTP status codes.
- , _responsesResponses :: InsOrdHashMap HttpStatusCode (Referenced Response)
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _responsesResponses :: InsOrdHashMap HttpStatusCode (Referenced Response),
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _responsesExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
type HttpStatusCode = Int
@@ -729,25 +720,25 @@ type HttpStatusCode = Int
data Response = Response
{ -- | A short description of the response.
-- [CommonMark syntax](https://spec.commonmark.org/) can be used for rich text representation.
- _responseDescription :: Text
+ _responseDescription :: Text,
-- | A map containing descriptions of potential response payloads.
-- The key is a media type or media type range and the value describes it.
-- For responses that match multiple keys, only the most specific key is applicable.
-- e.g. @text/plain@ overrides @text/*@.
- , _responseContent :: InsOrdHashMap MediaType MediaTypeObject
+ _responseContent :: InsOrdHashMap MediaType MediaTypeObject,
-- | Maps a header name to its definition.
- , _responseHeaders :: InsOrdHashMap HeaderName (Referenced Header)
+ _responseHeaders :: InsOrdHashMap HeaderName (Referenced Header),
-- | A map of operations links that can be followed from the response.
-- The key of the map is a short name for the link, following the naming
-- constraints of the names for 'Component' Objects.
- , _responseLinks :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Link)
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _responseLinks :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Link),
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _responseExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
instance IsString Response where
- fromString s = Response (fromString s) mempty mempty mempty
+ fromString s = Response (fromString s) mempty mempty mempty mempty
-- | A map of possible out-of band callbacks related to the parent operation.
-- Each value in the map is a 'PathItem' Object that describes a set of requests that
@@ -764,17 +755,16 @@ type HeaderName = Text
-- Style is always treated as 'StyleSimple', as it is the only value allowed for headers.
data Header = Header
{ -- | A short description of the header.
- _headerDescription :: Maybe HeaderName
- , _headerRequired :: Maybe Bool
- , _headerDeprecated :: Maybe Bool
- , _headerAllowEmptyValue :: Maybe Bool
- , _headerExplode :: Maybe Bool
- , _headerExample :: Maybe Value
- , _headerExamples :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Example)
- , _headerSchema :: Maybe (Referenced Schema)
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _headerDescription :: Maybe HeaderName,
+ _headerRequired :: Maybe Bool,
+ _headerDeprecated :: Maybe Bool,
+ _headerAllowEmptyValue :: Maybe Bool,
+ _headerExplode :: Maybe Bool,
+ _headerExample :: Maybe Value,
+ _headerExamples :: InsOrdHashMap Text (Referenced Example),
+ _headerSchema :: Maybe (Referenced Schema)
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
-- | The location of the API key.
data ApiKeyLocation
@@ -785,11 +775,11 @@ data ApiKeyLocation
data ApiKeyParams = ApiKeyParams
{ -- | The name of the header or query parameter to be used.
- _apiKeyName :: Text
+ _apiKeyName :: Text,
-- | The location of the API key.
- , _apiKeyIn :: ApiKeyLocation
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _apiKeyIn :: ApiKeyLocation
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
-- | The authorization URL to be used for OAuth2 flow. This SHOULD be in the form of a URL.
type AuthorizationURL = Text
@@ -797,48 +787,47 @@ type AuthorizationURL = Text
-- | The token URL to be used for OAuth2 flow. This SHOULD be in the form of a URL.
type TokenURL = Text
-newtype OAuth2ImplicitFlow
- = OAuth2ImplicitFlow {_oAuth2ImplicitFlowAuthorizationUrl :: AuthorizationURL}
+newtype OAuth2ImplicitFlow = OAuth2ImplicitFlow {_oAuth2ImplicitFlowAuthorizationUrl :: AuthorizationURL}
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
-newtype OAuth2PasswordFlow
- = OAuth2PasswordFlow {_oAuth2PasswordFlowTokenUrl :: TokenURL}
+newtype OAuth2PasswordFlow = OAuth2PasswordFlow {_oAuth2PasswordFlowTokenUrl :: TokenURL}
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
-newtype OAuth2ClientCredentialsFlow
- = OAuth2ClientCredentialsFlow {_oAuth2ClientCredentialsFlowTokenUrl :: TokenURL}
+newtype OAuth2ClientCredentialsFlow = OAuth2ClientCredentialsFlow {_oAuth2ClientCredentialsFlowTokenUrl :: TokenURL}
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
data OAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow = OAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow
- { _oAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlowAuthorizationUrl :: AuthorizationURL
- , _oAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlowTokenUrl :: TokenURL
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ { _oAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlowAuthorizationUrl :: AuthorizationURL,
+ _oAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlowTokenUrl :: TokenURL
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
data OAuth2Flow p = OAuth2Flow
- { _oAuth2Params :: p
+ { _oAuth2Params :: p,
-- | The URL to be used for obtaining refresh tokens.
- , _oAath2RefreshUrl :: Maybe URL
+ _oAath2RefreshUrl :: Maybe URL,
-- | The available scopes for the OAuth2 security scheme.
-- A map between the scope name and a short description for it.
-- The map MAY be empty.
- , _oAuth2Scopes :: InsOrdHashMap Text Text
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _oAuth2Scopes :: InsOrdHashMap Text Text,
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _oAuth2Extensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
data OAuth2Flows = OAuth2Flows
{ -- | Configuration for the OAuth Implicit flow
- _oAuth2FlowsImplicit :: Maybe (OAuth2Flow OAuth2ImplicitFlow)
+ _oAuth2FlowsImplicit :: Maybe (OAuth2Flow OAuth2ImplicitFlow),
-- | Configuration for the OAuth Resource Owner Password flow
- , _oAuth2FlowsPassword :: Maybe (OAuth2Flow OAuth2PasswordFlow)
+ _oAuth2FlowsPassword :: Maybe (OAuth2Flow OAuth2PasswordFlow),
-- | Configuration for the OAuth Client Credentials flow
- , _oAuth2FlowsClientCredentials :: Maybe (OAuth2Flow OAuth2ClientCredentialsFlow)
+ _oAuth2FlowsClientCredentials :: Maybe (OAuth2Flow OAuth2ClientCredentialsFlow),
-- | Configuration for the OAuth Authorization Code flow
- , _oAuth2FlowsAuthorizationCode :: Maybe (OAuth2Flow OAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow)
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _oAuth2FlowsAuthorizationCode :: Maybe (OAuth2Flow OAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow),
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _oAuth2FlowsExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
type BearerFormat = Text
@@ -881,7 +870,6 @@ data HttpSchemeType
-- "name": "id",
-- "type": "apiKey"
-- }
data SecuritySchemeType
= SecuritySchemeHttp HttpSchemeType
| SecuritySchemeApiKey ApiKeyParams
@@ -891,11 +879,13 @@ data SecuritySchemeType
data SecurityScheme = SecurityScheme
{ -- | The type of the security scheme.
- _securitySchemeType :: SecuritySchemeType
+ _securitySchemeType :: SecuritySchemeType,
-- | A short description for security scheme.
- , _securitySchemeDescription :: Maybe Text
- } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _securitySchemeDescription :: Maybe Text,
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _securitySchemeExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
newtype SecurityDefinitions
= SecurityDefinitions (Definitions SecurityScheme)
@@ -906,7 +896,8 @@ newtype SecurityDefinitions
-- (that is, there is a logical AND between the schemes).
newtype SecurityRequirement = SecurityRequirement
{ getSecurityRequirement :: InsOrdHashMap Text [Text]
- } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Semigroup, Monoid, ToJSON, FromJSON, Data, Typeable)
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Semigroup, Monoid, ToJSON, FromJSON, Data, Typeable)
-- | Tag name.
type TagName = Text
@@ -915,36 +906,39 @@ type TagName = Text
-- It is not mandatory to have a @Tag@ per tag used there.
data Tag = Tag
{ -- | The name of the tag.
- _tagName :: TagName
+ _tagName :: TagName,
-- | A short description for the tag.
-- [CommonMark syntax](https://spec.commonmark.org/) MAY be used for rich text representation.
- , _tagDescription :: Maybe Text
+ _tagDescription :: Maybe Text,
-- | Additional external documentation for this tag.
- , _tagExternalDocs :: Maybe ExternalDocs
- } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _tagExternalDocs :: Maybe ExternalDocs,
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _tagExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
instance Hashable Tag
instance IsString Tag where
- fromString s = Tag (fromString s) Nothing Nothing
+ fromString s = Tag (fromString s) Nothing Nothing mempty
-- | Allows referencing an external resource for extended documentation.
data ExternalDocs = ExternalDocs
{ -- | A short description of the target documentation.
-- [CommonMark syntax](https://spec.commonmark.org/) MAY be used for rich text representation.
- _externalDocsDescription :: Maybe Text
+ _externalDocsDescription :: Maybe Text,
-- | The URL for the target documentation.
- , _externalDocsUrl :: URL
- } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
+ _externalDocsUrl :: URL,
+ -- | Specification Extensions
+ _externalDocsExtensions :: SpecificationExtensions
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
instance Hashable ExternalDocs
-- | A simple object to allow referencing other definitions in the specification.
-- It can be used to reference parameters and responses that are defined at the top level for reuse.
-newtype Reference = Reference { getReference :: Text }
+newtype Reference = Reference {getReference :: Text}
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)
data Referenced a
@@ -955,13 +949,16 @@ data Referenced a
instance IsString a => IsString (Referenced a) where
fromString = Inline . fromString
-newtype URL = URL { getUrl :: Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Hashable, ToJSON, FromJSON, Data, Typeable)
+newtype URL = URL {getUrl :: Text} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Hashable, ToJSON, FromJSON, Data, Typeable, AesonDefaultValue)
data AdditionalProperties
= AdditionalPropertiesAllowed Bool
| AdditionalPropertiesSchema (Referenced Schema)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)
+newtype SpecificationExtensions = SpecificationExtensions {getSpecificationExtensions :: Definitions Value}
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Hashable, Data, Typeable, Semigroup, Monoid, SwaggerMonoid, AesonDefaultValue)
-- Generic instances
@@ -984,6 +981,13 @@ deriveGeneric ''OpenApi
deriveGeneric ''Example
deriveGeneric ''Encoding
deriveGeneric ''Link
+deriveGeneric ''Info
+deriveGeneric ''Contact
+deriveGeneric ''License
+deriveGeneric ''ServerVariable
+deriveGeneric ''Tag
+deriveGeneric ''Xml
+deriveGeneric ''ExternalDocs
-- =======================================================================
-- Monoid instances
@@ -991,115 +995,131 @@ deriveGeneric ''Link
instance Semigroup OpenApi where
(<>) = genericMappend
instance Monoid OpenApi where
mempty = genericMempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup Info where
(<>) = genericMappend
instance Monoid Info where
mempty = genericMempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup Contact where
(<>) = genericMappend
instance Monoid Contact where
mempty = genericMempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup Components where
(<>) = genericMappend
instance Monoid Components where
mempty = genericMempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup PathItem where
(<>) = genericMappend
instance Monoid PathItem where
mempty = genericMempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup Schema where
(<>) = genericMappend
instance Monoid Schema where
mempty = genericMempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup Param where
(<>) = genericMappend
instance Monoid Param where
mempty = genericMempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup Header where
(<>) = genericMappend
instance Monoid Header where
mempty = genericMempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup Responses where
(<>) = genericMappend
instance Monoid Responses where
mempty = genericMempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup Response where
(<>) = genericMappend
instance Monoid Response where
mempty = genericMempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup MediaTypeObject where
(<>) = genericMappend
instance Monoid MediaTypeObject where
mempty = genericMempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup Encoding where
(<>) = genericMappend
instance Monoid Encoding where
mempty = genericMempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup ExternalDocs where
(<>) = genericMappend
instance Monoid ExternalDocs where
mempty = genericMempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup Operation where
(<>) = genericMappend
instance Monoid Operation where
mempty = genericMempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup (OAuth2Flow p) where
- l@OAuth2Flow{ _oAath2RefreshUrl = lUrl, _oAuth2Scopes = lScopes }
- <> OAuth2Flow { _oAath2RefreshUrl = rUrl, _oAuth2Scopes = rScopes } =
- l { _oAath2RefreshUrl = swaggerMappend lUrl rUrl, _oAuth2Scopes = lScopes <> rScopes }
+ l@OAuth2Flow {_oAath2RefreshUrl = lUrl, _oAuth2Scopes = lScopes}
+ <> OAuth2Flow {_oAath2RefreshUrl = rUrl, _oAuth2Scopes = rScopes} =
+ l {_oAath2RefreshUrl = swaggerMappend lUrl rUrl, _oAuth2Scopes = lScopes <> rScopes}
-- swaggerMappend has First-like semantics, and here we need mappend'ing under Maybes.
instance Semigroup OAuth2Flows where
- l <> r = OAuth2Flows
- { _oAuth2FlowsImplicit = _oAuth2FlowsImplicit l <> _oAuth2FlowsImplicit r
- , _oAuth2FlowsPassword = _oAuth2FlowsPassword l <> _oAuth2FlowsPassword r
- , _oAuth2FlowsClientCredentials = _oAuth2FlowsClientCredentials l <> _oAuth2FlowsClientCredentials r
- , _oAuth2FlowsAuthorizationCode = _oAuth2FlowsAuthorizationCode l <> _oAuth2FlowsAuthorizationCode r
- }
+ l <> r =
+ OAuth2Flows
+ { _oAuth2FlowsImplicit = _oAuth2FlowsImplicit l <> _oAuth2FlowsImplicit r,
+ _oAuth2FlowsPassword = _oAuth2FlowsPassword l <> _oAuth2FlowsPassword r,
+ _oAuth2FlowsClientCredentials = _oAuth2FlowsClientCredentials l <> _oAuth2FlowsClientCredentials r,
+ _oAuth2FlowsAuthorizationCode = _oAuth2FlowsAuthorizationCode l <> _oAuth2FlowsAuthorizationCode r,
+ _oAuth2FlowsExtensions = _oAuth2FlowsExtensions l <> _oAuth2FlowsExtensions r
+ }
instance Monoid OAuth2Flows where
mempty = genericMempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup SecurityScheme where
- SecurityScheme (SecuritySchemeOAuth2 lFlows) lDesc
- <> SecurityScheme (SecuritySchemeOAuth2 rFlows) rDesc =
- SecurityScheme (SecuritySchemeOAuth2 $ lFlows <> rFlows) (swaggerMappend lDesc rDesc)
+ SecurityScheme (SecuritySchemeOAuth2 lFlows) lDesc lExt
+ <> SecurityScheme (SecuritySchemeOAuth2 rFlows) rDesc rExt =
+ SecurityScheme (SecuritySchemeOAuth2 $ lFlows <> rFlows) (swaggerMappend lDesc rDesc) (lExt <> rExt)
l <> _ = l
instance Semigroup SecurityDefinitions where
(SecurityDefinitions sd1) <> (SecurityDefinitions sd2) =
- SecurityDefinitions $ InsOrdHashMap.unionWith (<>) sd1 sd2
+ SecurityDefinitions $ InsOrdHashMap.unionWith (<>) sd1 sd2
instance Monoid SecurityDefinitions where
mempty = SecurityDefinitions InsOrdHashMap.empty
@@ -1107,6 +1127,7 @@ instance Monoid SecurityDefinitions where
instance Semigroup RequestBody where
(<>) = genericMappend
instance Monoid RequestBody where
mempty = genericMempty
mappend = (<>)
@@ -1116,17 +1137,27 @@ instance Monoid RequestBody where
-- =======================================================================
instance SwaggerMonoid Info
instance SwaggerMonoid Components
instance SwaggerMonoid PathItem
instance SwaggerMonoid Schema
instance SwaggerMonoid Param
instance SwaggerMonoid Responses
instance SwaggerMonoid Response
instance SwaggerMonoid ExternalDocs
instance SwaggerMonoid Operation
instance (Eq a, Hashable a) => SwaggerMonoid (InsOrdHashSet a)
instance SwaggerMonoid MimeList
deriving instance SwaggerMonoid URL
instance SwaggerMonoid OpenApiType where
@@ -1159,33 +1190,12 @@ instance ToJSON OpenApiType where
instance ToJSON ParamLocation where
toJSON = genericToJSON (jsonPrefix "Param")
-instance ToJSON Info where
- toJSON = genericToJSON (jsonPrefix "Info")
-instance ToJSON Contact where
- toJSON = genericToJSON (jsonPrefix "Contact")
-instance ToJSON License where
- toJSON = genericToJSON (jsonPrefix "License")
-instance ToJSON ServerVariable where
- toJSON = genericToJSON (jsonPrefix "ServerVariable")
instance ToJSON ApiKeyLocation where
toJSON = genericToJSON (jsonPrefix "ApiKey")
instance ToJSON ApiKeyParams where
toJSON = genericToJSON (jsonPrefix "apiKey")
-instance ToJSON Tag where
- toJSON = genericToJSON (jsonPrefix "Tag")
-instance ToJSON ExternalDocs where
- toJSON = genericToJSON (jsonPrefix "ExternalDocs")
-instance ToJSON Xml where
- toJSON = genericToJSON (jsonPrefix "Xml")
instance ToJSON Discriminator where
toJSON = genericToJSON (jsonPrefix "Discriminator")
@@ -1214,30 +1224,12 @@ instance FromJSON OpenApiType where
instance FromJSON ParamLocation where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (jsonPrefix "Param")
-instance FromJSON Info where
- parseJSON = genericParseJSON (jsonPrefix "Info")
-instance FromJSON Contact where
- parseJSON = genericParseJSON (jsonPrefix "Contact")
-instance FromJSON License where
- parseJSON = genericParseJSON (jsonPrefix "License")
-instance FromJSON ServerVariable where
- parseJSON = genericParseJSON (jsonPrefix "ServerVariable")
instance FromJSON ApiKeyLocation where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (jsonPrefix "ApiKey")
instance FromJSON ApiKeyParams where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (jsonPrefix "apiKey")
-instance FromJSON Tag where
- parseJSON = genericParseJSON (jsonPrefix "Tag")
-instance FromJSON ExternalDocs where
- parseJSON = genericParseJSON (jsonPrefix "ExternalDocs")
instance FromJSON Discriminator where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (jsonPrefix "Discriminator")
@@ -1275,47 +1267,74 @@ instance ToJSON OAuth2Flows where
instance ToJSON SecuritySchemeType where
toJSON (SecuritySchemeHttp ty) = case ty of
HttpSchemeBearer mFmt ->
- object $ [ "type" .= ("http" :: Text)
- , "scheme" .= ("bearer" :: Text)
- ] <> maybe [] (\t -> ["bearerFormat" .= t]) mFmt
+ object $
+ [ "type" .= ("http" :: Text),
+ "scheme" .= ("bearer" :: Text)
+ ]
+ <> maybe [] (\t -> ["bearerFormat" .= t]) mFmt
HttpSchemeBasic ->
- object [ "type" .= ("http" :: Text)
- , "scheme" .= ("basic" :: Text)
- ]
+ object
+ [ "type" .= ("http" :: Text),
+ "scheme" .= ("basic" :: Text)
+ ]
HttpSchemeCustom t ->
- object [ "type" .= ("http" :: Text)
- , "scheme" .= t
- ]
- toJSON (SecuritySchemeApiKey params)
- = toJSON params
- <+> object [ "type" .= ("apiKey" :: Text) ]
- toJSON (SecuritySchemeOAuth2 params) = object
- [ "type" .= ("oauth2" :: Text)
- , "flows" .= toJSON params
- ]
- toJSON (SecuritySchemeOpenIdConnect url) = object
- [ "type" .= ("openIdConnect" :: Text)
- , "openIdConnectUrl" .= url
- ]
+ object
+ [ "type" .= ("http" :: Text),
+ "scheme" .= t
+ ]
+ toJSON (SecuritySchemeApiKey params) =
+ toJSON params
+ <+> object ["type" .= ("apiKey" :: Text)]
+ toJSON (SecuritySchemeOAuth2 params) =
+ object
+ [ "type" .= ("oauth2" :: Text),
+ "flows" .= toJSON params
+ ]
+ toJSON (SecuritySchemeOpenIdConnect url) =
+ object
+ [ "type" .= ("openIdConnect" :: Text),
+ "openIdConnectUrl" .= url
+ ]
instance ToJSON OpenApi where
- toJSON a = sopSwaggerGenericToJSON a &
- if InsOrdHashMap.null (_openApiPaths a)
- then (<+> object ["paths" .= object []])
- else id
+ toJSON a =
+ sopSwaggerGenericToJSON a
+ & if InsOrdHashMap.null (_openApiPaths a)
+ then (<+> object ["paths" .= object []])
+ else id
+ toEncoding = sopSwaggerGenericToEncoding
+instance ToJSON Info where
+ toJSON = sopSwaggerGenericToJSON
+ toEncoding = sopSwaggerGenericToEncoding
+instance ToJSON Contact where
+ toJSON = sopSwaggerGenericToJSON
+ toEncoding = sopSwaggerGenericToEncoding
+instance ToJSON License where
+ toJSON = sopSwaggerGenericToJSON
toEncoding = sopSwaggerGenericToEncoding
instance ToJSON Server where
toJSON = sopSwaggerGenericToJSON
toEncoding = sopSwaggerGenericToEncoding
+instance ToJSON ServerVariable where
+ toJSON = sopSwaggerGenericToJSON
+ toEncoding = sopSwaggerGenericToEncoding
instance ToJSON SecurityScheme where
toJSON = sopSwaggerGenericToJSON
toEncoding = sopSwaggerGenericToEncoding
instance ToJSON Schema where
- toJSON = sopSwaggerGenericToJSONWithOpts $
- mkSwaggerAesonOptions "schema" & saoSubObject ?~ "items"
+ toJSON =
+ sopSwaggerGenericToJSONWithOpts $
+ mkSwaggerAesonOptions "schema" & saoSubObject .~ ["items", "extensions"]
+ toEncoding =
+ sopSwaggerGenericToEncodingWithOpts $
+ mkSwaggerAesonOptions "schema" & saoSubObject .~ ["items", "extensions"]
instance ToJSON Header where
toJSON = sopSwaggerGenericToJSON
@@ -1330,15 +1349,15 @@ instance ToJSON Header where
-- "items": {},
-- "maxItems": 0
-- }
instance ToJSON OpenApiItems where
- toJSON (OpenApiItemsObject x) = object [ "items" .= x ]
- toJSON (OpenApiItemsArray []) = object
- [ "items" .= object []
- , "maxItems" .= (0 :: Int)
- , "example" .= Array mempty
- ]
- toJSON (OpenApiItemsArray x) = object [ "items" .= x ]
+ toJSON (OpenApiItemsObject x) = object ["items" .= x]
+ toJSON (OpenApiItemsArray []) =
+ object
+ [ "items" .= object [],
+ "maxItems" .= (0 :: Int),
+ "example" .= Array mempty
+ ]
+ toJSON (OpenApiItemsArray x) = object ["items" .= x]
instance ToJSON Components where
toJSON = sopSwaggerGenericToJSON
@@ -1387,23 +1406,51 @@ instance ToJSON Link where
toJSON = sopSwaggerGenericToJSON
toEncoding = sopSwaggerGenericToEncoding
+instance ToJSON Tag where
+ toJSON = sopSwaggerGenericToJSON
+ toEncoding = sopSwaggerGenericToEncoding
+instance ToJSON Xml where
+ toJSON = sopSwaggerGenericToJSON
+ toEncoding = sopSwaggerGenericToEncoding
+instance ToJSON ExternalDocs where
+ toJSON = sopSwaggerGenericToJSON
+ toEncoding = sopSwaggerGenericToEncoding
instance ToJSON SecurityDefinitions where
toJSON (SecurityDefinitions sd) = toJSON sd
instance ToJSON Reference where
- toJSON (Reference ref) = object [ "$ref" .= ref ]
+ toJSON (Reference ref) = object ["$ref" .= ref]
+ toEncoding (Reference ref) = pairs ("$ref" .= ref)
referencedToJSON :: ToJSON a => Text -> Referenced a -> Value
-referencedToJSON prefix (Ref (Reference ref)) = object [ "$ref" .= (prefix <> ref) ]
+referencedToJSON prefix (Ref (Reference ref)) = object ["$ref" .= (prefix <> ref)]
referencedToJSON _ (Inline x) = toJSON x
-instance ToJSON (Referenced Schema) where toJSON = referencedToJSON "#/components/schemas/"
-instance ToJSON (Referenced Param) where toJSON = referencedToJSON "#/components/parameters/"
+referencedToEncoding :: ToJSON a => Text -> Referenced a -> JSON.Encoding
+referencedToEncoding prefix (Ref (Reference ref)) = pairs ("$ref" .= (prefix <> ref))
+referencedToEncoding _ (Inline x) = toEncoding x
+instance ToJSON (Referenced Schema) where
+ toJSON = referencedToJSON "#/components/schemas/"
+ toEncoding = referencedToEncoding "#/components/schemas/"
+instance ToJSON (Referenced RequestBody) where
+ toJSON = referencedToJSON "#/components/requestBodies/"
+ toEncoding = referencedToEncoding "#/components/requestBodies/"
+instance ToJSON (Referenced Param) where toJSON = referencedToJSON "#/components/parameters/"
instance ToJSON (Referenced Response) where toJSON = referencedToJSON "#/components/responses/"
-instance ToJSON (Referenced RequestBody) where toJSON = referencedToJSON "#/components/requestBodies/"
-instance ToJSON (Referenced Example) where toJSON = referencedToJSON "#/components/examples/"
-instance ToJSON (Referenced Header) where toJSON = referencedToJSON "#/components/headers/"
-instance ToJSON (Referenced Link) where toJSON = referencedToJSON "#/components/links/"
+instance ToJSON (Referenced Example) where toJSON = referencedToJSON "#/components/examples/"
+instance ToJSON (Referenced Header) where toJSON = referencedToJSON "#/components/headers/"
+instance ToJSON (Referenced Link) where toJSON = referencedToJSON "#/components/links/"
instance ToJSON (Referenced Callback) where toJSON = referencedToJSON "#/components/callbacks/"
instance ToJSON AdditionalProperties where
@@ -1417,6 +1464,11 @@ instance ToJSON ExpressionOrValue where
instance ToJSON Callback where
toJSON (Callback ps) = toJSON ps
+instance ToJSON SpecificationExtensions where
+ toJSON = toJSON . addExtPrefix . getSpecificationExtensions
+ where
+ addExtPrefix = InsOrdHashMap.mapKeys ("x-" <>)
-- =======================================================================
-- Manual FromJSON instances
-- =======================================================================
@@ -1438,12 +1490,12 @@ instance FromJSON SecuritySchemeType where
parseJSON js@(Object o) = do
(t :: Text) <- o .: "type"
case t of
- "http" -> do
- scheme <- o .: "scheme"
- SecuritySchemeHttp <$> case scheme of
- "bearer" -> HttpSchemeBearer <$> (o .:! "bearerFormat")
- "basic" -> pure HttpSchemeBasic
- t -> pure $ HttpSchemeCustom t
+ "http" -> do
+ scheme <- o .: "scheme"
+ SecuritySchemeHttp <$> case scheme of
+ "bearer" -> HttpSchemeBearer <$> (o .:! "bearerFormat")
+ "basic" -> pure HttpSchemeBasic
+ t -> pure $ HttpSchemeCustom t
"apiKey" -> SecuritySchemeApiKey <$> parseJSON js
"oauth2" -> SecuritySchemeOAuth2 <$> (o .: "flows")
"openIdConnect" -> SecuritySchemeOpenIdConnect <$> (o .: "openIdConnectUrl")
@@ -1453,30 +1505,45 @@ instance FromJSON SecuritySchemeType where
instance FromJSON OpenApi where
parseJSON = sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON
+instance FromJSON Info where
+ parseJSON = sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON
+instance FromJSON Contact where
+ parseJSON = sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON
+instance FromJSON License where
+ parseJSON = sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON
instance FromJSON Server where
parseJSON = sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON
+instance FromJSON ServerVariable where
+ parseJSON = sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON
instance FromJSON SecurityScheme where
parseJSON = sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON
instance FromJSON Schema where
parseJSON = fmap nullaryCleanup . sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON
- where nullaryCleanup :: Schema -> Schema
- nullaryCleanup s =
- if _schemaItems s == Just (OpenApiItemsArray [])
- then s { _schemaExample = Nothing
- , _schemaMaxItems = Nothing
- }
- else s
+ where
+ nullaryCleanup :: Schema -> Schema
+ nullaryCleanup s =
+ if _schemaItems s == Just (OpenApiItemsArray [])
+ then
+ s
+ { _schemaExample = Nothing,
+ _schemaMaxItems = Nothing
+ }
+ else s
instance FromJSON Header where
parseJSON = sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON
instance FromJSON OpenApiItems where
parseJSON js@(Object obj)
- | null obj = pure $ OpenApiItemsArray [] -- Nullary schema.
- | otherwise = OpenApiItemsObject <$> parseJSON js
- parseJSON js@(Array _) = OpenApiItemsArray <$> parseJSON js
+ | null obj = pure $ OpenApiItemsArray [] -- Nullary schema.
+ | otherwise = OpenApiItemsObject <$> parseJSON js
+ parseJSON js@(Array _) = OpenApiItemsArray <$> parseJSON js
parseJSON _ = empty
instance FromJSON Components where
@@ -1489,11 +1556,24 @@ instance FromJSON Param where
parseJSON = sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON
instance FromJSON Responses where
- parseJSON (Object o) = Responses
- <$> o .:? "default"
- <*> parseJSON (Object (HashMap.delete "default" o))
+ parseJSON (Object o) =
+ Responses
+ <$> o .:? "default"
+ <*> parseJSON
+ ( Object
+ ( HashMap.filterWithKey (\k _ -> not $ isExt k) $
+ HashMap.delete "default" o
+ )
+ )
+ <*> case HashMap.filterWithKey (\k _ -> isExt k) o of
+ exts
+ | HashMap.null exts -> pure (SpecificationExtensions mempty)
+ | otherwise -> parseJSON (Object exts)
parseJSON _ = empty
+isExt :: Text -> Bool
+isExt = Text.isPrefixOf "x-"
instance FromJSON Example where
parseJSON = sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON
@@ -1521,6 +1601,15 @@ instance FromJSON Encoding where
instance FromJSON Link where
parseJSON = sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON
+instance FromJSON Tag where
+ parseJSON = sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON
+instance FromJSON Xml where
+ parseJSON = sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON
+instance FromJSON ExternalDocs where
+ parseJSON = sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON
instance FromJSON Reference where
parseJSON (Object o) = Reference <$> o .: "$ref"
parseJSON _ = empty
@@ -1530,25 +1619,29 @@ referencedParseJSON prefix js@(Object o) = do
ms <- o .:? "$ref"
case ms of
Nothing -> Inline <$> parseJSON js
- Just s -> Ref <$> parseRef s
+ Just s -> Ref <$> parseRef s
parseRef s = do
case Text.stripPrefix prefix s of
- Nothing -> fail $ "expected $ref of the form \"" <> Text.unpack prefix <> "*\", but got " <> show s
+ Nothing -> fail $ "expected $ref of the form \"" <> Text.unpack prefix <> "*\", but got " <> show s
Just suffix -> pure (Reference suffix)
referencedParseJSON _ _ = fail "referenceParseJSON: not an object"
-instance FromJSON (Referenced Schema) where parseJSON = referencedParseJSON "#/components/schemas/"
-instance FromJSON (Referenced Param) where parseJSON = referencedParseJSON "#/components/parameters/"
+instance FromJSON (Referenced Schema) where parseJSON = referencedParseJSON "#/components/schemas/"
+instance FromJSON (Referenced Param) where parseJSON = referencedParseJSON "#/components/parameters/"
instance FromJSON (Referenced Response) where parseJSON = referencedParseJSON "#/components/responses/"
instance FromJSON (Referenced RequestBody) where parseJSON = referencedParseJSON "#/components/requestBodies/"
-instance FromJSON (Referenced Example) where parseJSON = referencedParseJSON "#/components/examples/"
-instance FromJSON (Referenced Header) where parseJSON = referencedParseJSON "#/components/headers/"
-instance FromJSON (Referenced Link) where parseJSON = referencedParseJSON "#/components/links/"
-instance FromJSON (Referenced Callback) where parseJSON = referencedParseJSON "#/components/callbacks/"
-instance FromJSON Xml where
- parseJSON = genericParseJSON (jsonPrefix "xml")
+instance FromJSON (Referenced Example) where parseJSON = referencedParseJSON "#/components/examples/"
+instance FromJSON (Referenced Header) where parseJSON = referencedParseJSON "#/components/headers/"
+instance FromJSON (Referenced Link) where parseJSON = referencedParseJSON "#/components/links/"
+instance FromJSON (Referenced Callback) where parseJSON = referencedParseJSON "#/components/callbacks/"
instance FromJSON AdditionalProperties where
parseJSON (Bool b) = pure $ AdditionalPropertiesAllowed b
@@ -1562,55 +1655,113 @@ instance FromJSON ExpressionOrValue where
instance FromJSON Callback where
parseJSON = fmap Callback . parseJSON
+instance FromJSON SpecificationExtensions where
+ parseJSON = withObject "SpecificationExtensions" extFieldsParser
+ where
+ extFieldsParser = pure . SpecificationExtensions . InsOrdHashMap.fromList . catMaybes . filterExtFields
+ filterExtFields = fmap (\(k, v) -> fmap (\k' -> (k', v)) $ Text.stripPrefix "x-" k) . HashMap.toList
instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions Server where
- swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "server"
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "server" & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions Components where
swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "components"
instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions Header where
swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "header"
instance AesonDefaultValue p => HasSwaggerAesonOptions (OAuth2Flow p) where
- swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "oauth2" & saoSubObject ?~ "params"
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "oauth2" & saoSubObject .~ ["params", "extensions"]
instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions OAuth2Flows where
- swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "oauth2Flows"
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "oauth2Flows" & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions Operation where
- swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "operation"
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "operation" & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions Param where
swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "param"
instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions PathItem where
- swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "pathItem"
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "pathItem" & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions Response where
- swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "response"
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "response" & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions RequestBody where
- swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "requestBody"
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "requestBody" & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions MediaTypeObject where
- swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "mediaTypeObject"
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "mediaTypeObject" & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions Responses where
- swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "responses" & saoSubObject ?~ "responses"
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "responses" & saoSubObject .~ ["responses", "extensions"]
instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions SecurityScheme where
- swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "securityScheme" & saoSubObject ?~ "type"
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "securityScheme" & saoSubObject .~ ["type", "extensions"]
instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions Schema where
- swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "schema" & saoSubObject ?~ "paramSchema"
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "schema" & saoSubObject .~ ["paramSchema", "extensions"]
instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions OpenApi where
- swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "swagger" & saoAdditionalPairs .~ [("openapi", "3.0.0")]
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ =
+ mkSwaggerAesonOptions "swagger" & saoAdditionalPairs .~ [("openapi", "3.0.0")]
+ & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions Example where
- swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "example"
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "example" & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions Encoding where
- swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "encoding"
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "encoding" & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions Link where
- swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "link"
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "link" & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
+instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions Info where
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "info" & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
+instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions Contact where
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "contact" & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
+instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions License where
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "license" & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
+instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions ServerVariable where
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "serverVariable" & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
+instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions Tag where
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "tag" & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
+instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions Xml where
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "xml" & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
+instance HasSwaggerAesonOptions ExternalDocs where
+ swaggerAesonOptions _ = mkSwaggerAesonOptions "externalDocs" & saoSubObject .~ ["extensions"]
instance AesonDefaultValue Server
instance AesonDefaultValue Components
instance AesonDefaultValue OAuth2ImplicitFlow
instance AesonDefaultValue OAuth2PasswordFlow
instance AesonDefaultValue OAuth2ClientCredentialsFlow
instance AesonDefaultValue OAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow
instance AesonDefaultValue p => AesonDefaultValue (OAuth2Flow p)
instance AesonDefaultValue Responses
instance AesonDefaultValue SecuritySchemeType
instance AesonDefaultValue OpenApiType
instance AesonDefaultValue MimeList where defaultValue = Just mempty
instance AesonDefaultValue Info
instance AesonDefaultValue ParamLocation
instance AesonDefaultValue Link
diff --git a/src/Data/OpenApi/Internal/AesonUtils.hs b/src/Data/OpenApi/Internal/AesonUtils.hs
index 98e1ce06..5ee84b8e 100644
--- a/src/Data/OpenApi/Internal/AesonUtils.hs
+++ b/src/Data/OpenApi/Internal/AesonUtils.hs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Data.OpenApi.Internal.AesonUtils (
+ sopSwaggerGenericToEncodingWithOpts,
-- * Options
@@ -48,13 +49,13 @@ import qualified Data.HashSet.InsOrd as InsOrdHS
data SwaggerAesonOptions = SwaggerAesonOptions
{ _saoPrefix :: String
, _saoAdditionalPairs :: [(Text, Value)]
- , _saoSubObject :: Maybe String
+ , _saoSubObject :: [String]
:: String -- ^ prefix
-> SwaggerAesonOptions
-mkSwaggerAesonOptions pfx = SwaggerAesonOptions pfx [] Nothing
+mkSwaggerAesonOptions pfx = SwaggerAesonOptions pfx [] []
makeLenses ''SwaggerAesonOptions
@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ sopSwaggerGenericToJSON'' (SwaggerAesonOptions prefix _ sub) = go
go :: (All ToJSON ys, All Eq ys) => NP I ys -> NP FieldInfo ys -> NP Maybe ys -> [Pair]
go Nil Nil Nil = []
go (I x :* xs) (FieldInfo name :* names) (def :* defs)
- | Just name' == sub = case json of
+ | name' `elem` sub = case json of
Object m -> HM.toList m ++ rest
Null -> rest
_ -> error $ "sopSwaggerGenericToJSON: subjson is not an object: " ++ show json
@@ -226,7 +227,7 @@ sopSwaggerGenericParseJSON'' (SwaggerAesonOptions prefix _ sub) obj = go
go :: (All FromJSON ys, All Eq ys) => NP FieldInfo ys -> NP Maybe ys -> Parser (NP I ys)
go Nil Nil = pure Nil
go (FieldInfo name :* names) (def :* defs)
- | Just name' == sub =
+ | name' `elem` sub =
-- Note: we might strip fields of outer structure.
cons <$> (withDef $ parseJSON $ Object obj) <*> rest
| otherwise = case def of
@@ -267,6 +268,24 @@ sopSwaggerGenericToEncoding x =
proxy = Proxy :: Proxy a
opts = swaggerAesonOptions proxy
+ :: forall a xs.
+ ( HasDatatypeInfo a
+ , HasSwaggerAesonOptions a
+ , All2 ToJSON (Code a)
+ , All2 Eq (Code a)
+ , Code a ~ '[xs]
+ )
+ => SwaggerAesonOptions
+ -> a
+ -> Encoding
+sopSwaggerGenericToEncodingWithOpts opts x =
+ let ps = sopSwaggerGenericToEncoding' opts (from x) (datatypeInfo proxy) defs
+ in pairs (pairsToSeries (opts ^. saoAdditionalPairs) <> ps)
+ where
+ proxy = Proxy :: Proxy a
+ defs = hcpure (Proxy :: Proxy AesonDefaultValue) defaultValue
pairsToSeries :: [Pair] -> Series
pairsToSeries = foldMap (\(k, v) -> (k .= v))
@@ -293,7 +312,7 @@ sopSwaggerGenericToEncoding'' (SwaggerAesonOptions prefix _ sub) = go
go :: (All ToJSON ys, All Eq ys) => NP I ys -> NP FieldInfo ys -> NP Maybe ys -> Series
go Nil Nil Nil = mempty
go (I x :* xs) (FieldInfo name :* names) (def :* defs)
- | Just name' == sub = case toJSON x of
+ | name' `elem` sub = case toJSON x of
Object m -> pairsToSeries (HM.toList m) <> rest
Null -> rest
_ -> error $ "sopSwaggerGenericToJSON: subjson is not an object: " ++ show (toJSON x)
diff --git a/src/Data/OpenApi/Internal/ParamSchema.hs b/src/Data/OpenApi/Internal/ParamSchema.hs
index 75b637a2..1699a0e4 100644
--- a/src/Data/OpenApi/Internal/ParamSchema.hs
+++ b/src/Data/OpenApi/Internal/ParamSchema.hs
@@ -15,58 +15,59 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}
-- For TypeErrors
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}
module Data.OpenApi.Internal.ParamSchema where
import Control.Lens
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..))
-import Data.Proxy
-import GHC.Generics
-import Data.Int
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
+import Data.Fixed (Fixed, HasResolution (..), Pico)
import "unordered-containers" Data.HashSet (HashSet)
+import Data.Int
import Data.Monoid
-import Data.Set (Set)
+import Data.OpenApi.Internal
+import Data.OpenApi.Lens
+import Data.OpenApi.SchemaOptions
+import Data.Proxy
import Data.Scientific
-import Data.Fixed (HasResolution(..), Fixed, Pico)
+import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Time
+import Data.UUID.Types (UUID)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Primitive as VP
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import Data.Version (Version)
-import Numeric.Natural.Compat (Natural)
import Data.Word
-import Data.UUID.Types (UUID)
+import GHC.Generics
+import GHC.TypeLits (ErrorMessage (..), TypeError)
+import Numeric.Natural.Compat (Natural)
import Web.Cookie (SetCookie)
-import Data.OpenApi.Internal
-import Data.OpenApi.Lens
-import Data.OpenApi.SchemaOptions
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
-import GHC.TypeLits (TypeError, ErrorMessage(..))
-- | Default schema for binary data (any sequence of octets).
binarySchema :: Schema
-binarySchema = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
- & format ?~ "binary"
+binarySchema =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
+ & format ?~ "binary"
-- | Default schema for binary data (base64 encoded).
byteSchema :: Schema
-byteSchema = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
- & format ?~ "byte"
+byteSchema =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
+ & format ?~ "byte"
-- | Default schema for password string.
-- @"password"@ format is used to hint UIs the input needs to be obscured.
passwordSchema :: Schema
-passwordSchema = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
- & format ?~ "password"
+passwordSchema =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
+ & format ?~ "password"
-- | Convert a type into a plain @'Schema'@.
@@ -130,14 +131,17 @@ instance ToParamSchema Integer where
toParamSchema _ = mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiInteger
instance ToParamSchema Natural where
- toParamSchema _ = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiInteger
- & minimum_ ?~ 0
- & exclusiveMinimum ?~ False
+ toParamSchema _ =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiInteger
+ & minimum_ ?~ 0
+ & exclusiveMinimum ?~ False
-instance ToParamSchema Int where toParamSchema = toParamSchemaBoundedIntegral
-instance ToParamSchema Int8 where toParamSchema = toParamSchemaBoundedIntegral
-instance ToParamSchema Int16 where toParamSchema = toParamSchemaBoundedIntegral
+instance ToParamSchema Int where toParamSchema = toParamSchemaBoundedIntegral
+instance ToParamSchema Int8 where toParamSchema = toParamSchemaBoundedIntegral
+instance ToParamSchema Int16 where toParamSchema = toParamSchemaBoundedIntegral
instance ToParamSchema Int32 where
toParamSchema proxy = toParamSchemaBoundedIntegral proxy & format ?~ "int32"
@@ -145,8 +149,10 @@ instance ToParamSchema Int32 where
instance ToParamSchema Int64 where
toParamSchema proxy = toParamSchemaBoundedIntegral proxy & format ?~ "int64"
-instance ToParamSchema Word where toParamSchema = toParamSchemaBoundedIntegral
-instance ToParamSchema Word8 where toParamSchema = toParamSchemaBoundedIntegral
+instance ToParamSchema Word where toParamSchema = toParamSchemaBoundedIntegral
+instance ToParamSchema Word8 where toParamSchema = toParamSchemaBoundedIntegral
instance ToParamSchema Word16 where toParamSchema = toParamSchemaBoundedIntegral
instance ToParamSchema Word32 where
@@ -164,39 +170,45 @@ instance ToParamSchema Word64 where
-- "type": "integer"
-- }
toParamSchemaBoundedIntegral :: forall a t. (Bounded a, Integral a) => Proxy a -> Schema
-toParamSchemaBoundedIntegral _ = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiInteger
- & minimum_ ?~ fromInteger (toInteger (minBound :: a))
- & maximum_ ?~ fromInteger (toInteger (maxBound :: a))
+toParamSchemaBoundedIntegral _ =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiInteger
+ & minimum_ ?~ fromInteger (toInteger (minBound :: a))
+ & maximum_ ?~ fromInteger (toInteger (maxBound :: a))
instance ToParamSchema Char where
- toParamSchema _ = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
- & maxLength ?~ 1
- & minLength ?~ 1
+ toParamSchema _ =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
+ & maxLength ?~ 1
+ & minLength ?~ 1
instance ToParamSchema Scientific where
toParamSchema _ = mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiNumber
instance HasResolution a => ToParamSchema (Fixed a) where
- toParamSchema _ = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiNumber
- & multipleOf ?~ (recip . fromInteger $ resolution (Proxy :: Proxy a))
+ toParamSchema _ =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiNumber
+ & multipleOf ?~ (recip . fromInteger $ resolution (Proxy :: Proxy a))
instance ToParamSchema Double where
- toParamSchema _ = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiNumber
- & format ?~ "double"
+ toParamSchema _ =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiNumber
+ & format ?~ "double"
instance ToParamSchema Float where
- toParamSchema _ = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiNumber
- & format ?~ "float"
+ toParamSchema _ =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiNumber
+ & format ?~ "float"
timeParamSchema :: String -> Schema
-timeParamSchema fmt = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
- & format ?~ T.pack fmt
+timeParamSchema fmt =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
+ & format ?~ T.pack fmt
-- | Format @"date"@ corresponds to @yyyy-mm-dd@ format.
instance ToParamSchema Day where
@@ -236,46 +248,62 @@ instance ToParamSchema TL.Text where
toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy String)
instance ToParamSchema Version where
- toParamSchema _ = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
- & pattern ?~ "^\\d+(\\.\\d+)*$"
+ toParamSchema _ =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
+ & pattern ?~ "^\\d+(\\.\\d+)*$"
instance ToParamSchema SetCookie where
- toParamSchema _ = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
+ toParamSchema _ =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
type family ToParamSchemaByteStringError bs where
- ToParamSchemaByteStringError bs = TypeError
+ ToParamSchemaByteStringError bs =
+ TypeError
( 'Text "Impossible to have an instance " :<>: ShowType (ToParamSchema bs) :<>: Text "."
- :$$: 'Text "Please, use a newtype wrapper around " :<>: ShowType bs :<>: Text " instead."
- :$$: 'Text "Consider using byteParamSchema or binaryParamSchemaemplates." )
+ :$$: 'Text "Please, use a newtype wrapper around " :<>: ShowType bs :<>: Text " instead."
+ :$$: 'Text "Consider using byteParamSchema or binaryParamSchemaemplates."
+ )
+instance ToParamSchemaByteStringError BS.ByteString => ToParamSchema BS.ByteString where toParamSchema = error "impossible"
-instance ToParamSchemaByteStringError BS.ByteString => ToParamSchema BS.ByteString where toParamSchema = error "impossible"
instance ToParamSchemaByteStringError BSL.ByteString => ToParamSchema BSL.ByteString where toParamSchema = error "impossible"
instance ToParamSchema All where toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy Bool)
instance ToParamSchema Any where toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy Bool)
-instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema (Sum a) where toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
+instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema (Sum a) where toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema (Product a) where toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
-instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema (First a) where toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
-instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema (Last a) where toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
-instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema (Dual a) where toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
+instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema (First a) where toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
+instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema (Last a) where toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
+instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema (Dual a) where toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema (Identity a) where toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema [a] where
- toParamSchema _ = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiArray
- & items ?~ OpenApiItemsObject (Inline $ toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a))
+ toParamSchema _ =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiArray
+ & items ?~ OpenApiItemsObject (Inline $ toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a))
instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema (V.Vector a) where toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema (VP.Vector a) where toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema (VS.Vector a) where toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema (VU.Vector a) where toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema (Set a) where
- toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
- & uniqueItems ?~ True
+ toParamSchema _ =
+ toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
+ & uniqueItems ?~ True
instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema (HashSet a) where
toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy (Set a))
@@ -289,14 +317,16 @@ instance ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema (HashSet a) where
-- "type": "string"
-- }
instance ToParamSchema () where
- toParamSchema _ = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
- & enum_ ?~ ["_"]
+ toParamSchema _ =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
+ & enum_ ?~ ["_"]
instance ToParamSchema UUID where
- toParamSchema _ = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
- & format ?~ "uuid"
+ toParamSchema _ =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
+ & format ?~ "uuid"
-- | A configurable generic @'Schema'@ creator.
@@ -338,14 +368,15 @@ instance (GEnumParamSchema f, GEnumParamSchema g) => GEnumParamSchema (f :+: g)
genumParamSchema opts _ = genumParamSchema opts (Proxy :: Proxy f) . genumParamSchema opts (Proxy :: Proxy g)
instance Constructor c => GEnumParamSchema (C1 c U1) where
- genumParamSchema opts _ s = s
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
- & enum_ %~ addEnumValue tag
+ genumParamSchema opts _ s =
+ s
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
+ & enum_ %~ addEnumValue tag
tag = toJSON (constructorTagModifier opts (conName (Proxy3 :: Proxy3 c f p)))
- addEnumValue x Nothing = Just [x]
- addEnumValue x (Just xs) = Just (x:xs)
+ addEnumValue x Nothing = Just [x]
+ addEnumValue x (Just xs) = Just (x : xs)
data Proxy3 a b c = Proxy3
diff --git a/src/Data/OpenApi/Internal/Schema.hs b/src/Data/OpenApi/Internal/Schema.hs
index 7bede45b..1964b5fd 100644
--- a/src/Data/OpenApi/Internal/Schema.hs
+++ b/src/Data/OpenApi/Internal/Schema.hs
@@ -19,62 +19,65 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}
-- For TypeErrors
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}
-module Data.OpenApi.Internal.Schema where
-import Prelude ()
-import Prelude.Compat
+module Data.OpenApi.Internal.Schema where
import Control.Lens hiding (allOf)
-import Data.Data.Lens (template)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Writer
-import Data.Aeson (Object (..), SumEncoding (..), ToJSON (..), ToJSONKey (..),
- ToJSONKeyFunction (..), Value (..))
+import Data.Aeson
+ ( Object (..),
+ SumEncoding (..),
+ ToJSON (..),
+ ToJSONKey (..),
+ ToJSONKeyFunction (..),
+ Value (..),
+ )
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
import Data.Char
import Data.Data (Data)
+import Data.Data.Lens (template)
+import Data.Fixed (Fixed, HasResolution, Pico)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
-import "unordered-containers" Data.HashSet (HashSet)
-import qualified "unordered-containers" Data.HashSet as HashSet
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as InsOrdHashMap
+import "unordered-containers" Data.HashSet (HashSet)
+import qualified "unordered-containers" Data.HashSet as HashSet
import Data.Int
-import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
+import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.List.NonEmpty.Compat (NonEmpty)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Data.OpenApi.Declare
+import Data.OpenApi.Internal
+import Data.OpenApi.Internal.ParamSchema (ToParamSchema (..))
+import Data.OpenApi.Internal.TypeShape
+import Data.OpenApi.Lens hiding (name, schema)
+import qualified Data.OpenApi.Lens as Swagger
+import Data.OpenApi.SchemaOptions
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
-import Data.Fixed (Fixed, HasResolution, Pico)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Time
+import qualified Data.UUID.Types as UUID
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Primitive as VP
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import Data.Version (Version)
-import Numeric.Natural.Compat (Natural)
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics
-import qualified Data.UUID.Types as UUID
+import GHC.TypeLits (ErrorMessage (..), TypeError)
+import Numeric.Natural.Compat (Natural)
+import Prelude.Compat
import Type.Reflection (Typeable, typeRep)
-import Data.OpenApi.Declare
-import Data.OpenApi.Internal
-import Data.OpenApi.Internal.ParamSchema (ToParamSchema(..))
-import Data.OpenApi.Lens hiding (name, schema)
-import qualified Data.OpenApi.Lens as Swagger
-import Data.OpenApi.SchemaOptions
-import Data.OpenApi.Internal.TypeShape
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
-import GHC.TypeLits (TypeError, ErrorMessage(..))
+import Prelude ()
unnamed :: Schema -> NamedSchema
unnamed schema = NamedSchema Nothing schema
@@ -141,13 +144,18 @@ class Typeable a => ToSchema a where
-- Note that the schema itself is included in definitions
-- only if it is recursive (and thus needs its definition in scope).
declareNamedSchema :: Proxy a -> Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema
- default declareNamedSchema :: (Generic a, GToSchema (Rep a)) =>
- Proxy a -> Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema
+ default declareNamedSchema ::
+ (Generic a, GToSchema (Rep a)) =>
+ Proxy a ->
+ Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema
declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema defaultSchemaOptions
instance ToSchema TimeOfDay where
- declareNamedSchema _ = pure $ named "TimeOfDay" $ timeSchema "hh:MM:ss"
- & example ?~ toJSON (TimeOfDay 12 33 15)
+ declareNamedSchema _ =
+ pure $
+ named "TimeOfDay" $
+ timeSchema "hh:MM:ss"
+ & example ?~ toJSON (TimeOfDay 12 33 15)
-- | Convert a type into a schema and declare all used schema definitions.
declareSchema :: ToSchema a => Proxy a -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Schema
@@ -255,9 +263,9 @@ inlineSchemasWhen p defs = template %~ deref
deref r@(Ref (Reference name))
| p name =
- case InsOrdHashMap.lookup name defs of
- Just schema -> Inline (inlineSchemasWhen p defs schema)
- Nothing -> r
+ case InsOrdHashMap.lookup name defs of
+ Just schema -> Inline (inlineSchemasWhen p defs schema)
+ Nothing -> r
| otherwise = r
deref (Inline schema) = Inline (inlineSchemasWhen p defs schema)
@@ -306,7 +314,7 @@ inlineNonRecursiveSchemas defs = inlineSchemasWhen nonRecursive defs
nonRecursive name =
case InsOrdHashMap.lookup name defs of
Just schema -> name `notElem` execDeclare (usedNames schema) mempty
- Nothing -> False
+ Nothing -> False
usedNames schema = traverse_ schemaRefNames (schema ^.. template)
@@ -387,26 +395,28 @@ sketchSchema = sketch . toJSON
sketch js@(Bool _) = go js
sketch js = go js & example ?~ js
- go Null = mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiNull
- go (Bool _) = mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiBoolean
+ go Null = mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiNull
+ go (Bool _) = mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiBoolean
go (String _) = mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
go (Number _) = mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiNumber
- go (Array xs) = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiArray
- & items ?~ case ischema of
+ go (Array xs) =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiArray
+ & items ?~ case ischema of
Just s -> OpenApiItemsObject (Inline s)
- _ -> OpenApiItemsArray (map Inline ys)
+ _ -> OpenApiItemsArray (map Inline ys)
ys = map go (V.toList xs)
allSame = and ((zipWith (==)) ys (tail ys))
ischema = case ys of
- (z:_) | allSame -> Just z
- _ -> Nothing
- go (Object o) = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
- & required .~ sort (HashMap.keys o)
- & properties .~ fmap (Inline . go) (InsOrdHashMap.fromHashMap o)
+ (z : _) | allSame -> Just z
+ _ -> Nothing
+ go (Object o) =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
+ & required .~ sort (HashMap.keys o)
+ & properties .~ fmap (Inline . go) (InsOrdHashMap.fromHashMap o)
-- | Make a restrictive sketch of a @'Schema'@ based on a @'ToJSON'@ instance.
-- Produced schema uses as much constraints as possible.
@@ -541,39 +551,44 @@ sketchSchema = sketch . toJSON
sketchStrictSchema :: ToJSON a => a -> Schema
sketchStrictSchema = go . toJSON
- go Null = mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiNull
- go js@(Bool _) = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiBoolean
- & enum_ ?~ [js]
- go js@(String s) = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
- & maxLength ?~ fromIntegral (T.length s)
- & minLength ?~ fromIntegral (T.length s)
- & pattern ?~ s
- & enum_ ?~ [js]
- go js@(Number n) = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiNumber
- & maximum_ ?~ n
- & minimum_ ?~ n
- & multipleOf ?~ n
- & enum_ ?~ [js]
- go js@(Array xs) = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiArray
- & maxItems ?~ fromIntegral sz
- & minItems ?~ fromIntegral sz
- & items ?~ OpenApiItemsArray (map (Inline . go) (V.toList xs))
- & uniqueItems ?~ allUnique
- & enum_ ?~ [js]
+ go Null = mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiNull
+ go js@(Bool _) =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiBoolean
+ & enum_ ?~ [js]
+ go js@(String s) =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
+ & maxLength ?~ fromIntegral (T.length s)
+ & minLength ?~ fromIntegral (T.length s)
+ & pattern ?~ s
+ & enum_ ?~ [js]
+ go js@(Number n) =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiNumber
+ & maximum_ ?~ n
+ & minimum_ ?~ n
+ & multipleOf ?~ n
+ & enum_ ?~ [js]
+ go js@(Array xs) =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiArray
+ & maxItems ?~ fromIntegral sz
+ & minItems ?~ fromIntegral sz
+ & items ?~ OpenApiItemsArray (map (Inline . go) (V.toList xs))
+ & uniqueItems ?~ allUnique
+ & enum_ ?~ [js]
sz = length xs
allUnique = sz == HashSet.size (HashSet.fromList (V.toList xs))
- go js@(Object o) = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
- & required .~ sort names
- & properties .~ fmap (Inline . go) (InsOrdHashMap.fromHashMap o)
- & maxProperties ?~ fromIntegral (length names)
- & minProperties ?~ fromIntegral (length names)
- & enum_ ?~ [js]
+ go js@(Object o) =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
+ & required .~ sort names
+ & properties .~ fmap (Inline . go) (InsOrdHashMap.fromHashMap o)
+ & maxProperties ?~ fromIntegral (length names)
+ & minProperties ?~ fromIntegral (length names)
+ & enum_ ?~ [js]
names = HashMap.keys o
@@ -583,32 +598,50 @@ class GToSchema (f :: * -> *) where
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} ToSchema a => ToSchema [a] where
declareNamedSchema _ = do
ref <- declareSchemaRef (Proxy :: Proxy a)
- return $ unnamed $ mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiArray
- & items ?~ OpenApiItemsObject ref
+ return $
+ unnamed $
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiArray
+ & items ?~ OpenApiItemsObject ref
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} ToSchema String where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
-instance ToSchema Bool where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
+instance ToSchema Bool where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Integer where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Natural where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
-instance ToSchema Int where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
-instance ToSchema Int8 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
-instance ToSchema Int16 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
-instance ToSchema Int32 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
-instance ToSchema Int64 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
-instance ToSchema Word where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
-instance ToSchema Word8 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
-instance ToSchema Word16 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
-instance ToSchema Word32 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
-instance ToSchema Word64 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
+instance ToSchema Int where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
+instance ToSchema Int8 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
+instance ToSchema Int16 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
+instance ToSchema Int32 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
+instance ToSchema Int64 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
+instance ToSchema Word where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
+instance ToSchema Word8 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
+instance ToSchema Word16 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
+instance ToSchema Word32 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
+instance ToSchema Word64 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Char where
- declareNamedSchema proxy = plain (paramSchemaToSchema proxy)
- & mapped.Swagger.schema.example ?~ toJSON '?'
+ declareNamedSchema proxy =
+ plain (paramSchemaToSchema proxy)
+ & mapped . Swagger.schema . example ?~ toJSON '?'
+instance ToSchema Scientific where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
+instance ToSchema Double where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
-instance ToSchema Scientific where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
-instance ToSchema Double where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
-instance ToSchema Float where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
+instance ToSchema Float where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance (Typeable (Fixed a), HasResolution a) => ToSchema (Fixed a) where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
@@ -617,50 +650,68 @@ instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Maybe a) where
instance (ToSchema a, ToSchema b) => ToSchema (Either a b) where
-- To match Aeson instance
- declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema defaultSchemaOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField }
+ declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema defaultSchemaOptions {sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField}
instance ToSchema () where
declareNamedSchema _ = pure (NamedSchema Nothing nullarySchema)
-- | For 'ToJSON' instance, see package.
instance ToSchema UUID.UUID where
- declareNamedSchema p = pure $ named "UUID" $ paramSchemaToSchema p
- & example ?~ toJSON (UUID.toText UUID.nil)
+ declareNamedSchema p =
+ pure $
+ named "UUID" $
+ paramSchemaToSchema p
+ & example ?~ toJSON (UUID.toText UUID.nil)
instance (ToSchema a, ToSchema b) => ToSchema (a, b) where
declareNamedSchema = fmap unname . genericDeclareNamedSchema defaultSchemaOptions
instance (ToSchema a, ToSchema b, ToSchema c) => ToSchema (a, b, c) where
declareNamedSchema = fmap unname . genericDeclareNamedSchema defaultSchemaOptions
instance (ToSchema a, ToSchema b, ToSchema c, ToSchema d) => ToSchema (a, b, c, d) where
declareNamedSchema = fmap unname . genericDeclareNamedSchema defaultSchemaOptions
instance (ToSchema a, ToSchema b, ToSchema c, ToSchema d, ToSchema e) => ToSchema (a, b, c, d, e) where
declareNamedSchema = fmap unname . genericDeclareNamedSchema defaultSchemaOptions
instance (ToSchema a, ToSchema b, ToSchema c, ToSchema d, ToSchema e, ToSchema f) => ToSchema (a, b, c, d, e, f) where
declareNamedSchema = fmap unname . genericDeclareNamedSchema defaultSchemaOptions
instance (ToSchema a, ToSchema b, ToSchema c, ToSchema d, ToSchema e, ToSchema f, ToSchema g) => ToSchema (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) where
declareNamedSchema = fmap unname . genericDeclareNamedSchema defaultSchemaOptions
timeSchema :: T.Text -> Schema
-timeSchema fmt = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
- & format ?~ fmt
+timeSchema fmt =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
+ & format ?~ fmt
-- | Format @"date"@ corresponds to @yyyy-mm-dd@ format.
instance ToSchema Day where
- declareNamedSchema _ = pure $ named "Day" $ timeSchema "date"
- & example ?~ toJSON (fromGregorian 2016 7 22)
+ declareNamedSchema _ =
+ pure $
+ named "Day" $
+ timeSchema "date"
+ & example ?~ toJSON (fromGregorian 2016 7 22)
-- |
-- >>> toSchema (Proxy :: Proxy LocalTime) ^. format
-- Just "yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ss"
instance ToSchema LocalTime where
- declareNamedSchema _ = pure $ named "LocalTime" $ timeSchema "yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ss"
- & example ?~ toJSON (LocalTime (fromGregorian 2016 7 22) (TimeOfDay 7 40 0))
+ declareNamedSchema _ =
+ pure $
+ named "LocalTime" $
+ timeSchema "yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ss"
+ & example ?~ toJSON (LocalTime (fromGregorian 2016 7 22) (TimeOfDay 7 40 0))
-- | Format @"date-time"@ corresponds to @yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ss(Z|+hh:MM)@ format.
instance ToSchema ZonedTime where
- declareNamedSchema _ = pure $ named "ZonedTime" $ timeSchema "date-time"
- & example ?~ toJSON (ZonedTime (LocalTime (fromGregorian 2016 7 22) (TimeOfDay 7 40 0)) (hoursToTimeZone 3))
+ declareNamedSchema _ =
+ pure $
+ named "ZonedTime" $
+ timeSchema "date-time"
+ & example ?~ toJSON (ZonedTime (LocalTime (fromGregorian 2016 7 22) (TimeOfDay 7 40 0)) (hoursToTimeZone 3))
instance ToSchema NominalDiffTime where
declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy Pico)
@@ -669,21 +720,28 @@ instance ToSchema NominalDiffTime where
-- >>> toSchema (Proxy :: Proxy UTCTime) ^. format
-- Just "yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ssZ"
instance ToSchema UTCTime where
- declareNamedSchema _ = pure $ named "UTCTime" $ timeSchema "yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ssZ"
- & example ?~ toJSON (UTCTime (fromGregorian 2016 7 22) 0)
+ declareNamedSchema _ =
+ pure $
+ named "UTCTime" $
+ timeSchema "yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ssZ"
+ & example ?~ toJSON (UTCTime (fromGregorian 2016 7 22) 0)
instance ToSchema T.Text where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema TL.Text where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Version where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
type family ToSchemaByteStringError bs where
- ToSchemaByteStringError bs = TypeError
+ ToSchemaByteStringError bs =
+ TypeError
( Text "Impossible to have an instance " :<>: ShowType (ToSchema bs) :<>: Text "."
- :$$: Text "Please, use a newtype wrapper around " :<>: ShowType bs :<>: Text " instead."
- :$$: Text "Consider using byteSchema or binarySchema templates." )
+ :$$: Text "Please, use a newtype wrapper around " :<>: ShowType bs :<>: Text " instead."
+ :$$: Text "Consider using byteSchema or binarySchema templates."
+ )
+instance ToSchemaByteStringError BS.ByteString => ToSchema BS.ByteString where declareNamedSchema = error "impossible"
-instance ToSchemaByteStringError BS.ByteString => ToSchema BS.ByteString where declareNamedSchema = error "impossible"
instance ToSchemaByteStringError BSL.ByteString => ToSchema BSL.ByteString where declareNamedSchema = error "impossible"
instance ToSchema IntSet where declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy (Set Int))
@@ -694,34 +752,44 @@ instance (ToSchema a) => ToSchema (IntMap a) where
instance (ToJSONKey k, ToSchema k, ToSchema v) => ToSchema (Map k v) where
declareNamedSchema _ = case toJSONKey :: ToJSONKeyFunction k of
- ToJSONKeyText _ _ -> declareObjectMapSchema
- ToJSONKeyValue _ _ -> declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [(k, v)])
+ ToJSONKeyText _ _ -> declareObjectMapSchema
+ ToJSONKeyValue _ _ -> declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [(k, v)])
declareObjectMapSchema = do
schema <- declareSchemaRef (Proxy :: Proxy v)
- return $ unnamed $ mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
- & additionalProperties ?~ AdditionalPropertiesSchema schema
+ return $
+ unnamed $
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
+ & additionalProperties ?~ AdditionalPropertiesSchema schema
instance (ToJSONKey k, ToSchema k, ToSchema v) => ToSchema (HashMap k v) where
declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy (Map k v))
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} ToSchema Object where
- declareNamedSchema _ = pure $ NamedSchema (Just "Object") $ mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
- & description ?~ "Arbitrary JSON object."
- & additionalProperties ?~ AdditionalPropertiesAllowed True
+ declareNamedSchema _ =
+ pure $
+ NamedSchema (Just "Object") $
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
+ & description ?~ "Arbitrary JSON object."
+ & additionalProperties ?~ AdditionalPropertiesAllowed True
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (V.Vector a) where declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (VU.Vector a) where declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (VS.Vector a) where declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (VP.Vector a) where declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Set a) where
declareNamedSchema _ = do
schema <- declareSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
- return $ unnamed $ schema
- & uniqueItems ?~ True
+ return $
+ unnamed $
+ schema
+ & uniqueItems ?~ True
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (HashSet a) where declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy (Set a))
@@ -729,17 +797,24 @@ instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (HashSet a) where declareNamedSchema _ = declare
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (NonEmpty a) where
declareNamedSchema _ = do
schema <- declareSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
- return $ unnamed $ schema
- & minItems .~ Just 1
+ return $
+ unnamed $
+ schema
+ & minItems .~ Just 1
instance ToSchema All where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Any where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
-instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Sum a) where declareNamedSchema _ = unname <$> declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
+instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Sum a) where declareNamedSchema _ = unname <$> declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Product a) where declareNamedSchema _ = unname <$> declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
-instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (First a) where declareNamedSchema _ = unname <$> declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
-instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Last a) where declareNamedSchema _ = unname <$> declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
-instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Dual a) where declareNamedSchema _ = unname <$> declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
+instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (First a) where declareNamedSchema _ = unname <$> declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
+instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Last a) where declareNamedSchema _ = unname <$> declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
+instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Dual a) where declareNamedSchema _ = unname <$> declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Identity a) where declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
@@ -752,26 +827,37 @@ instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Identity a) where declareNamedSchema _ = declar
-- "type": "integer"
-- }
toSchemaBoundedIntegral :: forall a. (Bounded a, Integral a) => Proxy a -> Schema
-toSchemaBoundedIntegral _ = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiInteger
- & minimum_ ?~ fromInteger (toInteger (minBound :: a))
- & maximum_ ?~ fromInteger (toInteger (maxBound :: a))
+toSchemaBoundedIntegral _ =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiInteger
+ & minimum_ ?~ fromInteger (toInteger (minBound :: a))
+ & maximum_ ?~ fromInteger (toInteger (maxBound :: a))
-- | Default generic named schema for @'Bounded'@, @'Integral'@ types.
-genericToNamedSchemaBoundedIntegral :: forall a d f.
- ( Bounded a, Integral a
- , Generic a, Rep a ~ D1 d f, Datatype d)
- => SchemaOptions -> Proxy a -> NamedSchema
-genericToNamedSchemaBoundedIntegral opts proxy
- = genericNameSchema opts proxy (toSchemaBoundedIntegral proxy)
+genericToNamedSchemaBoundedIntegral ::
+ forall a d f.
+ ( Bounded a,
+ Integral a,
+ Generic a,
+ Rep a ~ D1 d f,
+ Datatype d
+ ) =>
+ SchemaOptions ->
+ Proxy a ->
+ NamedSchema
+genericToNamedSchemaBoundedIntegral opts proxy =
+ genericNameSchema opts proxy (toSchemaBoundedIntegral proxy)
-- | Declare a named schema for a @newtype@ wrapper.
-genericDeclareNamedSchemaNewtype :: forall a d c s i inner.
- (Generic a, Datatype d, Rep a ~ D1 d (C1 c (S1 s (K1 i inner))))
- => SchemaOptions -- ^ How to derive the name.
- -> (Proxy inner -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Schema) -- ^ How to create a schema for the wrapped type.
- -> Proxy a
- -> Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema
+genericDeclareNamedSchemaNewtype ::
+ forall a d c s i inner.
+ (Generic a, Datatype d, Rep a ~ D1 d (C1 c (S1 s (K1 i inner)))) =>
+ -- | How to derive the name.
+ SchemaOptions ->
+ -- | How to create a schema for the wrapped type.
+ (Proxy inner -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Schema) ->
+ Proxy a ->
+ Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema
genericDeclareNamedSchemaNewtype opts f proxy = genericNameSchema opts proxy <$> f (Proxy :: Proxy inner)
-- | Declare 'Schema' for a mapping with 'Bounded' 'Enum' keys.
@@ -806,20 +892,23 @@ genericDeclareNamedSchemaNewtype opts f proxy = genericNameSchema opts proxy <$>
-- Note: this is only useful when @key@ is encoded with 'ToJSONKeyText'.
-- If it is encoded with 'ToJSONKeyValue' then a regular schema for @[(key, value)]@ is used.
-declareSchemaBoundedEnumKeyMapping :: forall map key value.
- (Bounded key, Enum key, ToJSONKey key, ToSchema key, ToSchema value)
- => Proxy (map key value) -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Schema
+declareSchemaBoundedEnumKeyMapping ::
+ forall map key value.
+ (Bounded key, Enum key, ToJSONKey key, ToSchema key, ToSchema value) =>
+ Proxy (map key value) ->
+ Declare (Definitions Schema) Schema
declareSchemaBoundedEnumKeyMapping _ = case toJSONKey :: ToJSONKeyFunction key of
ToJSONKeyText keyToText _ -> objectSchema keyToText
ToJSONKeyValue _ _ -> declareSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [(key, value)])
objectSchema keyToText = do
valueRef <- declareSchemaRef (Proxy :: Proxy value)
- let allKeys = [minBound..maxBound :: key]
- mkPair k = (keyToText k, valueRef)
- return $ mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
- & properties .~ InsOrdHashMap.fromList (map mkPair allKeys)
+ let allKeys = [minBound .. maxBound :: key]
+ mkPair k = (keyToText k, valueRef)
+ return $
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
+ & properties .~ InsOrdHashMap.fromList (map mkPair allKeys)
-- | A 'Schema' for a mapping with 'Bounded' 'Enum' keys.
-- This makes a much more useful schema when there aren't many options for key values.
@@ -853,14 +942,19 @@ declareSchemaBoundedEnumKeyMapping _ = case toJSONKey :: ToJSONKeyFunction key o
-- Note: this is only useful when @key@ is encoded with 'ToJSONKeyText'.
-- If it is encoded with 'ToJSONKeyValue' then a regular schema for @[(key, value)]@ is used.
-toSchemaBoundedEnumKeyMapping :: forall map key value.
- (Bounded key, Enum key, ToJSONKey key, ToSchema key, ToSchema value)
- => Proxy (map key value) -> Schema
+toSchemaBoundedEnumKeyMapping ::
+ forall map key value.
+ (Bounded key, Enum key, ToJSONKey key, ToSchema key, ToSchema value) =>
+ Proxy (map key value) ->
+ Schema
toSchemaBoundedEnumKeyMapping = flip evalDeclare mempty . declareSchemaBoundedEnumKeyMapping
-- | A configurable generic @'Schema'@ creator.
-genericDeclareSchema :: (Generic a, GToSchema (Rep a), Typeable a) =>
- SchemaOptions -> Proxy a -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Schema
+genericDeclareSchema ::
+ (Generic a, GToSchema (Rep a), Typeable a) =>
+ SchemaOptions ->
+ Proxy a ->
+ Declare (Definitions Schema) Schema
genericDeclareSchema opts proxy = _namedSchemaSchema <$> genericDeclareNamedSchema opts proxy
-- | A configurable generic @'NamedSchema'@ creator.
@@ -875,8 +969,12 @@ genericDeclareSchema opts proxy = _namedSchemaSchema <$> genericDeclareNamedSche
-- >>> _namedSchemaName $ undeclare $ genericDeclareNamedSchema defaultSchemaOptions (Proxy :: Proxy (Either Int Bool))
-- Just "Either_Int_Bool"
-genericDeclareNamedSchema :: forall a. (Generic a, GToSchema (Rep a), Typeable a) =>
- SchemaOptions -> Proxy a -> Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema
+genericDeclareNamedSchema ::
+ forall a.
+ (Generic a, GToSchema (Rep a), Typeable a) =>
+ SchemaOptions ->
+ Proxy a ->
+ Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema
genericDeclareNamedSchema opts _ =
rename (Just $ T.pack name) <$> gdeclareNamedSchema opts (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep a)) mempty
@@ -885,24 +983,30 @@ genericDeclareNamedSchema opts _ =
orig = fmap unspace $ show $ typeRep @a
name = datatypeNameModifier opts orig
-- | Derive a 'Generic'-based name for a datatype and assign it to a given 'Schema'.
-genericNameSchema :: forall a d f.
- (Generic a, Rep a ~ D1 d f, Datatype d)
- => SchemaOptions -> Proxy a -> Schema -> NamedSchema
+genericNameSchema ::
+ forall a d f.
+ (Generic a, Rep a ~ D1 d f, Datatype d) =>
+ SchemaOptions ->
+ Proxy a ->
+ Schema ->
+ NamedSchema
genericNameSchema opts _ = NamedSchema (gdatatypeSchemaName opts (Proxy :: Proxy d))
gdatatypeSchemaName :: forall d. Datatype d => SchemaOptions -> Proxy d -> Maybe T.Text
gdatatypeSchemaName opts _ = case orig of
- (c:_) | isAlpha c && isUpper c -> Just (T.pack name)
+ (c : _) | isAlpha c && isUpper c -> Just (T.pack name)
_ -> Nothing
orig = datatypeName (Proxy3 :: Proxy3 d f a)
name = datatypeNameModifier opts orig
-- | Construct 'NamedSchema' usinng 'ToParamSchema'.
-paramSchemaToNamedSchema :: (ToParamSchema a, Generic a, Rep a ~ D1 d f, Datatype d) =>
- SchemaOptions -> Proxy a -> NamedSchema
+paramSchemaToNamedSchema ::
+ (ToParamSchema a, Generic a, Rep a ~ D1 d f, Datatype d) =>
+ SchemaOptions ->
+ Proxy a ->
+ NamedSchema
paramSchemaToNamedSchema opts proxy = genericNameSchema opts proxy (paramSchemaToSchema proxy)
-- | Construct 'Schema' usinng 'ToParamSchema'.
@@ -910,9 +1014,10 @@ paramSchemaToSchema :: ToParamSchema a => Proxy a -> Schema
paramSchemaToSchema = toParamSchema
nullarySchema :: Schema
-nullarySchema = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiArray
- & items ?~ OpenApiItemsArray []
+nullarySchema =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiArray
+ & items ?~ OpenApiItemsArray []
gtoNamedSchema :: GToSchema f => SchemaOptions -> Proxy f -> NamedSchema
gtoNamedSchema opts proxy = undeclare $ gdeclareNamedSchema opts proxy mempty
@@ -941,15 +1046,15 @@ instance (Selector s, GToSchema f, GToSchema (S1 s f)) => GToSchema (C1 c (S1 s
gdeclareNamedSchema opts _ s
| unwrapUnaryRecords opts = fieldSchema
| otherwise =
- case schema ^. items of
- Just (OpenApiItemsArray [_]) -> fieldSchema
- _ -> do
- declare defs
- return (unnamed schema)
+ case schema ^. items of
+ Just (OpenApiItemsArray [_]) -> fieldSchema
+ _ -> do
+ declare defs
+ return (unnamed schema)
(defs, NamedSchema _ schema) = runDeclare recordSchema mempty
recordSchema = gdeclareNamedSchema opts (Proxy :: Proxy (S1 s f)) s
- fieldSchema = gdeclareNamedSchema opts (Proxy :: Proxy f) s
+ fieldSchema = gdeclareNamedSchema opts (Proxy :: Proxy f) s
gdeclareSchemaRef :: GToSchema a => SchemaOptions -> Proxy a -> Declare (Definitions Schema) (Referenced Schema)
gdeclareSchemaRef opts proxy = do
@@ -975,21 +1080,29 @@ appendItem x Nothing = Just (OpenApiItemsArray [x])
appendItem x (Just (OpenApiItemsArray xs)) = Just (OpenApiItemsArray (xs ++ [x]))
appendItem _ _ = error "GToSchema.appendItem: cannot append to OpenApiItemsObject"
-withFieldSchema :: forall proxy s f. (Selector s, GToSchema f) =>
- SchemaOptions -> proxy s f -> Bool -> Schema -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Schema
+withFieldSchema ::
+ forall proxy s f.
+ (Selector s, GToSchema f) =>
+ SchemaOptions ->
+ proxy s f ->
+ Bool ->
+ Schema ->
+ Declare (Definitions Schema) Schema
withFieldSchema opts _ isRequiredField schema = do
ref <- gdeclareSchemaRef opts (Proxy :: Proxy f)
return $
if T.null fname
- then schema
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiArray
- & items %~ appendItem ref
- & maxItems %~ Just . maybe 1 (+1) -- increment maxItems
- & minItems %~ Just . maybe 1 (+1) -- increment minItems
- else schema
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
- & properties . at fname ?~ ref
- & if isRequiredField
+ then
+ schema
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiArray
+ & items %~ appendItem ref
+ & maxItems %~ Just . maybe 1 (+ 1) -- increment maxItems
+ & minItems %~ Just . maybe 1 (+ 1) -- increment minItems
+ else
+ schema
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
+ & properties . at fname ?~ ref
+ & if isRequiredField
then required %~ (++ [fname])
else id
@@ -1009,32 +1122,37 @@ instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} ToSchema c => GToSchema (K1 i (Maybe c)) where
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} ToSchema c => GToSchema (K1 i c) where
gdeclareNamedSchema _ _ _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy c)
-instance ( GSumToSchema f
- , GSumToSchema g
- ) => GToSchema (f :+: g)
- where
+ ( GSumToSchema f,
+ GSumToSchema g
+ ) =>
+ GToSchema (f :+: g)
+ where
-- Aeson does not unwrap unary record in sum types.
- gdeclareNamedSchema opts p s = gdeclareNamedSumSchema (opts { unwrapUnaryRecords = False } )p s
+ gdeclareNamedSchema opts p s = gdeclareNamedSumSchema (opts {unwrapUnaryRecords = False}) p s
gdeclareNamedSumSchema :: GSumToSchema f => SchemaOptions -> Proxy f -> Schema -> Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema
gdeclareNamedSumSchema opts proxy _
| allNullaryToStringTag opts && allNullary = pure $ unnamed (toStringTag sumSchemas)
| otherwise = do
(schemas, _) <- runWriterT declareSumSchema
- return $ unnamed $ mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
- & oneOf ?~ (snd <$> schemas)
+ return $
+ unnamed $
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
+ & oneOf ?~ (snd <$> schemas)
declareSumSchema = gsumToSchema opts proxy
(sumSchemas, All allNullary) = undeclare (runWriterT declareSumSchema)
- toStringTag schemas = mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
- & enum_ ?~ map (String . fst) sumSchemas
+ toStringTag schemas =
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
+ & enum_ ?~ map (String . fst) sumSchemas
type AllNullary = All
-class GSumToSchema (f :: * -> *) where
+class GSumToSchema (f :: * -> *) where
gsumToSchema :: SchemaOptions -> Proxy f -> WriterT AllNullary (Declare (Definitions Schema)) [(T.Text, Referenced Schema)]
instance (GSumToSchema f, GSumToSchema g) => GSumToSchema (f :+: g) where
@@ -1042,8 +1160,13 @@ instance (GSumToSchema f, GSumToSchema g) => GSumToSchema (f :+: g) where
(<>) <$> gsumToSchema opts (Proxy :: Proxy f) <*> gsumToSchema opts (Proxy :: Proxy g)
-- | Convert one component of the sum to schema, to be later combined with @oneOf@.
-gsumConToSchemaWith :: forall c f. (GToSchema (C1 c f), Constructor c) =>
- Maybe (Referenced Schema) -> SchemaOptions -> Proxy (C1 c f) -> (T.Text, Referenced Schema)
+gsumConToSchemaWith ::
+ forall c f.
+ (GToSchema (C1 c f), Constructor c) =>
+ Maybe (Referenced Schema) ->
+ SchemaOptions ->
+ Proxy (C1 c f) ->
+ (T.Text, Referenced Schema)
gsumConToSchemaWith ref opts _ = (tag, schema)
schema = case sumEncoding opts of
@@ -1051,35 +1174,46 @@ gsumConToSchemaWith ref opts _ = (tag, schema)
case ref of
-- If subschema is an object and constructor is a record, we add tag directly
-- to the record, as Aeson does it.
- Just (Inline sub) | sub ^. type_ == Just OpenApiObject && isRecord -> Inline $ sub
- & required <>~ [T.pack tagField]
- & properties . at (T.pack tagField) ?~ (Inline $ mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiString & enum_ ?~ [String tag])
+ Just (Inline sub)
+ | sub ^. type_ == Just OpenApiObject && isRecord ->
+ Inline $
+ sub
+ & required <>~ [T.pack tagField]
+ & properties . at (T.pack tagField) ?~ (Inline $ mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiString & enum_ ?~ [String tag])
-- If it is not a record, we need to put subschema into "contents" field.
- _ | not isRecord -> Inline $ mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
- & required .~ [T.pack tagField]
- & properties . at (T.pack tagField) ?~ (Inline $ mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiString & enum_ ?~ [String tag])
- -- If constructor is nullary, there is no content.
- & case ref of
- Just r -> (properties . at (T.pack contentsField) ?~ r) . (required <>~ [T.pack contentsField])
- Nothing -> id
+ _
+ | not isRecord ->
+ Inline $
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
+ & required .~ [T.pack tagField]
+ & properties . at (T.pack tagField) ?~ (Inline $ mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiString & enum_ ?~ [String tag])
+ -- If constructor is nullary, there is no content.
+ & case ref of
+ Just r -> (properties . at (T.pack contentsField) ?~ r) . (required <>~ [T.pack contentsField])
+ Nothing -> id
-- In the remaining cases we combine "tag" object and "contents" object using allOf.
- _ -> Inline $ mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
- & allOf ?~ [Inline $ mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
- & required .~ (T.pack tagField : if isRecord then [] else [T.pack contentsField])
- & properties . at (T.pack tagField) ?~ (Inline $ mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiString & enum_ ?~ [String tag])]
- & if isRecord
- then allOf . _Just <>~ [refOrNullary]
- else allOf . _Just <>~ [Inline $ mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject & properties . at (T.pack contentsField) ?~ refOrNullary]
+ _ ->
+ Inline $
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
+ & allOf
+ ?~ [ Inline $
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
+ & required .~ (T.pack tagField : if isRecord then [] else [T.pack contentsField])
+ & properties . at (T.pack tagField) ?~ (Inline $ mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiString & enum_ ?~ [String tag])
+ ]
+ & if isRecord
+ then allOf . _Just <>~ [refOrNullary]
+ else allOf . _Just <>~ [Inline $ mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject & properties . at (T.pack contentsField) ?~ refOrNullary]
UntaggedValue -> refOrEnum -- Aeson encodes nullary constructors as strings in this case.
- ObjectWithSingleField -> Inline $ mempty
- & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
- & required .~ [tag]
- & properties . at tag ?~ refOrNullary
+ ObjectWithSingleField ->
+ Inline $
+ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
+ & required .~ [tag]
+ & properties . at tag ?~ refOrNullary
TwoElemArray -> error "unrepresentable in OpenAPI 3"
tag = T.pack (constructorTagModifier opts (conName (Proxy3 :: Proxy3 c f p)))
@@ -1087,8 +1221,11 @@ gsumConToSchemaWith ref opts _ = (tag, schema)
refOrNullary = fromMaybe (Inline nullarySchema) ref
refOrEnum = fromMaybe (Inline $ mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiString & enum_ ?~ [String tag]) ref
-gsumConToSchema :: (GToSchema (C1 c f), Constructor c) =>
- SchemaOptions -> Proxy (C1 c f) -> Declare (Definitions Schema) [(T.Text, Referenced Schema)]
+gsumConToSchema ::
+ (GToSchema (C1 c f), Constructor c) =>
+ SchemaOptions ->
+ Proxy (C1 c f) ->
+ Declare (Definitions Schema) [(T.Text, Referenced Schema)]
gsumConToSchema opts proxy = do
ref <- gdeclareSchemaRef opts proxy
return [gsumConToSchemaWith (Just ref) opts proxy]
@@ -1104,19 +1241,18 @@ instance (Constructor c, Selector s, GToSchema f) => GSumToSchema (C1 c (S1 s f)
lift $ gsumConToSchema opts proxy
instance Constructor c => GSumToSchema (C1 c U1) where
- gsumToSchema opts proxy = pure $ (:[]) $ gsumConToSchemaWith Nothing opts proxy
+ gsumToSchema opts proxy = pure $ (: []) $ gsumConToSchemaWith Nothing opts proxy
data Proxy2 a b = Proxy2
data Proxy3 a b c = Proxy3
-{- $setup
->>> import Data.OpenApi
->>> import Data.Aeson (encode)
->>> import Data.Aeson.Types (toJSONKeyText)
->>> import Data.OpenApi.Internal.Utils
->>> :set -XScopedTypeVariables
->>> :set -XDeriveAnyClass
->>> :set -XStandaloneDeriving
->>> :set -XTypeApplications
+-- $setup
+-- >>> import Data.OpenApi
+-- >>> import Data.Aeson (encode)
+-- >>> import Data.Aeson.Types (toJSONKeyText)
+-- >>> import Data.OpenApi.Internal.Utils
+-- >>> :set -XScopedTypeVariables
+-- >>> :set -XDeriveAnyClass
+-- >>> :set -XStandaloneDeriving
+-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
diff --git a/src/Data/OpenApi/Operation.hs b/src/Data/OpenApi/Operation.hs
index 9a2484b1..18b46c31 100644
--- a/src/Data/OpenApi/Operation.hs
+++ b/src/Data/OpenApi/Operation.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- |
-- Module: Data.OpenApi.Operation
-- Maintainer: Nickolay Kudasov
@@ -7,48 +8,47 @@
-- Helper traversals and functions for Swagger operations manipulations.
-- These might be useful when you already have Swagger specification
-- generated by something else.
-module Data.OpenApi.Operation (
- -- * Operation traversals
- allOperations,
- operationsOf,
+module Data.OpenApi.Operation
+ ( -- * Operation traversals
+ allOperations,
+ operationsOf,
- -- * Manipulation
- -- ** Tags
- applyTags,
- applyTagsFor,
+ -- * Manipulation
- -- ** Responses
- setResponse,
- setResponseWith,
- setResponseFor,
- setResponseForWith,
+ -- ** Tags
+ applyTags,
+ applyTagsFor,
- -- ** Paths
- prependPath,
+ -- ** Responses
+ setResponse,
+ setResponseWith,
+ setResponseFor,
+ setResponseForWith,
- -- * Miscellaneous
- declareResponse,
-) where
+ -- ** Paths
+ prependPath,
-import Prelude ()
-import Prelude.Compat
+ -- * Miscellaneous
+ declareResponse,
+ )
import Control.Lens
import Data.Data.Lens
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as InsOrdHashMap
+import qualified Data.HashSet.InsOrd as InsOrdHS
import Data.List.Compat
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
-import Data.Proxy
-import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import Network.HTTP.Media (MediaType)
import Data.OpenApi.Declare
import Data.OpenApi.Internal
import Data.OpenApi.Lens
import Data.OpenApi.Schema
-import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as InsOrdHashMap
-import qualified Data.HashSet.InsOrd as InsOrdHS
+import Data.Proxy
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Network.HTTP.Media (MediaType)
+import Prelude.Compat
+import Prelude ()
-- $setup
-- >>> import Data.Aeson
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ prependPath path = paths %~ InsOrdHashMap.mapKeys (path >)
-- | All operations of a Swagger spec.
allOperations :: Traversal' OpenApi Operation
-allOperations = paths.traverse.template
+allOperations = paths . traverse . template
-- | @'operationsOf' sub@ will traverse only those operations
-- that are present in @sub@. Note that @'Operation'@ is determined
@@ -143,21 +143,17 @@ allOperations = paths.traverse.template
-- }
-- }
operationsOf :: OpenApi -> Traversal' OpenApi Operation
-operationsOf sub = paths.itraversed.withIndex.subops
+operationsOf sub = paths . itraversed . withIndex . subops
- -- | Traverse operations that correspond to paths and methods of the sub API.
subops :: Traversal' (FilePath, PathItem) Operation
subops f (path, item) = case InsOrdHashMap.lookup path (sub ^. paths) of
Just subitem -> (,) path <$> methodsOf subitem f item
- Nothing -> pure (path, item)
- -- | Traverse operations that exist in a given @'PathItem'@
- -- This is used to traverse only the operations that exist in sub API.
+ Nothing -> pure (path, item)
methodsOf :: PathItem -> Traversal' PathItem Operation
methodsOf pathItem = partsOf template . itraversed . indices (`elem` ns) . _Just
ops = pathItem ^.. template :: [Maybe Operation]
- ns = mapMaybe (fmap fst . sequenceA) $ zip [0..] ops
+ ns = mapMaybe (fmap fst . sequenceA) $ zip [0 ..] ops
-- | Apply tags to all operations and update the global list of tags.
@@ -170,9 +166,10 @@ applyTags = applyTagsFor allOperations
-- | Apply tags to a part of Swagger spec and update the global
-- list of tags.
applyTagsFor :: Traversal' OpenApi Operation -> [Tag] -> OpenApi -> OpenApi
-applyTagsFor ops ts swag = swag
- & ops . tags %~ (<> InsOrdHS.fromList (map _tagName ts))
- & tags %~ (<> InsOrdHS.fromList ts)
+applyTagsFor ops ts swag =
+ swag
+ & ops . tags %~ (<> InsOrdHS.fromList (map _tagName ts))
+ & tags %~ (<> InsOrdHS.fromList ts)
-- | Construct a response with @'Schema'@ while declaring all
-- necessary schema definitions.
@@ -202,7 +199,7 @@ applyTagsFor ops ts swag = swag
declareResponse :: ToSchema a => MediaType -> Proxy a -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Response
declareResponse cType proxy = do
s <- declareSchemaRef proxy
- return (mempty & content.at cType ?~ (mempty & schema ?~ s))
+ return (mempty & content . at cType ?~ (mempty & schema ?~ s))
-- | Set response for all operations.
-- This will also update global schema definitions.
@@ -278,9 +275,10 @@ setResponseWith = setResponseForWith allOperations
-- See also @'setResponseForWith'@.
setResponseFor :: Traversal' OpenApi Operation -> HttpStatusCode -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Response -> OpenApi -> OpenApi
-setResponseFor ops code dres swag = swag
- & components.schemas %~ (<> defs)
- & ops . at code ?~ Inline res
+setResponseFor ops code dres swag =
+ swag
+ & components . schemas %~ (<> defs)
+ & ops . at code ?~ Inline res
(defs, res) = runDeclare dres mempty
@@ -292,14 +290,15 @@ setResponseFor ops code dres swag = swag
-- See also @'setResponseFor'@.
setResponseForWith :: Traversal' OpenApi Operation -> (Response -> Response -> Response) -> HttpStatusCode -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Response -> OpenApi -> OpenApi
-setResponseForWith ops f code dres swag = swag
- & components.schemas %~ (<> defs)
- & ops . at code %~ Just . Inline . combine
+setResponseForWith ops f code dres swag =
+ swag
+ & components . schemas %~ (<> defs)
+ & ops . at code %~ Just . Inline . combine
(defs, new) = runDeclare dres mempty
- combine (Just (Ref (Reference n))) = case swag ^. components.responses.at n of
+ combine (Just (Ref (Reference n))) = case swag ^. components . responses . at n of
Just old -> f old new
- Nothing -> new -- response name can't be dereferenced, replacing with new response
+ Nothing -> new -- response name can't be dereferenced, replacing with new response
combine (Just (Inline old)) = f old new
combine Nothing = new
diff --git a/src/Data/OpenApi/Optics.hs b/src/Data/OpenApi/Optics.hs
index feb125d7..271f3564 100644
--- a/src/Data/OpenApi/Optics.hs
+++ b/src/Data/OpenApi/Optics.hs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- |
-- Module: Data.OpenApi.Optics
-- Maintainer: Andrzej Rybczak
@@ -101,9 +102,9 @@
module Data.OpenApi.Optics () where
import Data.Aeson (Value)
-import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import Data.OpenApi.Internal
import Data.OpenApi.Internal.Utils
+import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Optics.Core
import Optics.TH
@@ -151,26 +152,32 @@ makePrismLabels ''Referenced
-- OpenApiItems prisms
- ( a ~ [Referenced Schema]
- , b ~ [Referenced Schema]
- ) => LabelOptic "_OpenApiItemsArray"
- A_Review
- OpenApiItems
- OpenApiItems
- a
- b where
+ ( a ~ [Referenced Schema],
+ b ~ [Referenced Schema]
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic
+ "_OpenApiItemsArray"
+ A_Review
+ OpenApiItems
+ OpenApiItems
+ a
+ b
+ where
labelOptic = unto (\x -> OpenApiItemsArray x)
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
- ( a ~ Referenced Schema
- , b ~ Referenced Schema
- ) => LabelOptic "_OpenApiItemsObject"
- A_Review
- OpenApiItems
- OpenApiItems
- a
- b where
+ ( a ~ Referenced Schema,
+ b ~ Referenced Schema
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic
+ "_OpenApiItemsObject"
+ A_Review
+ OpenApiItems
+ OpenApiItems
+ a
+ b
+ where
labelOptic = unto (\x -> OpenApiItemsObject x)
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
@@ -178,151 +185,201 @@ instance
-- More helpful instances for easier access to schema properties
type instance Index Responses = HttpStatusCode
type instance Index Operation = HttpStatusCode
type instance IxValue Responses = Referenced Response
type instance IxValue Operation = Referenced Response
instance Ixed Responses where
ix n = #responses % ix n
{-# INLINE ix #-}
-instance At Responses where
+instance At Responses where
at n = #responses % at n
{-# INLINE at #-}
instance Ixed Operation where
ix n = #responses % ix n
{-# INLINE ix #-}
-instance At Operation where
+instance At Operation where
at n = #responses % at n
{-# INLINE at #-}
-- #type
- ( a ~ Maybe OpenApiType
- , b ~ Maybe OpenApiType
- ) => LabelOptic "type" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b where
+ ( a ~ Maybe OpenApiType,
+ b ~ Maybe OpenApiType
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic "type" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b
+ where
labelOptic = #schema % #type
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
-- #default
- ( a ~ Maybe Value, b ~ Maybe Value
- ) => LabelOptic "default" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b where
+ ( a ~ Maybe Value,
+ b ~ Maybe Value
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic "default" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b
+ where
labelOptic = #schema % #default
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
-- #format
- ( a ~ Maybe Format, b ~ Maybe Format
- ) => LabelOptic "format" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b where
+ ( a ~ Maybe Format,
+ b ~ Maybe Format
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic "format" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b
+ where
labelOptic = #schema % #format
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
-- #items
- ( a ~ Maybe OpenApiItems
- , b ~ Maybe OpenApiItems
- ) => LabelOptic "items" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b where
+ ( a ~ Maybe OpenApiItems,
+ b ~ Maybe OpenApiItems
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic "items" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b
+ where
labelOptic = #schema % #items
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
-- #maximum
- ( a ~ Maybe Scientific, b ~ Maybe Scientific
- ) => LabelOptic "maximum" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b where
+ ( a ~ Maybe Scientific,
+ b ~ Maybe Scientific
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic "maximum" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b
+ where
labelOptic = #schema % #maximum
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
-- #exclusiveMaximum
- ( a ~ Maybe Bool, b ~ Maybe Bool
- ) => LabelOptic "exclusiveMaximum" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b where
+ ( a ~ Maybe Bool,
+ b ~ Maybe Bool
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic "exclusiveMaximum" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b
+ where
labelOptic = #schema % #exclusiveMaximum
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
-- #minimum
- ( a ~ Maybe Scientific, b ~ Maybe Scientific
- ) => LabelOptic "minimum" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b where
+ ( a ~ Maybe Scientific,
+ b ~ Maybe Scientific
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic "minimum" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b
+ where
labelOptic = #schema % #minimum
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
-- #exclusiveMinimum
- ( a ~ Maybe Bool, b ~ Maybe Bool
- ) => LabelOptic "exclusiveMinimum" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b where
+ ( a ~ Maybe Bool,
+ b ~ Maybe Bool
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic "exclusiveMinimum" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b
+ where
labelOptic = #schema % #exclusiveMinimum
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
-- #maxLength
- ( a ~ Maybe Integer, b ~ Maybe Integer
- ) => LabelOptic "maxLength" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b where
+ ( a ~ Maybe Integer,
+ b ~ Maybe Integer
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic "maxLength" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b
+ where
labelOptic = #schema % #maxLength
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
-- #minLength
- ( a ~ Maybe Integer, b ~ Maybe Integer
- ) => LabelOptic "minLength" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b where
+ ( a ~ Maybe Integer,
+ b ~ Maybe Integer
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic "minLength" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b
+ where
labelOptic = #schema % #minLength
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
-- #pattern
- ( a ~ Maybe Text, b ~ Maybe Text
- ) => LabelOptic "pattern" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b where
+ ( a ~ Maybe Text,
+ b ~ Maybe Text
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic "pattern" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b
+ where
labelOptic = #schema % #pattern
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
-- #maxItems
- ( a ~ Maybe Integer, b ~ Maybe Integer
- ) => LabelOptic "maxItems" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b where
+ ( a ~ Maybe Integer,
+ b ~ Maybe Integer
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic "maxItems" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b
+ where
labelOptic = #schema % #maxItems
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
-- #minItems
- ( a ~ Maybe Integer, b ~ Maybe Integer
- ) => LabelOptic "minItems" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b where
+ ( a ~ Maybe Integer,
+ b ~ Maybe Integer
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic "minItems" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b
+ where
labelOptic = #schema % #minItems
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
-- #uniqueItems
- ( a ~ Maybe Bool, b ~ Maybe Bool
- ) => LabelOptic "uniqueItems" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b where
+ ( a ~ Maybe Bool,
+ b ~ Maybe Bool
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic "uniqueItems" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b
+ where
labelOptic = #schema % #uniqueItems
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
-- #enum
- ( a ~ Maybe [Value], b ~ Maybe [Value]
- ) => LabelOptic "enum" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b where
+ ( a ~ Maybe [Value],
+ b ~ Maybe [Value]
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic "enum" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b
+ where
labelOptic = #schema % #enum
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
-- #multipleOf
- ( a ~ Maybe Scientific, b ~ Maybe Scientific
- ) => LabelOptic "multipleOf" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b where
+ ( a ~ Maybe Scientific,
+ b ~ Maybe Scientific
+ ) =>
+ LabelOptic "multipleOf" A_Lens NamedSchema NamedSchema a b
+ where
labelOptic = #schema % #multipleOf
{-# INLINE labelOptic #-}
diff --git a/test/Data/OpenApiSpec.hs b/test/Data/OpenApiSpec.hs
index fe724d52..1d409d5d 100644
--- a/test/Data/OpenApiSpec.hs
+++ b/test/Data/OpenApiSpec.hs
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.QQ.Simple
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashSet.InsOrd as InsOrdHS
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as InsOrdHM
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.OpenApi
@@ -144,6 +145,7 @@ operationExample = mempty
& at 200 ?~ "Pet updated."
& at 405 ?~ "Invalid input"
& security .~ [SecurityRequirement [("petstore_auth", ["write:pets", "read:pets"])]]
+ & extensions .~ SpecificationExtensions (InsOrdHM.fromList [("ext1", toJSON True)])
operationExampleJSON :: Value
operationExampleJSON = [aesonQQ|
@@ -198,7 +200,8 @@ operationExampleJSON = [aesonQQ|
- ]
+ ],
+ "x-ext1": true
@@ -230,6 +233,7 @@ schemaSimpleModelExample = mempty
& minimum_ ?~ 0
& type_ ?~ OpenApiInteger
& format ?~ "int32" ) ]
+ & extensions .~ SpecificationExtensions (InsOrdHM.fromList [("ext1", toJSON True)])
schemaSimpleModelExampleJSON :: Value
schemaSimpleModelExampleJSON = [aesonQQ|
@@ -247,7 +251,8 @@ schemaSimpleModelExampleJSON = [aesonQQ|
"type": "integer"
- "type": "object"
+ "type": "object",
+ "x-ext1": true
@@ -448,15 +453,18 @@ securityDefinitionsExample :: SecurityDefinitions
securityDefinitionsExample = SecurityDefinitions
[ ("api_key", SecurityScheme
{ _securitySchemeType = SecuritySchemeApiKey (ApiKeyParams "api_key" ApiKeyHeader)
- , _securitySchemeDescription = Nothing })
+ , _securitySchemeDescription = Nothing
+ , _securitySchemeExtensions = mempty})
, ("petstore_auth", SecurityScheme
{ _securitySchemeType = SecuritySchemeOAuth2 (mempty & implicit ?~ OAuth2Flow
{ _oAuth2Params = OAuth2ImplicitFlow "http://swagger.io/api/oauth/dialog"
, _oAath2RefreshUrl = Nothing
+ , _oAuth2Extensions = mempty
, _oAuth2Scopes =
[ ("write:pets", "modify pets in your account")
, ("read:pets", "read your pets") ] } )
- , _securitySchemeDescription = Nothing }) ]
+ , _securitySchemeDescription = Nothing
+ , _securitySchemeExtensions = SpecificationExtensions (InsOrdHM.fromList [("ext1", toJSON True)])}) ]
securityDefinitionsExampleJSON :: Value
securityDefinitionsExampleJSON = [aesonQQ|
@@ -476,7 +484,8 @@ securityDefinitionsExampleJSON = [aesonQQ|
"authorizationUrl": "http://swagger.io/api/oauth/dialog"
- }
+ },
+ "x-ext1": true
@@ -488,9 +497,11 @@ oAuth2SecurityDefinitionsReadExample = SecurityDefinitions
{ _securitySchemeType = SecuritySchemeOAuth2 (mempty & implicit ?~ OAuth2Flow
{ _oAuth2Params = OAuth2ImplicitFlow "http://swagger.io/api/oauth/dialog"
, _oAath2RefreshUrl = Nothing
+ , _oAuth2Extensions = mempty
, _oAuth2Scopes =
[ ("read:pets", "read your pets") ] } )
- , _securitySchemeDescription = Nothing })
+ , _securitySchemeDescription = Nothing
+ , _securitySchemeExtensions = mempty })
oAuth2SecurityDefinitionsWriteExample :: SecurityDefinitions
@@ -499,9 +510,12 @@ oAuth2SecurityDefinitionsWriteExample = SecurityDefinitions
{ _securitySchemeType = SecuritySchemeOAuth2 (mempty & implicit ?~ OAuth2Flow
{ _oAuth2Params = OAuth2ImplicitFlow "http://swagger.io/api/oauth/dialog"
, _oAath2RefreshUrl = Nothing
+ , _oAuth2Extensions = mempty
, _oAuth2Scopes =
[ ("write:pets", "modify pets in your account") ] } )
- , _securitySchemeDescription = Nothing })
+ , _securitySchemeDescription = Nothing
+ , _securitySchemeExtensions = mempty
+ })
oAuth2SecurityDefinitionsExample :: SecurityDefinitions