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dbt-sugar [0.2.0] - 2021-12-25

Bug Fixes

  • #348 Moved profile target CLI arg to base subparser such that it is available in all commands. This means other commands are no longer forced into the default target. by @z3z1ma

Under The Hood/Misc

  • #390 dbt-sugar can now be installed on Python 3.10 as dependencies have been bumped to allow for it.

dbt-sugar [0.1.0] - 2021-07-30

Bug Fixes

  • #252 Fixes a bug where the audit task was initialised before the bootstrap task in a --bootstrap run making the audit unable to report on newly bootstrapped model descriptions and still give an inaccurate coverage result.

  • #257 Fixes a weird bug in the bootstrap task which resulted in unpredictable file ordering and failed only in GitHub Actions. We now sort the files before building the dbt model info dict for the bootstrap task.

  • #291 The redshift_connector now includes the default sslmode=prefer parameter in the engine when creating a connection. This fixes an issue when Redshift connections are made via SSH.

    by @danieldiamond

  • #263 SQLAlchemy-redshift is incompatible with versions of SQLAlchemy > 1.4 at the moment which broke the redshift adaptor we shipped in the previous alpha. We're going to pin sqlalchemy for the time being and watch any potential progress on the sqlalchemy-redshift pluging issue.

    Thanks to @ldbrandi for reporting the issue and helping with testing.

  • #309 dbt-sugar now stops messing with .yaml files that are not model descriptor files. When we are about to save a yaml file that we have processed for some reason, we will just not save it. An under the hood revisit will address this issue in a more long-term and economical way. Resolves #294, reported by @diegodewilde


  • #203 dbt-sugar will now automatically add a unique and not_null test to the column listed as primary_key in your model's {{ config() }} block.

  • #212 Users of snowflake can decide to make the dbt-sugar connector use describe table when using the doc task instead of the native snowflake.sqlalchemy.get_columns() by setting the use_describe_snowflake: config argument to true or by passing the --use-describe-snowflake CLI argument. This method is a much faster way to get column information from snowflake's information schema. However, the developers of snowflake.sqlachemy opted for the less performant options for reasons that are not entirely clear at this point hence why we're making this an optional and experimental feature until we get more clarity in the following issue.

  • #229 dbt-sugar can now connect to Redshift databases by parsing credentials from dbt profiles.yml. NOTE: Still experimental!

  • #233 dbt-sugar can now automatically generate bootstrap model descriptor files (schema.yml) for all your models as well as their columns. Bootstrap model descriptors will contain either placeholders for undocumented columns and model descrptions, unless columns are documented in other models and in that case bootstrap will populate those columns with their definitions.

    You can generate bootstraps by calling dbt-sugar bootstrap. Running bootstrap is particularly useful when you want to run an exhaustive audit on all your model since the audit task does not, by itself, check your models agains the database to make it less resource hungry. A follow up code-change will introduce an --exhaustive option on the audit task which will call bootstrap first and run audit after.

  • #238 dbt-sugar can now add your custom tests via the console, you only need to write the test as you want to look in the schema.yml. dbt-sugar will check if the test PASSES and if it does will add the custom test to your schema.yml.

  • #239 When running dbt-sugar audit users can now trigger all models (as well as their columns) to have at least placeholders in schema.yml files by passing the --bootstrap optional argument. This ensures that the audit task is fully aware of all the models before running its checks.

    NOTE: the --bootstrap option will check for all of your models against your database and may be slower but it will give you the most accurate coverage statistics.

  • #256 Add support for DBT_PROFILES_DIR environment variable. If the variable is undefined, dbt profiles directory will default to ~/.dbt. (Contributed by @smomni ✨)

  • #305 Users can now prevent their .yaml files to be re-formated (sorted alphabetically) by setting the sugar_config.yml variable preserve_yaml_order: true at syrup-level or via the CLI at runtime by adding the --preserve-yaml-order flag. This is also a good way to ensure that comments will be preserved if you use them in model descriptor files. Resolves #294, reported by @diegodewilde

Under The Hood/Misc

  • #268 The test adding prompt is a bit more user-friendly and clear when it comes to asking about whether users want to add complex or simple builtin tests.

  • #275 The dbt password is now obfuscated from the log messages via logredactor. Issue by @ldbrandi

dbt-sugar [0.0.0] - 2021-04-18

No significant changes.

dbt-sugar v0.0.0-rc.2 (2021-04-10)

Bug Fixes

  • #205: The snowflake_connector now passes the expected warehouse parameter when creating a connection. This fixes an issue reported by @sphinks.

dbt-sugar v.0.0.0-rc.0 (2021-04-06)

Bug Fixes

  • #187: The folder dbt_modules is now excluded from dbt-sugar's search path

  • #189: dbt-sugar now uses the user-provided list to exclude any number of tables from its scope.

    • If a user asks to document a model that is part of the exclude list the app will raise a ValueError and tell users why
    • Any model excluded from dbt-sugar's scope will also not be included in any of the dbt-sugar audit coverage statistics.

    🚧 BREAKING-CHANGE: excluded_tables has been renamed to excluded_models to be consistent with dbt terminology. Users are advised to update their sugar_config.yml if they already used the excluded_tables config variable.


  • #188: Users can now exclude folders from the search scope of dbt-sugar by providing a list of folder names to exclude in the sugar_config.yml via the excluded_folders: config argument. dbt-sugar will not look for models contained in any of these folders for both the audit and doc tasks (as well as all other new tasks in this tool unless explicitly mentioned in future releaeses).
  • #193: dbt sugar now supports arbitrarily named model property files (schema.yml). This means just like in dbt core , users can name their model property files any way they like.

dbt-sugar 0.0.0-b.0 (2021-03-31)

Bug Fixes

  • #167: When creating or modifying a model entry in schema.ymls we now ensure and guarantee that the model name and description keys are always first. Column names and descriptions are sorted alphabetically by column name however to make the schema.yml easier on th eyes.
  • #173: Columns part of the yaml is now explicitly ordered to ensure the following:
    • name and descriptions come first even inside of the columns list
    • models names and description also always comes first
    • models and columns are sorted alphabetically across the schema.yml
  • #180: Fixes a bug where dbt-sugar was looking for the profiles.yml file in the current working directory. This was because we were defaulting the profiles_dir to Path(str()) which makes pathlib resolve to the current working directory. Resolves #177


  • #101: Users can control whether dbt-sugar should ask to add tests or tags via the following CLI arguments:
    • via CLI arguments on each run: --ask-for-tests/--no-ask-for-tests and --ask-for-tags/--no-ask-for-tags or
    • globally per syrup in the sugar_config.yml via the following arguments: always_enforce_tests and always_add_tags
  • #102: Users can get the documentation and tests statistics with the command dbt-sugar audit
    • They can audit a full dbt project, which will return test and documentation coverage statistics for the entire project.
    • They can audit a specific model adding the parameter model, which will give detailed coverage for that specific model.
  • #31: dbt-sugar requires a sugar_config.yml file which makes the following information available at run time:
    • sugar_canes: a (list of) dicts called dbt_projects which points to a user's dbt project name and path of where to find those projects. An exclude_tables list can optionally be provided if users want to exclude some tables from dbt-sugar's analysis scope.
    • defaults: a dict of pointing to
      • a default sugar_cane to run (if not provided, users need to pass the following CLI arguments --sugar-cane <cane_name>
      • a default target pointing to a target from the ~/.dbt/profiles.yml file in order to know which db to talk to and have access to its credentials and object destinations.
  • #32: dbt-sugar checks that the dbt projects requires by sugar_canes are indeed present on disk. If any of them isn't a MissingDbtProjects error is raised and user is provided with a list of missing dbt projects. Later on, we might want to relax this to a warning and allow users to choose between a --strict or normal run, with normal runs throwing only a warning in this case.
  • #36: dbt-sugar Doc task that allows the users to Document a model, this task will:
    • Check that the model exists in the DBT repository and where it is (to create the documentation in the same path).
    • Take the model columns from the database.
    • Create/Update the model in the schema.yml with the columns that we have taken in the previous step and the descriptions from the others columns documented (if is a new column name the description will be "No description for this column").
  • #39: The concept of sugar_cane is renamed to syrup to avoid historically loaded interpretations.
  • #46: dbt-sugar now offers the following UI/Front-End Flow:
    • model-level description writing
    • column-level description witing (only undocumented columns for now)
      • user can choose to document all undocumented columns in one go or select a subset of columns to document
  • #50: dbt-sugar now offers documentation UI flow for already documented columns. The user is prompted to answer a "yes/no" to whether they want to document already documented columns. If they choose to do so they are presented with a list of columns to choose from. Each column also shows the current description. <INSERT GIF OF FLOW WHEN GENERATING CHANGELOG>
  • #86: dbt-sugar will now ask users (and allow them) to add tags to their schema.yml files. PR for the backend flow #85.
  • #93: Introduces a temporary (until next feature release --or maybe in a patch) regression which will restrict dbt-sugar to only be able to manage one dbt project instead of more as was originally intended and hinted at by the use of plural dbt_projects: entry in sugar_config.yml.

Under The Hood/Misc

  • #27: dbt-sugar parses the profile information directly from dbt's ~/.dbt/profiles.yml it will need to know which dbt project we want to document as well as the target from which to pull database credentials and schemas.
  • #42: dbt-sugar attempts to find it's config (sugar_config.yml) starting from the current working directory from which it is called and up to 4 directories above. If no configuration file is found dbt-sugar will throw a FileNotFoundError telling the user that the configuration file cannot be found and will print the current working directory to help the user debug the situation.