Ordered and unordered lists are heavily used in most websites. It's not just for bullet-points and numbers... they are also used in creating horizontal navbars and long collections of objects (like a list of pictures of items for sale). They often take the place of tables as the method of choice for displaying structured content.
- What is the basic list syntax?
- How do you nest lists inside each other?
1. Read [Shay Howe on Lists (including CSS)](http://learn.shayhowe.com/html-css/ordered-unordered-definition-lists)
2. Browse [HTMLGoodies' rapid fire guide to different list types](http://www.htmlgoodies.com/tutorials/getting_started/article.php/3479461)
3. Glance over the [HTML docs on lists](http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_lists.asp)... you'll probably see them again when you're Googling for a problem!
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