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{"prompt": "What is a temporary voice channel?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " A temporary voice channel is a voice channel that gets created when the user requests it and that gets deleted when it gets empty, meaning that it gets deleted when all the users leave that channel. A temporary voice channel can be created with a specific name, position, category and many other settings that can be changed with some slash commands of Astro. END"}
{"prompt": "What is Astro?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Astro is a Discord bot that can create temporary voice channels and assign temporary roles to users inside voice channels END"}
{"prompt": "Can users manage the temporary voice channel?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Yes, the owner of the temporary voice channel can manage it. For example he could change the name or the user limit of the channel with simple slash commands END"}
{"prompt": "Who is the owner of a temporary voice channel?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The owner of a temporary voice channel is the user that creates it. If he leaves the channel, the ownership will go to another random user that is inside the same temporary voice channel that the user just left END"}
{"prompt": "What is a VC?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " VC is a shorthand for \"voice channel\" END"}
{"prompt": "Is there a website for the bot?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Yes, the website is END"}
{"prompt": "What permissions does Astro require?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Astro needs Administrator permissions in order to work in your Discord server END"}
{"prompt": "Why does Astro need Administrator permissions?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Astro needs Administrator permissions to work because, due to a somewhat recent Discord update, bots can handle the \"Manage channel\" permission in a channel only if they have Administrator permissions in the server END"}
{"prompt": "Can Astro work without Administrator permissions?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " It can but it's hard to setup for common users. The Administrator permission requirement for Astro can be turned in certain servers only by the developer and usually only for servers that really need it for legal or business reasons END"}
{"prompt": "Astro appears offline in my server\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " If Astro is offline in your server, try to check if there is any status update in the Support Server of Astro. Otherwise wait a few minutes as a shard of Astro might just be restarting. Otherwise contact the developers via the support server END"}
{"prompt": "What is the support server\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The support server is a Discord server where people talk about the Discord bot Astro and where you can get helped using it, by asking other members of the server. You can also directly talk with the developers of the bot if you need. To join the support server you can use the following link: END"}
{"prompt": "I need assistance with the bot\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " To get assistance for Astro you can either join the support server, look at the documentation of the bot ( or ask for help here! END"}
{"prompt": "Where can I find the documentation\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The documentation is available at END"}
{"prompt": "Astro slash commands are not showing up in my server\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " That might be because you have more than 50 bots in your server. You cannot have more than 50 bots in your server. If that's not the case, then make sure you have the \"Use application commands\" permission in the channel where you are trying to use the commands. END"}
{"prompt": "How do I setup the bot\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can use the slash command `/setup` to setup Astro in your server! END"}
{"prompt": "How do I create temporary voice channels in my server?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Temporary voice channels can be created with generators. To create a generator you can use `/generator create` or the `/setup` slash command END"}
{"prompt": "Can I change the language of the bot?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " At the moment Astro only supports the English language. But you can customise most of the replies of the bot to make it easier to use in your server END"}
{"prompt": "Is there a list of all the commands?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can get a list of all the slash commands available with the slash command `/commands` END"}
{"prompt": "How do I view the settings of my server?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can view the Astro settings of your server with `/settings info` END"}
{"prompt": "What is the error logs channel\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " An error logs channel is a text channel where Astro will send all the issues and errors it encounters when working in your server. END"}
{"prompt": "How do I create the error logs channel\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can create the error logs channel with `/settings error-logs` END"}
{"prompt": "Can I ban a command from being used?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Yes you can prevent a command from being used by going into your `Server settings` -> `Integrations` -> `Astro`. You can also ban commands with `/settings banned-commands` END"}
{"prompt": "How do I unban a command?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can unban a command inside `Server settings` -> `Integrations` -> `Astro` or by reusing the slash command `/settings banned-commands` and unselecting the command that you want to unban END"}
{"prompt": "How do I fix any possible setting in my server?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " To fix any wrong setting of Astro in your server use `/settings fix` END"}
{"prompt": "Temporary voice channels are not getting deleted by Astro\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Make sure Astro has Administrator permissions in your server. Also check the error logs channel for any report on the issues that Astro encountered. Also if users are spamming the creation of temporary voice channels then Astro will ignore those users that are spamming. END"}
{"prompt": "How do I delete left over temporary voice channels?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can delete left over temporary voice channels with `settings cleanup` END"}
{"prompt": "When does a temporary voice channel get deleted?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " A temporary voice channel gets deleted when there is no one in it or when there are only bots in that voice channel END"}
{"prompt": "How does the ownership of a temporary voice channel work?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " When the owner leaves the channel, the ownership gets transferred to another non-bot user in the channel END"}
{"prompt": "What is a generator?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " A generator is the channel that users can join to create a new temporary voice channel, Astro can handle multiple generators and each with different settings! END"}
{"prompt": "How many generators can I have in my server\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can have up to three generators in your server. If you have a premium subscription for Astro you can have unlimited instead! END"}
{"prompt": "Who made Astro?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Astro was made by Giuliopime, a young developer from Italy! END"}
{"prompt": "Who developed Astro?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Astro was programmed by Giuliopime, a young developer from Italy! END"}
{"prompt": "Who uses Astro?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Many professional servers use Astro to manage temporary voice channels, for example the official Discord server of Overwatch uses it! END"}
{"prompt": "What settings does a generator have?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " A generator has all the settings needed to specify how the temporary voice channels should be created and how those channels should be. Each generator has its own settings, so different generator can have different settings. END"}
{"prompt": "In which category do temporary voice channels get generated?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Temporary voice channel get generated in the category that you set with the slash commands `/generator vc category` END"}
{"prompt": "How do I change the category where temporary voice channels are generated?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Use the command `/generator vc category` to change where temporary voice channels get generated END"}
{"prompt": "Can I change the name of the temporary voice channels?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " To change the name that temporary voice channel have when generated, use `/generator vc name`. You can use variables in the name too. END"}
{"prompt": "What is a variable?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Variables can be used to customize channel names and messages from Astro.\nYou can get a list of variables with `/info variables`. A variable is like a placeholder in some text and it is enclosed in curly brackets. An example is the variable `{username}` which will get replaced with a user username when computed. As an example, if you set the temporary voice channel names to `Channel of {nickname}`, `{nickname}` will be replaced with the nickname of the user that creates the temporary voice channel. END"}
{"prompt": "Where can variables be used?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Variables can be used to customise temporary voice channel names or some messages of Astro. END"}
{"prompt": "What is the {activity_name} variable?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The `{activity_name}` variable and all the similar `{activity_...}` variables will be replaced with the name and info of an activity of the user. For example the game that he's playing or the song that he's listening to. END"}
{"prompt": "Can I show the game a user is playing in the temporary voice channel name?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Yes you can do that with the `{activity_name}` variable and all the related `{activity_..}` variables END"}
{"prompt": "What is the {n} variable\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The {n} variable can be used to create to put incremental numbers in the temporary voice channel names. For example you can have 3 temporary voice channels that are named like: `Channel 1`, `Channel 2` and `Channel 3`, by using `/generator vc name Channel {n}`. There are also `{nato}` and `{roman}` which are alternatives to the `{n}` variable, the nato replaces the number with the nato alphabet elements and roman replaces it with roman numbers. END"}
{"prompt": "What are incremental variables?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can get temporary voice channels ordered and numbered by using incremental variables (`{n}`, `{nato}`, `{roman}`). END"}
{"prompt": "Temporary voice channel names are not getting updated sometimes\n\n===\n\n", "completion" : " Astro will not always be able to update the temporary voice channel name because of a new Discord limitation which permits to change a channel name only 2 times per every 10 minutes END"}
{"prompt": "How does Astro handle the position of numbered temporary voice channels?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The voice channels will be generated incrementally, the bot will find the first missing voice channel and put the new voice channel in its place.\nFor example: we have 5 voice channels generated by Astro incrementally [`VC #1`, `VC#2`, `VC #3`, `VC #4` and `VC#5`], now let's say `VC #3` gets deleted, what Astro will not do is rename every single VC to the proper name, so `VC#4` to `VC #3` and so on, instead, the next time a VC will be created it will not be `VC #6` but `VC #3` so that the gap gets filled. END"}
{"prompt": "How do I change the user limit of temporary voice channels?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " To change the user limit that temporary voice channels will have when generated, you can set the user limit setting in the generator with the slash command `/generator vc limit` END"}
{"prompt": "How can I change the bitrate of temporary voice channels?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can change the bitrate that temporary voice channels will have with `/generator vc bitrate` END"}
{"prompt": "Is there a limit on the bitrate amount that Astro can set\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Astro reflect the bitrate limits of your server. If the server is boosted Astro can apply higher bitrate to the temporary voice channels. END"}
{"prompt": "Can I change the region of temporary voice channels?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Yes you can change the region of temporary voice channels with `/generator vc region` END"}
{"prompt": "Can I change the permissions of temporary voice channels?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The `/generator vc permissions` command sets where the temporary voice channels inherit the permissions from. Available options are:\n- None, they will not have any default permission\n-Generator, they will copy the permissions of the generator channel\n-Category, permissions will get synced with the category\n\nIt will also ask for a target-role. The target role is the role that will get modified when the channel gets locked, hidden, etc...\nFor example if a user locks the channel (see user commands) then Astro will deny the `Connect` permission to the target role END"}
{"prompt": "What is the voice text chat?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Each voice channel has a text chat attached to it that can be opened directly from the voice channel? END"}
{"prompt": "Can Astro send a message in channel where a temporary voice channel gets created?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Yes, you can make Astro send a message in the voice text chat of the temporary voice channel created with `/generator chat message`. You can also make it send interfaces in it! END"}
{"prompt": "Can Astro create a separate text channel for each temporary voice channel?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Yes Astro can create a temporary text channel for each temporary voice channel. To enable this feature use `/generator chat creation` END"}
{"prompt": "Can I choose where temporary text channels are created?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Yes use `/generator chat category` to choose the category where temporary text channels get created END"}
{"prompt": "What settings can temporary text channels have?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Temporary text channels have the following settings:\n-category\n-name\n-nsfw\n-slowmode\n-topic\n-permissions\n\nAll those settings can be changed with the `/generator chat` commands END"}
{"prompt": "What is the queue mode?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Queue mode is a feature of Astro. When queue mode is enabled, when a user joins a generator, before creating a new temporary voice channel Astro will check if there are existing temporary voice channels that the user can join. In that case Astro will simply move the user in that existing channel. If there are no existing channels that the user can join, then Astro will create a temporary voice channel for the user. END"}
{"prompt": "Astro cannot create temporary voice channels because the category is filled\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can set a fallback generator with `/generator fallback-generator`. If the category of a generator gets filled, Astro will redirect users to the fallback generator when they try to create a temporary voice channel. END"}
{"prompt": "Can I give specific permissions to the owners of temporary voice channels?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Yes, owners of temporary voice channels can have specific permissions in that channel. You can configure which permissions they should have with the slash command `/generator owner permissions` END"}
{"prompt": "What is the owner role?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can set a role that will be given to the owners of the temporary voice channels with `/generator owner role`. The role will get removed from them when they leave the voice channel or lose its ownership. END"}
{"prompt": "What is the owner role useful for?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " An example on how you can use the owner role is to create some text channels where the owners can get information on how to manage their temporary voice channel and make that text channel visible only to the owner role END"}
{"prompt": "Can I make temporary voice channels locked by default?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Yes you can make it so that Astro creates temporary voice channels locked by default with `/generator vc state`. You can also make them hidden by default in the same way. END"}
{"prompt": "What is the moderator role?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Most of the servers have moderators, that's why there is a moderator-role option in the `/generator vc permissions` command.\nOnce you set a moderator role there, that role will be able to join any locked or hidden voice channel and will be able to claim the ownership of the voice channels with `/vc claim` END"}
{"prompt": "What are the available states for temporary voice channels?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Temporary voice channels can have three states:\n-Default\n-Locked\n-Hidden END"}
{"prompt": "Can I make temporary voice channels be created with a specific state?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Yes you can change the state with which temporary voice channels get created with `/generator vc state` END"}
{"prompt": "Can temporary voice channels have a specific name for each state?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Yes you can specify a name for each state with `/generator vc name` using the `state` option of that command. For example, temporary voice channels can have specific names for locked channels and different names for hidden channels. END"}
{"prompt": "When does Astro update the temporary voice channel names?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Astro updates the name of a temporary voice channels when one of the following thing happens:\n- the owner leaves the channel\n- the state of the channel changes\n- the activity of the owner of the channel changes\n\n END"}
{"prompt": "How do I change when Astro should update the temporary voice channel name?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can configure when Astro should update the temporary voice channel name with `/generator vc rename-conditions` END"}
{"prompt": "What is a template?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " A templates simply holds a bunch of settings that can get applied to temporary voice channels all together END"}
{"prompt": "How do I create a template\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can create a template with `/template create`, it will ask for a name which will be the name that users will see when they try to apply a template to their temporary voice channel. END"}
{"prompt": "What settings can a template hold?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " A template can hold the following settings that can be applied to a temporary voice channel:\n- the name\n- the user limit\n- the region\n- the bitrate END"}
{"prompt": "How many templates can I create?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can create up to 5 templates. If you have a premium subscription for Astro you can have unlimited instead! END"}
{"prompt": "Can I make a template usable only by temporary voice channels created from a specific generator?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can restrict a template to be usable only in temporary voice channels created from specific generators with `/template enabled-generators` END"}
{"prompt": "How do I delete a template?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can delete a template an any time via `/template delete` END"}
{"prompt": "How can I apply a template to a temporary voice channel\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can apply a template to your temporary voice channel with `/vc template` or the related interface button END"}
{"prompt": "What is an interface?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Interfaces are a way for users to manage their temporary voice channels with buttons: they are basically a message with some buttons that gets sent in a specific text channel. Users can use the buttons of that message to manage their temporary voice channels (for example lock the channel, hide it, change the name, change the user limit). Each button executes a command of Astro and can have its own style and text END"}
{"prompt": "How can I create an interface?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can create an interface for your server with `/interface create`. Interfaces are global and can be used to manage any temporary voice channel of the server END"}
{"prompt": "How many interfaces can I create?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can have at maximum 1 interface. If you have a premium subscription to Astro you can have unlimited instead! END"}
{"prompt": "How do I delete an interface?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can delete an interface with `/interface delete` END"}
{"prompt": "How do I move the interface to another channel?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " To move an interface message to another text channel use `/interface edit channel` END"}
{"prompt": "Can I change the content of an interface?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can modify the content of an interface with `/interface edit message`. You can also enable automatic fields, Astro will create a description for each button of the interface automatically. END"}
{"prompt": "Can I modify the message of an interface?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can modify the message of an interface with `/interface edit message`. You can also enable automatic fields, Astro will create a description for each command of the interface automatically. END"}
{"prompt": "How do I remove a button from an interface?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can remove a button from an interface with `/interface remove button` END"}
{"prompt": "How do I remove a command from an interface?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can remove a command from an interface with `/interface remove button` END"}
{"prompt": "How do I edit the order of the buttons in the interface?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can arrange the order of the buttons of an interface with `/interface edit button-order` END"}
{"prompt": "How can an owner of a temporary voice channel manage its channel?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Users can manage their temporary voice channel with the `/vc` slash commands or with the buttons of interfaces. END"}
{"prompt": "How can I restrict the bitrate that users can set with /vc bitrate?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Configure a maximum and minimum bitrate applicable with `/vc bitrate` via the slash command `/generator vc bitrate min: max:` END"}
{"prompt": "How can I restrict the user limit that users can set with /vc limit?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Configure a maximum and minimum user limit applicable with `/vc limit` via `/generator vc limit min: max:` END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc bitrate` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " It changes the bitrate of a temporary voice channel END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc limit` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " It is a slash command that changes the user limit of a temporary voice channel END"}
{"prompt": "What are connections?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Connections (also called `voice roles`) are a way to assign users temporary roles while they are inside specific voice channels END"}
{"prompt": "How do I create a connection?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can create a connection with `/connection create`, it will ask for a role and a channel (either a voice channel, a category or a stage channel) , and then edit it with `/connection edit` END"}
{"prompt": "How many connections can I create?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can create maximum one connection. If you have a premium subscription to Astro you can have unlimited instead! END"}
{"prompt": "How do I delete a connection?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Delete a connection with `/connection delete` END"}
{"prompt": "Why do users get a role when they are inside a voice channel?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Probably because you have created a Connection with Astro. END"}
{"prompt": "How can I make the bot remove a role instead of assign it with a connection\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can modify what the connection does with `/connection edit action`. A connection can be configure to either assign, remove or toggle the role of a user that joins a specific voice channel or a voice channel under a specific category. END"}
{"prompt": "What is a premium subscription?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can pay a subscription for Astro to get some premium features. The subscription can be made at and can be either a monthly or annual subscription END"}
{"prompt": "What are the advantages of having a premium subscription?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " If you own a professional server Astro premium is exactly what you need to take your voice channel system to the next level!\nThe advantages of having a Premium subscription are:\n-Unlimited voice channel generators\n-Unlimited interfaces\n-Unlimited connections\n-Unlimited templates\n-Premium commands\n-Vote lock removed from all commands\n-Dedicated support in the support server END"}
{"prompt": "I bought premium but it's not working in my server\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You need to activate premium in your server with `/premium upgrade`. You can then downgrade your server from premium with `/premium downgrade` END"}
{"prompt": "How do I cancel my premium subscription?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " To cancel your premium subscription head over to, log in into with your Discord account, then click on your profile and then click on Billing. From there you will be able to manage all your subscription and cancel them. END"}
{"prompt": "Why do I need to vote to use some commands?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " A few commands require you to vote for Astro on in order to work. Votes help Astro place higher in search results so that more people will be able to discover the bot END"}
{"prompt": "What is\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " is a website that provides a list of available Discord bots for your server. END"}
{"prompt": "What are vote coins?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Vote Coins can be used to get a discount when purchasing premium for your server. See all the discounts you can buy with coins via the `/premium store` command END"}
{"prompt": "How do I get vote coins?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Everytime you vote for Astro on you'll gain a random amount of Vote Coins. There is also a small chance for you to find a Doubloon which is worth 20 Vote Coins! END"}
{"prompt": "How do I prevent users from hiding their channel?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can ban the `/vc hide` command with `/settings banned-commands` and also remove the button from the interfaces with `/interface remove action`. This way users wont be able to hide their temporary voice channel END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/info stats` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " With the `/info stats` command you can see some statistics regarding either Astro, the usage of Astro in your server or some statistics of your profile END"}
{"prompt": "How do I change the style of a button of the interface?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can change the style of any button of an interface with `/interface edit button` END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc ban` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The `/vc ban` command bans someone from joining a temporary voice channel END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc bitrate` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The `/vc bitrate` command sets the bitrate of a temporary voice channel END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc chat` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The `/vc chat` command creates a private text chat for your temporary voice channel END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc claim` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The `/vc claim` command can be used to ask to get the ownership of the voice channel so that you can manage it END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc hide` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " `/vc hide` hides your voice channel so that no one can see it END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc info` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The `/vc info` command gives you some information about a temporary voice channel END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc invite` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The `/vc invite` command let's you invite up to three users to join your temporary voice channel by sending a message with an invite link END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc kick` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " `/vc kick` kicks a user from your temporary voice channel and denies access to him END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc limit` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The `/vc limit` command changes the user limit of your temporary voice channel END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc lock` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " `/vc lock` locks your channel so that no one can join it END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc logs` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " `/vc logs` enables or disables logs for your private text chat END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc name` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The `/vc name` command changes the name of your temporary voice channel END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc permit` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The `/vc permit` command permits one or more users to join your temporary voice channel END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc region` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The `/vc region` command changes the region of your temporary voice channel END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc reset` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The `/vc reset` command resets the permissions of your voice channel END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc template` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " `/vc template` modifies your channel with a premade template (applies a template to your temporary voice channel) END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc toggle-mute` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The `/vc toggle-mute` command allows or denies users from speaking in your temporary voice channel END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc transfer` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " The `/vc transfer` command transfers the ownership of your temporary voice channel to someone else END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc unhide` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " `/vc unhide` un-hides your temporary voice channel making it visible to everyone END"}
{"prompt": "What does `/vc unlock` do?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " `/vc unlock` unlocks your temporary voice channel allowing everyone to join it END"}
{"prompt": "What is a temporary text channel?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " A temporary text channel (also called temporary text chat) is a text channel that is attached to a temporary voice channel. When the temporary voice channel gets updated or deleted, the temporary text channel does too END"}
{"prompt": "When does a temporary text channel get deleted?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " A temporary text channel gets deleted once the related temporary voice channel gets deleted END"}
{"prompt": "The incremental numbers are not incrementing correctly\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Try using `/settings fix` to remove left over temporary voice channels in Astro's cache END"}
{"prompt": "The incremental numbers are starting from another value instead of 1\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Try using `/settings fix` to remove left over temporary voice channels in Astro's cache END"}
{"prompt": "How has Astro been coded?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Astro has been coded using Kotlin and the JDA library to interact with Discord APIs. It then uses mongoDB as the database and Redis for the cache. It also makes use of InfluxDB for timeseries data, usually for statistics or logs END"}
{"prompt": "How do I enable premium for my server?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You will need a premium subscription to activate premium in your server. After you got that you can activate premium in your server with the command `/premium upgrade` END"}
{"prompt": "Can I make an interface usable only from specific channels or categories?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " No interfaces are global and can be used by any channel. You could restrict its usage with Discord permission, making the interface channel visible only to specific users or roles END"}
{"prompt": "I cannot delete a temporary voice channel created by Astro\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Not being able to manually delete a channel created with a bot is a known Discord bug. You need to contact Discord support to get them to fix it for you END"}
{"prompt": "Temporary text channels are not private\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " If you want temporary text channels to be visible only to the users inside the related temporary voice channel, you need to make sure the temporary text channels are not inheriting any permission. You can do that with the `/generator chat permissions` command END"}
{"prompt": "Unknown issue\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " If Astro sends you a message saying unknown issue please report the bug in the Support Server including the ID of your server END"}
{"prompt": "I want a refund of my premium subscription\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Please contact the developers to get a refund for your subscription END"}
{"prompt": "I saw a message with buttons in a server of my friend. How do I get it for my server too?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " What you saw in your friend's server was probably an interface. To create an interface in your server use `/interface create` END"}
{"prompt": "A connection role is not getting removed when people leave the channel\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " This is a know bug / issue of Astro. It is probably related to rate limits and users spamming on the voice channels END"}
{"prompt": "I still see the voice channel(s) after everyone has left\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " This is a known Discord bug. The channels have likely already been deleted by Astro. Please restart discord and they should be gone."}
{"prompt": "Which payment methods are accepted for Astro Premium?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can subscribe to Astro Premium using Credit Card, PayPal or Google Pay and Apple Pay END"}
{"prompt": "Is Astro open source?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " No, Astro is currently not open source END"}
{"prompt": "Where can I find a changelog?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can find Astro´s Changelog at\nAnnouncements about changes are also made in <#700679796019167343> END"}
{"prompt": "Where can I vote for Astro?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can vote every 12 hours for Astro at\nThis will unlock all vote-locked commands/features for free END"}
{"prompt": "Is it possible for premium users to have a custom instance of the bot?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " No it's not possible, Astro is not open source and currently you cannot have a custom instance of the bot for your server. But it's planned to be able to have your own instance of Astro for your server so that you can change the profile picture and name END"}
{"prompt": "Can i host my own version of this bot?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " No it's not possible, Astro is not open source and currently you cannot have a custom instance of the bot for your server. But it's planned to be able to have your own instance of Astro for your server so that you can change the profile picture and name END"}
{"prompt": "Can i host this bot on my own server so i dont have to depend on your uptime?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " No it's not possible, Astro is not open source and currently you cannot have a custom instance of the bot for your server. But it's planned to be able to have your own instance of Astro for your server so that you can change the profile picture and name END"}
{"prompt": "Can i use my premium subscription on more than one server?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " When you purchase a premium subscription at you can choose for how many servers that premium subscription can be used. For example: if you need the premium features of Astro in 2 servers you can purchase a subscription for two servers at END"}
{"prompt": "Where can I find a changelog?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can find Astro´s Changelog at\nAnnouncements about changes are also made in the support server of Astro END"}
{"prompt": "Where can I vote for Astro?\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " You can vote every 12 hours for Astro at\nThis will unlock all vote-locked commands END"}
{"prompt": "Astro is not responding\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " END"}
{"prompt": "slash commands don't work\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " If slash commands are not showing up that's because you have more than 50 bots in your server. To fix that, remove some bots so that you have maximum 50 and then re-invite Astro in your Discord server END"}
{"prompt": "How do I invite Astro in my server\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Invite Astro in your server from END"}
{"prompt": "How does Astro work precisely\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " Astro is a Discord bot that can work in any Discord server. To invite Astro in your server head over to Make sure to give Administrator permissions to Astro in your server, Astro needs Administrator permissions to work correctly. Once you got Astro in your server you can set it up to create temporary voice channels in your server. A temporary voice channel is a special kind of voice channel which is handled by Astro. A temporary voice channel can be created from a generator of Astro, a generator is a voice channel that Astro monitors. You can create a generator in your server with `/generator create` or with the `/setup` slash commands (Astro will save the generator channel ID in its database to be able to detect users that join it). When a user joins a generator, Astro detects it and creates a temporary voice channel for that user and moves the user inside the newly created voice channel. That user will now be the owner of that temporary voice channel and will be able to use some Astro slash commands to manage it (for example he can use `/vc name` to change the name of the channel, `/vc limit` to change the user limit of his channel). He will also be able to open the channel with `/vc unlock` so that other users will be able to join it, close it with `/vc lock` to make no one able to join it or hide it with `/vc hide` so that others can't see the channel. If the owner of the temporary voice channel leaves, then another user in that temporary voice channel will now be considered the owner and will be able to manage the channel. The voice channel is called temporary because when everyone leaves the voice channel and it remains empty, Astro will automatically delete it from your server END"}
{"prompt": "How does a generator work precisely\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " A generator is a voice channel which ID is saved in the database of Astro. When a user joins the generator, Astro creates a temporary voice channel for that user and moves the user inside the new temporary voice channel created. The temporary voice channel can be created with some specific settings, for example with a specific name, user limit, bitrate, permissions or in a specific category. A generator holds all those settings and applies them to the temporary voice channels. This way each generator holds the default settings for the temporary voice channels that get created from that generator. As an example, if you want to modify the category where temporary voice channels are created you can modify the category setting of the generator with the slash command `/generator vc category`. If you wanna modify the bitrate the temporary voice channels will have when they get created, use `/generator vc bitrate` instead. To modify the name that temporary voice channels will have use `/generator vc name`. Many other commands are available and you can get a list of the commands that can be used to modify the settings of a generator with the `/commands` slash command END"}
{"prompt": "My interface doesn't work\n\n===\n\n", "completion": " If your interface doesn't work try creating a new interface with `/interface create` END"}