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Releases: boxblinkracer/phpunuhi


13 Feb 17:28
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  • Add new level for case-style validations. This helps to set specific styles on some levels within a multi-hierarchy translation format, such as JSON or PHP.


  • Switched from doctrine/dbal to plain PDO to allow a wider range of integrations without a dependency to a specific dbal version.


  • Fixed wrong header output of version number in CLI commands


07 Feb 06:56
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  • Add new case-styles for translations. This allows you to validate against translation keys. Select from a wide range of styles like CamelCase, PascalCase, KebabCase and more.
  • Add new JUnit reporter for the validation command. This creates a JUnit XML file that can be used in further steps.


  • Improved output of the validation command. Errors are now shown in a more compact and meaningful way.
  • The translate command now shows a warning if auto-translation is not possible because no existing translation has been found as base-value.


  • Fixed wrong "created" count on fix:structure. It showed 0 created if the last translation-set didn't get any new translations.


03 Feb 16:59
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  • Add support for database snippets in Shopware 6 storage using the entity name snippet.
  • The Shopware 6 storage format does now support "fix:structure" for snippet entities. Missing snippets will now be automatically generated with empty values.
  • Add warning output that the Shopware 6 storage format currently doesn't allow to insert new entity translation rows.


  • Fixed problems with broken "Umlaute" in Shopware 6 entities storage
  • Fix problem with wrong translation coverage. A set with 0/0 was displayed as 0% coverage, but it's actually 100%.
  • Fix problem with "fix:structure" when creating new snippets for translations-sets with groups. It accidentally used the full ID instead of the correct key name for the "key" identifier.
  • Fix crash when parsing invalid json files.


22 Jan 22:41
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  • Add new list:translations command to see all IDs of Translation-Sets
  • Add new filters with allow and exclude lists. This also supports wildards with '*'
  • Add new groups of translations. This is required for a 3rd dimension. E.g. translations of products where every product has multiple rows with properties and different languages (columns).
  • Add option to inject PHP server variables that can be used in different areas.
  • Add Dbal/Connection to be used in MySQL driven storage formats.
  • Add new Shopware 6 Storage format with full support of entities.


  • Changed the technical usage of the translation key to an ID. The ID is the unique identifier within a locale, and the key the plain name of the translation which can exist multiple times in a locale.
  • Removed nodes in locale. Please use instead.
  • is now required as wrapper for locales. This helps to make the configuration cleaner.
  • Storage formats do now have to be inside a <format> tag instead of configuring it a attribute in a Translation-Set. Also the format is now a custom XML node to allow a better XSD experience.


  • DeepL does not support formality options for all languages. This has been fixed by only applying the option for allowed languages.


14 Jan 08:52
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  • Add new config.xsd for configuration file to use autocompletion in IDEs and editors. Use either from the composer dependency vendor/boxblinkracer/phpunuhi/config.xsd or online
  • Add new "PHP" Storage for array based translations
  • Add coverage result of all sets (total) to status command.
  • OpenAI Translator and other translators now throw exceptions if no API key was set


  • Rename command "fix" to "fix:structure"
  • Update TranslatorInterface for a better dynamic registration approach. Also options can now be dynamically registered for different CLI commands.
  • Import and Export interfaces for Exchange formats are now combined as ExchangeFormat. The interface is now also designed to allow dynamic CLI commands and dynamic registration + lookup.


  • Include referenced translation file from configuration in error message when translation file is not found


09 Jan 22:37
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  • Fixed PHPStan error


09 Jan 22:31
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First official version.
Let's see what happens :)


05 Jan 11:21
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Release 0.6.1


05 Jan 08:11
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Release 0.6.0


05 Jan 07:51
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Release v0.5.0