- feat(#Imports): Fixed imports to componentdidmountpage
- fix(#Components): Now extracting components again
- refactor(#Functions): Made all handlers as functions to find code easily. Broke componentdidmountjs && component extraction
- feat(#SCSS): Adding scss paths support
- fix(#BodyClasses): Body classes now work
- fix(#WOW): Wow tag now wraps elements to preserve html classes features
- feat(#Compiler): Compiler works
- chore(#Style brackets): Moving style brackets to react compatible
- fix(#Assetsd): Fixed assets folder
- fix(#img): img
- feat(#Converter): Implementing my own html to jsx since the others break html
- feat(#TEst): Test phrase now improved
- feat(#Javascript): Now includes template javascript natively
- feat(#Clean): Hardened clean command
- refactor(#Test): Test command now includes yarn dev
- fix(#Migration file): Migrated the right migration file in root instead of template
- feat(#React Router): Now supports react router links
- refactor(#Install): Simplified installation process
- docs(#Readme): Refactored getting started to prevent dataloss
- docs(#Readme): Readme complete
- Added Readme Name
- First commit