For Scientific Research
Photo: © Stanza. Used with permission.
When working with external data sources, we often have to spend considerable amounts of time and effort to "clean" the data before we can use it.
Some examples of issues that cleaning can address:
- Data value formatting
- Missing values
- Combining or separating columns
- Inconsistent capitalization or spelling
- Linking and combining data sets
We have already designed a database structure for a sample testing lab.
This version has been modified to facilitate importing external data.
The large, unlinked table on the right is the "bucket".
We will use the bucket as temporary, intermediate storage of the imported data.
First, we need to clean up the external data.
Today we will import real-world data into that database. But first, we need to download and clean the external data.
We will clean the data using various tools:
- Cell Reformatting with Excel (or Libre Office)
- Regular expressions with jEdit
- Regular expressions with Perl
- SQL commands with MySQL
If you would like to follow along and perform the same steps on your own system, you will need Microsoft Excel (or Libre Office Calc), jEdit (or TextWrangler, etc.), Perl, and MySQL.
We will use this spreadsheet file:
Data source: Ohio EPA. Used with permission.
- Lab Data (XLS)
- EPA Report (PDF)
When importing data, MySQL wants to see:
- dates in "yyyy-mm-dd" format
- years in "yyyy" format
- times in "hh:mm:ss" format
- "datetimes" in "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" format
A "datetime" is a time-stamp such as would be found in a log file. It combines a date and a time into a single field.
- Reformat the "collectdate" field
- Click the "E" column header, the "collectdate" field
- Right click, choose "Format Cells"
- Choose "Custom", enter this Type: yyyy-mm-dd and press OK
- Do the same for "R", extract_date
- Do the same for "V", receivedate
As with all of our Excel examples, you could also do this in Libre Office.
- Reformat the "collecttime" field
- Click "F" column header, the "collecttime" field
- Right click, choose "Format Cells"
- Choose "Custom", enter this Type: hh:mm:ss
- Press OK
Reformat the "run_date" field
- Click "S" column header, the "run_date" field
- Right click, choose "Format Cells"
- Choose "Custom", enter this Type: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
- Press OK
Before saving the file as text, we will add an empty "id" column to the spreadsheet.
Insert the new column as a new first column (A) of the spreadsheet. Give it a column heading of "id".
This will make it easier to import the data into our "bucket" table, as we will not need to specify our column names at that stage.
We will use the tab-separated-variable (TSV) format as a simpler alternative to the more well-known (but sometimes problematic) comma-separated-variable (CSV) format.
Using the "File" menu ...
- File ...
- Save As ...
- Save as type:
- Text (Tab delimited)(*.txt)
- File name:
- n_cdd_leachate_sample_data_date-formatted.txt
- Save as type:
- Save As ...
- Press "OK" and "Yes"
We will use regular expressions to join some fields. You can use any editor or tool which supports Regular Expressions.
- Open the file in jEdit
- Check the date/time formatting made previously
You can you an alternative to jEdit, such as TextWrangler, if you prefer. You will want to use a programmer's text editor with regular expressions support.
Now do a "search and replace" to join fields.
- Need to join DATE (tab) TIME into one field.
- From the menu:
- Search ... Find
- Search for:
- Replace with:
$1 $2
Remove "collectime" header and the tab which follows it.
Press "Replace All" to make the changes.
We need to split out "METHOD\METHOD" into two fields.
- Our "Search for" expression:
- Our "Replace with" expression:
- Run this one-line command at the DOS (CMD) prompt:
perl -wln -e "s/^(([^\t]*\t){15})([^\t\\]+)\\?([^\t\\]*)\t(.*)$/$1$3\t$4\t$5/g and print" input_file.txt > output_file.txt
Here, we pasted the Perl command as a single line. In the DOS window, it shows as a wrapped line.
Notice there is no output visible. That is expected.
Open the output file in jEdit and...
- Add a new header "prepmethodref" after "methodref"
Also, need to remove all double quote (") characters.
- Search -> Find
- Search for: " (type just the double quote)
- Replace with: (leave this field blank)
We removed all of the quote characters, since they are not needed in this file.
Alternatively, we could use MySQL to remove the quotes from the file as it is imported.
Make sure columns and headings are lined-up correctly.
If you see any empty columns, remove them. Add any missing column headings, or remove any extra column headings.
If you made any changes, we sure to Save-As Tab-Delimited Text as you did earlier.
You are now ready to transfer this text file to the MySQL server for importing. Use an SFTP program such as FileZilla.
Since we used a tab-delimited file, the import statement is relatively simple.
The one line we are ignoring is the header row.
We can run this from MySQL Workbench or the MySQL command-line client utility.
Fill in empty or unknown prep methods with analysis method.
UPDATE `bucket`
SET `prepmethodref` = `methodref`
WHERE `prepmethodref` = ""
OR `prepmethodref` = "METHOD";
Make all analysts uppercase since they are just "initials"
UPDATE `bucket`
SET `analyst` = UCASE(`analyst`);
We are now ready to copy the data from the temporary "bucket" to the normalized tables of our database with INSERT INTO statements.
We will use INSERT INTO statements to copy data from the "bucket" table.
We have not yet made a presentation for this, but we have posted the SQL scripts if you would like to reproduce this on your own.
Read the comments to see who it works. Add some SELECT statements to check COUNTs to confirm that the correct number of records are copied.
You can find the database schema file and import SQL script on the GitHub site.