miniJavaToTikz is a program converting programs in miniJava-syntax to control flow diagrams represented by tikzpictures.
Compile miniJavaToTikz.hs
with ghc
, and then run the program with
miniJavaToTikz <filename>
is a string pointing to a miniJava-file, e.g. example.miniJava
. The output will be saved into <filename>.tex
, e.g. example.miniJava.tex
The file example.miniJava contains an example for a miniJava-program. The output looks as follows:
Some manual adjustments might be required afterwards.
miniJava programs accepted are roughly of the following structure:
<Statement> ::=
| <Write>
| <Assign>
| <If>
| <IfElse>
| <While>
| <Statement> <Statement>
<Read> ::= <VarName> = read();
<Write> ::= write(<VarName>);
<Assign> ::= <VarName> = <Expression>;
<If> ::= if (<Condition>) { <Statement> };
<IfElse> ::= if (<Condition>) { <Statement> } else { <Statement> };
<While> ::= while (<Condition>) { <Statement> };
, <Expression>
and <VarName>
are currently just strings not containing {, }, ;