Virtual Midi Keyboard for Jack Audio Connection Kit
- Virtual Midi Keyboard for Jack Audio Connection Kit
- Including NSM support
- Channel selector
- Bank and Program selector
- Keyboard mapping for qwertz, qwerty and azerty selectable from menu
- PC Keyboard mapping selector from C0 to C4
- Pitchbend, Balance, Modwheel, Detune, Expression, Attack, Release, Volume and Velocity controllers
- Sustain and Sostenuto switches
- Midi Through: forward midi input to output
- Midi input highlighting
- Resizable to a full range 127 key view
- Record and play Midi-Loops
- libcairo2-dev
- libx11-dev
- liblo-dev
- libsigc++-2.0-dev
- libjack-(jackd2)-dev
- git submodule init
- git submodule update
- make
- sudo make install # will install into /usr/bin