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Ignacio del Valle Alles edited this page Feb 29, 2016 · 13 revisions

Brutusin-RPC seamless integrates with Spring security.


Configuration can be performed according to the AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer without Existing Spring topic.


Programmatic security via getPrincipal() and isUserInRole(String roleName) obtained from RpcActionSupport.getInstance().

Non-authorized action executions must throw a java.lang.SecurityException.

Spring CSRF tokens

Add the following Spring CSRF meta tags to your client pages using the Javascript API:

<meta name="_csrf" content="${_csrf.token}"/>
<meta name="_csrf_header" content="${_csrf.headerName}"/>

The Javascript API will make use of them as needed.


The framework uses JSR-356 Websockets, with a custom integration with Spring security with the following characteristics:

  • Websocket enpoint is deployed behind spring springSecurityFilterChain
  • In order to avoid CSRF attacks the following origin verification algorithm is performed (see WebsocketEndpointConfigurator):
    1. If the handshake request doesn't have an Origin header skip validation
    2. If a org.brutusin.rpc.cors-host environment variable has been configured, verify Origin header matches this value
    3. Else (default case): Verify Origin and Host header values match


See rpc-demo-security-jar demo project