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Units is a powerful unit-aware calculator that can perform a variety of unit conversions and also doubles as a simple scientific calculator. It's inspired by GNU Units.

This edition is a continuation of Steve Pomeroy's original app.


… or download it directly from the Github Releases page.


Anything that is shown within a box can be entered into Units. Eg. m³÷hr

Place the value and the unit you want to convert from in the "you have" box (e.g. 4.9inches) and the unit you wish to convert to in the "you want" box (e.g. cm). To enter units, either press the "unit" button and select from the list, or tap on the input box a second time and an on-screen keyboard should pop up.

You can enter simple units, such as cm/centimeter or complex units, such as m^3÷hr. You can press the "unit" button to show a list of all the units. If you don't specify a "to" unit, it will provide a definition in base units. You can also convert into lists of units, for example ft; in. For a list of examples, please see below.


Both "you have" and "you want" will auto-complete with all the known units, sorted by usage. The more you use a given unit, the closer it is to the top of the list. The usage is seeded with initial usage amounts for common units, including some regional adjustments based on your device's locale.

Units will not start off auto-completing every possible permutation of metric prefix (eg. deci, centi, milli) with unit name (meter, liter). Once you make a calculation with a prefix+unit combination, Units will remember it and auto-complete it from then-on.

Reciprocal detection

Units will auto-detect instances where you may have forgotten to convert from the reciprocal of a given value. For instance, if you enter 100mpg and ask for liter÷100km, it will compute it using the reciprocal of the "from" value (1÷(100mpg)) and provide a warning that it used the reciprocal.

Unit lists

You can convert values into arbitrary lists of units, for example time durations into hours, minutes and seconds, lengths into foots and inches, or weights into libs and ozzes. Enter the units separated by a semicolon (such as ft; in), and autocomplete will work as usual. You can also convert into fractional units like ft; in; 1|8 in.

To split up display of the last unit into a decimal and an integer part, add a trailing semicolon. For rounding the last unit given, add two trailing semicolons.

For example, converting from 42 cm gives the following results:

You want Result
ft; in 1ft + 4.5354331in
ft; in; 1ft + 4in + 0.5354331in
ft; in;; 1ft + 5in (rounded up to nearest in)

You can also use the same syntax for rounding single units. For example 3 ft + 7 in to cm will give 109.22cm, however the same length converted to cm;; will result in 109cm (rounded down to nearest cm).

To make things easier, Units also includes aliases for a few commonly used unit combinations:

Alias Corresponds to
hms hr; min; sec
time year; day; hr; min; sec
dms deg; arcmin; arcsec
ftin ft; in; 1|8 in
usvol cup; 3|4 cup; 2|3 cup; 1|2 cup; 1|3 cup; 1|4 cup; tbsp; tsp; 1|2 tsp; 1|4 tsp; 1|8 tsp
lsd poundsterling; shilling; oldpence; farthing


You can enter complex calculations in both input areas. For example, you can add two conformable units such as, 2 cm + (4 + (1/2)) in or multiply values to higher dimensions, such as, 3m × 1m × 2cm to convert to liter or m^3. You can even convert to an arbitrary complex unit, provided that everything conforms properly.


Practical conversions

  • US→EU height conversion 5ft + 6in = 167.64cm
  • EU→US height conversion 180 cm = 5ft + 10in + 6.9291339 *1|8in
  • UK→US mass conversion 13 stone = 182lbs
  • Volume conversion 10cm×5cm ×3cm = 0.15liter
  • Kitchen: volume to mass 1cup flour_sifted = 113.398094g
  • Driving: time to distance 100kph ×5minute = 5.1780934mile

Making lemonade, nutritional info

  • How much sugar does it have compared to other drinks? 1cup sugar ÷0.5gallon = 25.0gram ÷8floz
  • What percent juice is it? 1cup ÷0.5gallon = 12.5percent

In comparison (per 8 floz), Minute Maid® Lemonade has 3% juice and 27g sugar. Coke has 46g sugar per 8floz.

Fun conversions

As you can see above, Units knows a number of units that are useful in the kitchen. Most are for volume↔mass conversion (which can be found under "density"), such as flour_scooped, sugar, and butter. It also has a few known masses, such as eggs, stickbutter and venusmass.

  • Your mass in eggs 78kg = 1560eggs
  • Time to walk across the U.S. (without sleeping) 2600mile ÷3mph = 5week + 1.1111111day
  • Time to walk across the U.S. (assuming walking only 8 hours per day) 2600mile ÷(3mph ×(8hour ÷day)) = 15week + 3.3333333day
  • Gasoline efficiency in an alternative unit 1÷(25mile ÷gallon) = 79.36508microhogshead ÷furlong

Science & Physics

  • Electricity 3volt ×150mA = 0.45watt
  • Approximate time it takes light to get from the sun to the Earth. sundist ÷c = 8.316755minute
  • EM frequency to wavelength light ÷2.417GHz = 12.403494cm
  • using e=mc² to figure out how much energy 1g of matter is equivalent to 1gram energy = 21.480764kiloton tnt


  • 20 January, 2024: 1.2 – Ability to convert into lists of units. Support for Android 13's per-app language preferences. Use US units by default for English units outside of the UK.
  • 05 January, 2024: 1.1 – Improved compatibility with modern Android versions. Adds German and Spanish translations. Various improvements and fixes.
  • 15 September, 2011: 1.0 – Added advanced keypad and improved keypad UI. Adds Russian translations. Numerous bug fixes.
  • 13 January, 2011: 0.9 – Improved interface graphics. Fixed bug with imperial units showing up in non-US,UK locales. Fixed loss of precision of output. Fixed various crashes and database bugs.
  • 10 December, 2010: 0.8 – Fixed temperature conversion and other functions. Added parenthesis auto-complete.
  • 02 December, 2010: 0.7 – Added search and browse. Added Italian translation.
  • 30 August, 2010: 0.6 – Added unit classification to unit browser.
  • 17 August, 2010: 0.5 – Added pop-up unit browser; major overhaul of unit database backend.
  • 12 August, 2010: 0.4.1 – Added database-backed history; improved saved state so rotation doesn't clear recent result
  • 20 July, 2010: 0.4 – Units entry now conforms to opposite entry field.
  • 12 July, 2010: 0.3 – First version to hit the Market

This is free software / open source

Units is an Android interpretation of the classic GNU Units utility, using Units in Java for all the heavy lifting.

Units needs translators! If you'd like to contribute a translation, please open a pull request.

License (GPLv3)

Android Units
©2010-2011 Steve Pomeroy, contributors (below)

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


Units is an ongoing project, with volunteers contributing freely to it. We would like to thank:

A special thanks also goes out to Roman Redziejowski as the original creator of the Java port of GNU Units.