- download this skeleton (do not clone the git repository if you are just using this for your own projects)
- install nodejs and npm
- this guide assumes you have some kind of "shell" working (linux, osx, windows linux subsystem (WSL))
- get/create an api-key in cables (https://cables.gl/settings -> apikeys -> create)
- copy the patch-id into package.json in the "patchup"-script call (replacing ##patchId##)
npm install
- installs neccessary dependencies to local node_modules/ folder
npm run patchup
- download current version of the patch in cables.gl to www/
- might ask for authorization by api-key on first run
- find more documentation at: https://github.com/cables-gl/cables-cli
npm run start
- runs a local webserver that can be accessed using the phonegap developer app or a browser
- build the project (for example using phonegap build)
- distribute your ipk/apk/appx
- ???
- profit