Kotlin Library for send email using SMTP
You must add repository. See README
dependencies {
api "pw.binom.io:smtp:<version>"
val networkDispatcher = NetworkDispatcher()
val feature = async2 {
// create tls smtp client
val client = SMTPClient.tls(
dispatcher = networkDispatcher,
address = NetworkAddress.Immutable("smtp.yandex.ru", 465),
keyManager = EmptyKeyManager,
trustManager = TrustManager.TRUST_ALL,// trust to all domains
fromEmail = "[email protected]",
login = "[email protected]",
password = "test_password"
// simple message with html body
from = "[email protected]",
fromAlias = "Journal",
to = "[email protected]",
toAlias = "Anton",
subject = "Test Message"
) {
it.appendText("text/html").use {
it.append("<html><s>Second email! Without attachment!</s>")
// message with html body and attachment
from = "[email protected]",
fromAlias = "Test Binom Client",
to = "[email protected]",
toAlias = "Anton",
subject = "Test Message"
) {
it.appendText("text/html").use {
it.append("<html>Hello from <b>Kotln</b><br><br><i>This</i> is an example HTML with attachment!<br><s>Зачёрктнутый</s>")
it.attach(name = "my_text.txt").use {
it.write(ByteBuffer.wrap("MyData in TXT file".encodeToByteArray()))
// close tls smtp client
while (!feature.isDone) {