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NuGet version (Secsy)

It's so sexy that you'll consider C# as the fastest programming language out there (joke). Oh and all done in a single file called Secsy.cs.. so sexy.

See BenchmarkDotNet results at the bottom. Jokes aside, with component access, I believe it outperforms competitors.


This ECS requires you to do things a little differently, which is why it is so fast.


Feedback and correcting me is sexy too.

After reviewing a lot of ECS libraries out there. To name a few..

So ugly it hurts my programming attraction..

They all seemed less sexy.


I branched out to other programming languages to see how they do it in their respective environments. Rust, Java, Google Go. One in Google Go intrigued me.

Donburi's approach to Component types was purposeful for the way Google Go is and very very fast. But, I thought, wouldn't this work in C# too? Well, it does. Not in the same exact way. Still sexy.

First Steps -> Components

Components must be defined in a static class wrapping them for easy access. A ComponentId type wraps the component type into a struct that allows you to access the Entity component data from anywhere in your code.


Max components is determined by what BitFlags instance you use, BitFlags256 being 256 components per entity.

public static class C // I would keep the static class name short so you can type it out easy
  public static ComponentId<string> MyTag = Secsy.NewComponentId<string>(); // Tags can be whatever type your want, you'll see why.
  public static ComponentId<float> X = Secsy.NewComponentId<float>(); // 
  public static ComponentId<float> Y = Secsy.NewComponentId<float>();
  public static ComponentId<MyDataStruct> Data = Secsy.NewComponentId<MyDataStruct>();
  public static ComponentId<MyDataStruct> MoreData = Secsy.NewComponentId<MyDataStruct>(); // Perfectly valid and sexy

The ComponentId type, the most important type, has multiple methods which can be called anywhere in your code.

T? Get(EntityId ent)
ComponentId<T> Add(ref EntityId ent)
ComponentId<T> SetValue(EntityId ent, T newValue)
bool Has(ref EntityId ent)
ComponentId<T> Remove(ref EntityId ent)

Initialize the Sexy

Secsy class (or think of it as "World", other ECS frameworks use that to define a "World".. which never made sense to me, is it a World/Planet/another dimension? Someone made sense calling it a EntityStore. Good job.)

ECS.Secsy secsy = new ECS.Secsy(); // That is it.


All ComponentIds are shared between instances of Secsy. Secsy has the following methods.

// as noted before in this readme
static ComponentId<T> NewComponentId<T>(T? defaultValue = default)

// use your static C fields for this. Example below.
ref EntityId NewEntity(params IComponentId[] comps) 

// if you need to make a bunch of entities
EntityId[] NewEntities(int amount, params IComponentId[] comps) 

// get the EntityId from raw id
ref EntityId Get(ulong id) 

// standard component operations
void AddComponent<T>(ulong entId, ComponentId<T> compId)
void SetComponentValue(ulong entId, IComponentId compId, object newValue)
T? GetComponentValue<T>(ulong entId, ComponentId<T> compId)
object? GetComponentValue(ulong entId, IComponentId compId)
bool RemoveComponent<T>(ulong entId, ComponentId<T> compId)

// note: if your component uses a default value, it's ignored.  TODO!
IComponentId[] GetComponents(ulong entId) 

// bad name, actually it makes the entity inactive by clearing the component ids
// resuses that entity id for a new entity
void Remove(ulong entId) 

// Filter entities and perform operations on each
void Each(Filter filter, EachEntity fn) 

// same but for enumeration
IEnumerator<ulong> Filter(Filter filter) 

// clears everything except registered ComponentIds
void Clear() 


public static class C // I would keep the static class name short so you can type it out easy
  public static ComponentId<string> MyTag = Secsy.NewComponentId<string>("Helloooooo World!"); // Tags can be whatever type your want, you'll see why.
  public static ComponentId<float> X = Secsy.NewComponentId<float>(132f); 
  public static ComponentId<float> Y = Secsy.NewComponentId<float>(); // Default of float is 0.0f
  public static ComponentId<MyDataStruct> Data = Secsy.NewComponentId<MyDataStruct>();
  public static ComponentId<MyDataStruct> MoreData = Secsy.NewComponentId<MyDataStruct>(); // Perfectly valid and sexy

var ent = secsy.NewEntity(C.MyData,C.MoreData,C.MyTag,C.X,C.Y);

C.X.SetValue(ent, 0.2f);

C.MyData.SetValue(ent,new MyDataStruct{Value=123});

ref EntityId entId = ref secsy.Get(ent.ID)
bool isRemovedOrDidnotExist = secsy.RemoveComponent(entId,C.MoreData);

int amountOfEntitiesVisited = secsy.Each(new Filter().With(C.X), eachEnt);

void eachEnt(ref EntityId ent){

// or use Filter method
IEnumerator<long> enumerator = secsy.Filter(new Filter().With(C.X));
while (enumerator.MoveNext()){
	ref var ent = secsy.Get(enumerator.Current);


Method EntityCount Mean [ms] Error [ms] StdDev [ms] Gen0 Gen1 Gen2 Allocated [KB]
CreateEntitiesWith6Components 100000 572.6 ms 419.3 ms 149.5 ms 20500.0000 10500.0000 500.0000 210163.99 KB
Method EntityCount Mean [ms] Error [ms] StdDev [ms] Gen0 Gen1 Allocated [KB]
SystemWithOneComponent 100000 65.589 ms 5.8163 ms 2.5825 ms 1000.0000 888.8889 16270.68 KB
SystemWithTwoComponents 100000 100.764 ms 25.5404 ms 11.3401 ms 1666.6667 666.6667 12306.5 KB
SystemWithThreeComponents 100000 116.403 ms 16.8400 ms 6.0053 ms 2500.0000 750.0000 17103.09 KB
SystemTwoComponentsMultipleComposition 100000 1.234 ms 0.2037 ms 0.0905 ms 11.7188 - 26.58 KB


1000μs = 0.001ms

Memory increases with more components. This is expected. The more components you have, the more memory you will use. This is a trade off for speed. If you need to save memory, you can use a different ECS library. This is for speed.


Note to self: Abandon C# and use Zig + Google Go. C# is feature rich but in the programming world, all programming languages can become feature rich with enough work.