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File metadata and controls

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Mockafka is a DSL which allows testing of kafka-streams topologies without need of a kafka and zookeeper installation. It is a Java 8 port of jpzk/mockedstreams.

Add it to your pom.xml...


or to your build.gradle.

testCompile "com.github.carlosmenezes:mockafka:0.1.2"


List<Message<Integer, Integer>> input = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
    .map(i -> new Message<>(i, i))

Serde<Integer> integerSerde = Serdes.Integer();

List<Message<Integer, Integer>> output = Mockafka
    .topology(builder ->, integerSerde, "numbersTopic")
            .filter((key, value) -> value % 2 == 1)
            .to(integerSerde, integerSerde, "oddNumbersTopic")
    .input("numbersTopic", integerSerde, integerSerde, input)
    .output("oddNumbersTopic", integerSerde, integerSerde, 4);

List<Message<Integer, Integer>> expected = Arrays.asList(new Message<>(1, 1), new Message<>(3, 3), new Message<>(5, 5), new Message<>(7, 7));
assertEquals(4, output.size());
assertEquals(expected, output);

Multiple inputs/outputs

MockafkaBuilder builder = Mockafka
  .topology(builder -> {...})
  .input("someInput", Serdes.String(), Serdes.String(), someInput)
  .input("anotherInput", Serdes.String(), Serdes.String(), anotherInput);
List<Message<String, String>> someOutput = builder.output("someOutput", Serdes.String(), Serdes.String(), 10);
List<Message<String, String>> anotherOutput = builder.output("anotherOutput", Serdes.String(), Serdes.String(), 10);

Using State Stores

You can create state stores using .stores(String... stores) method and verify it's contents with .stateTable(String name) method:

MockafkaBuilder builder = Mockafka
  .topology(builder -> {...})
  .input("someInput", Serdes.String(), Serdes.String(), someInput)
Map<String, String> someStore = builder.stateTable("someStore");  
assertEquals(10, someStore.size());

Using Window State Stores

When defining a timestamp extractor in .config(Properties config) you can verify the content as windowed state stores using the method .windowStateTable(String name, K key, long timeFrom, long timeTo).

Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_EXTRACTOR_CLASS_CONFIG, TestTimestampExtractor.class.getName());

MockafkaBuilder builder = Mockafka
    .input(TopologyUtil.WINDOW_TOPIC, TopologyUtil.stringSerde, TopologyUtil.integerSerde, createInputKeyValueForWindow().toArray(new Message[]{}))

Map<String, Long> actualSomeKey = builder.windowStateTable(TEST_STORE, "somekey", 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
Map<Long, Long> expectedSomeKey = new HashMap<>();
expectedSomeKey.put(25L, 1L);
expectedSomeKey.put(42L, 2L);
assertEquals(expectedSomeKey, actualSomeKey);

Map<String, Long> actualAnotherKey = builder.windowStateTable(TEST_STORE, "anotherkey", 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
Map<Long, Long> expectedAnotherKey = new HashMap<>();
expectedAnotherKey.put(50L, 2L);
expectedAnotherKey.put(90L, 1L);
assertEquals(expectedAnotherKey, actualAnotherKey);

Configuring Streams

If you need some custom configuration, just use the method .config(Properties config):

Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_EXTRACTOR_CLASS_CONFIG, TestTimestampExtractor.class.getName());

MockafkaBuilder builder = Mockafka