- fix: Intellij gradle plugin update (#66)
- fix deprecations and replace travis with github workflows (#38)
- resolve constructor properly if the class itself does now own a constructor (#35)
- fix mock generation for union types (#30)
- fix regression: existing mocks are not regenerated anymore (#29)
- fix type hints for
properties (#28)
- colliding inherited properties are now handled (#26)
- aliased imports are now prophesized correctly (#22)
- updated meta information to keep plugin enabled in newer PHPStorm versions
- do not regenerate mocks if already present (#18)
- added configuration for addition of doc blocks (#15)
- also add primitives as members of the test case (#14)
- provide no intention for classes without constructor (#13)
- added ObjectProphecy doc (#8)
- show intention if there are whitespaces between parenthesis (#7)
- show intention not only between parenthesis (#6)
- added whitespace between mocks and subject creation (#5)
- do not mock primitives anymore (#4)
- added "->reveal()" to constructor arguments (#1)
- added gradle publishing support
- initial release