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cordova-vungle plugin by ccsoft

Cordova plugin to use Vungle ad network.

We have tested with the following Vungle libraries

  • Android 3.3.0
  • iOS 3.0.10

##Installing the plugin To add this plugin just type: cordova plugin add

To remove this plugin type: cordova plugin remove com.ccsoft.plugin.CordovaVungle

###Android On Android, plugin does most of the prerequisites automatically, arranges permissions, etc. in AndroidManifest.xml.

Note: We do NOT install google-playservices as a dependency anymore, Vungle does not require it, it's optional, check Vungle documentation for more details.


You should only download and add Vungle libraries. As of version 3.3.0, here are the libs.

  • dagger-[version].jar
  • javax.inject-[version].jar
  • nineoldandroids-[version].jar
  • support-v4-[version].jar
  • vungle-publisher-[version].jar

Note: If you already have support-v4 lib in your project (due to another plugin etc.), just use the most recent one (and delete the old one from your project).

Each Activity

Also, you should add these manually since plugin mechanism cannot do it:

Override the onPause and onResume methods in each Activity (including the first) to notify the Publisher SDK when your application gains or loses focus:

import com.vungle.publisher.VunglePub;

public class EachActivity extends {

  // get the VunglePub instance
  final VunglePub vunglePub = VunglePub.getInstance();


  protected void onPause() {

  protected void onResume() {

###iOS On iOS, you should manually follow the instructions to add the frameworks to your project at this link. First 3 steps explain how to add the vungle framework and its dependencies.

##Usage The plugin has the following methods:

###init Initializes the plugin. Must be called before calling any other function.


vungleId: string: Your Vungle app id.

config: object: Optional vungle config params as json object, see below for details. You do NOT need to supply all the params, defaults are used if a property is not supplied. See vungle documentation for android and for ios.

successCallback: function

failureCallback: function: Called with failure reason string.


plugin.init('YOUR_VUNGLE_ID', {
        /* These are all the properties we support, they are here for demonstration purposes only.
        orientation: 0, // Android: 0 means Orientation.autoRotate, 1 means Orientation.matchVideo
                        // iOS: We recommend just sending 0, Vungle api is not unified for this param, same parameter mean and behave different for each platform!)
        soundEnabled: true,
        backButtonImmediatelyEnabled: false, // Only available in Android
        immersiveMode: false, // Only available in Android
        incentivized: false,
        incentivizedUserId: '',
        incentivizedCancelDialogTitle: '', // Only available in Android
        incentivizedCancelDialogBodyText: '',
        incentivizedCancelDialogCloseButtonText: '', // Only available in Android
        incentivizedCancelDialogKeepWatchingButtonText: '', // Only available in Android
        placement: '',
        extra1: '',
        extra2: '',
        extra3: '',
        extra4: '',
        extra5: '',
        extra6: '',
        extra7: '',
        extra8: '' */
	function() { // success
		console.log("We got vungle");
}), failureCallback);



config: object: Optional vungle config params as json object, see init for details

successCallback: function: Called with a boolean for completion of video (to be used in incentivized ads)

failureCallback: function: Called with failure reason string.


	function(completed) { // success
		console.log("Ad played");
}), failureCallback);



successCallback: function: Called with a boolean value

failureCallback: function: Called with failure reason string.


	function(response) { // success
		    console.log("We have an ad available.");
}), failureCallback);

##Versions Tested with Cordova 3.6.3