title: PureScript Package Sets with Hashes summary: PureScript package sets with hashes for consumption by Nix tags: purescript draft: false
This post is part of a series called
The Road to purescript2nix
The PureScript package sets are Dhall files that specify a group of PureScript packages that are known to all compile together. If you're coming from Haskell, this is similar to a Stackage resolver.
Package sets make development quite easy, since you have a large number of libraries that you know all work together. You don't have to worry about manually figuring out what versions of packages to use in order to successfully build.
The one big problem with PureScript's package sets are that they don't include hashes for packages. This blog post describes how I created a proof-of-concept package set that contains hashes, and how it can be used.
Here's an example of two packages from a PureScript package set:
{ abides =
{ dependencies = [ "enums", "foldable-traversable" ]
, repo = "https://github.com/athanclark/purescript-abides.git"
, version = "v0.0.1"
, ace =
{ dependencies =
["arrays", "effect", "foreign", "nullable", "web-html", "web-uievents"]
, repo = "https://github.com/purescript-contrib/purescript-ace.git"
, version = "v8.0.0"
, ...
The two packages are abides
and ace
. You can see that each package has a
list of dependencies, a repository, and an associated Git tag (version
I created an
RFC for adding a hash
to each package, as well as a
PR adding a script for computing hashes.
The script for computing hashes takes an existing package set (like the example above), and produces a package set that looks like this:
{ abides =
{ dependencies = [ "enums", "foldable-traversable" ]
, hash = "sha256-nrZiUeIY7ciHtD4+4O5PB5GMJ+ZxAletbtOad/tXPWk="
, repo = "https://github.com/athanclark/purescript-abides.git"
, version = "v0.0.1"
, ace =
{ dependencies =
["arrays", "effect", "foreign", "nullable", "web-html", "web-uievents"]
, hash = "sha256-cALaq9mxO9s6WDtDpydyZIHiM+IPa1xGGUtgS2A/qWA="
, repo = "https://github.com/purescript-contrib/purescript-ace.git"
, version = "v8.0.0"
, ...
You can see that this is the same as above, but now each package has a hash
field as well. This would allow you to download the source of the package
from GitHub and check that that the hashes match.
See the above RFC and PR for implementation details.
It seems like development has completely moved to the PureScript Registry instead of the PureScript package sets. The PureScript Registry is somewhat similar to the idea of package sets, but more flexible and featureful.
The above RFC and PR were not accepted on the grounds that new features won't be added to the package sets repository moving forward. Also, the PureScript Registry will contain hashes for package versions. It doesn't sound like there is a firm release date for the Registry, but Fabrizio says that they'd like to get the Registry working sometime in December 2021.
However, if you'd like to get old PureScript package sets buildable with a system that requires hashed inputs (like Nix), you may want to take a look at the this issue: purifix/purifix#4
It is unfortunate that this RFC didn't go through, but at least now there is a script to easily add hashes to a PureScript package set. It is also great that the PureScript Registry will have hashes from the very beginning. This will hopefully make it much easier to consume PureScript packages from a build system that requires inputs to be hashed.