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title: Getting Started with PureNix summary: How to setup an environment for playing around with PureNix tags: haskell, nixos, purescript draft: false

This post is the first post in a series about PureNix. The next post is about who would find PureNix easy to use.

PureNix is a Nix backend for PureScript. PureNix allows you to write PureScript code and transpile it to Nix code.

This post gives an overview of PureScript and PureNix. It then explains how to get started using PureNix.


PureScript is a strongly-typed, pure functional programming language. Here's a small example of a function written in PureScript. If you know Haskell, this should look very familiar:

module Main where

import Prelude

type FilePath = String

subdirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
subdirectory p1 p2 = p1 <> "/" <> p2

The PureScript compiler compiles code like this to JavaScript. PureScript ends up being a Haskell-like language that you can use to write frontend code.

One of the main build tools for PureScript is Spago. Spago is somewhat similar to Haskell's stack or cabal, Rust's cargo, etc.

One interesting feature of the PureScript compiler and Spago is that there is good support for switching out the backend code generator. The code generator built into the main PureScript compiler is for JavaScript, but there are alternative code generators for other languages. PureNix is an alternative backend code generator for Nix.


PureNix works together with PureScript and Spago to compile PureScript code into Nix code. Here's a small example of PureScript code, and the Nix code it gets compiled to:

module Main where

greeting :: String
greeting = "Hello, world!"

identity :: forall a. a -> a
identity a = a

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

fromMaybe :: forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe a Nothing = a
fromMaybe _ (Just a) = a

PureNix compiles this PureScript code to the following Nix code1:

  greeting = "Hello, world!";

  identity = v: v;

  Nothing = {__tag = "Nothing";};
  Just = value0:
    { __tag = "Just";
      __field0 = value0;

  fromMaybe = v: v1:
      __pattern0 = __fail: if v1.__tag == "Nothing" then let a = v; in a else __fail;
      __pattern1 = __fail: if v1.__tag == "Just" then let a = v1.__field0; in a else __fail;
      __patternFail = builtins.throw "Pattern match failure in src/Main.purs at 11:1 - 11:41";
      __pattern0 (__pattern1 __patternFail);
  {inherit greeting Nothing Just fromMaybe;}

Except for the pattern matching in fromMaybe, this should look pretty straight-forward. You can see the PureScript string greeting becomes a simple Nix string. identity has become a Nix function. The constructors for Maybe (Nothing and Just) have become Nix functions2. fromMaybe has become a Nix function. If you work through the __patternX continuations in fromMaybe, you can see how they emulate the pattern matching in the PureScript fromMaybe function.

Calling functions written in PureScript from Nix is quite fun. It feels quite similar to working in the Haskell or PureScript REPL. Here is an example of using the above functions from the Nix REPL:

$ nix repl ./output/Main/default.nix
nix-repl> identity greeting
"Hello, world!"
nix-repl> fromMaybe "bye" (Just "hello")
nix-repl> fromMaybe "bye" Nothing

Now that you have a taste of PureNix, the next section explains how to get started actually writing PureNix code.

Getting Started

There is documentation in the PureNix repository that explains how to put together a development environment for PureNix. It explains how to get to the point where you can actually start writing PureScript and compiling it to Nix.

Once you have your environment setup, you'll likely be interested in what libraries are available for PureNix. The currently available libraries are in the purenix-org organization on GitHub. There are also two PureNix issues you may be interested in:

  • A tracking issue for which PureScript standard libraries still need to be ported to PureNix. If you're looking for a way to help out PureNix, this is a good place to start!
  • An issue for putting together a real PureNix package set. A PureScript/PureNix package set is similar to a Stackage resolver. It is used by Spago to make it easier to find library versions that work together.

You may also be interested in Pursuit. This is like Hoogle, but for PureScript. Pursuit doesn't know anything about PureNix, but the API of the PureNix libraries that have been ported so far is almost the same as the PureScript version of the libraries, so searching for functions on Pursuit is still helpful.


PureNix gives you a way to write Haskell-like code and compile it to Nix. This is convenient for developers comfortable with Haskell-like languages, and trying to write a non-trivial library in Nix.

This post is the first post in a series about PureNix. The next post is about who would find PureNix easy to use.

Using PureNix Professionally

If your company is considering PureNix in order to tame a complicated Nix codebase, Jonas and I currently have time available for consulting or freelance. Feel free to get in touch. We are also available for any other Nix/Haskell/PureScript-related work.


  1. The formatting has been slightly cleaned up to make it a little easier to understand.

  2. PureScript data constructors become tagged records in Nix.