If any of the maven plugins will be released
- Update their version in the main readme.
- Update their version in the sample pom
- Update their versions in
of the impacted archetype projects. - Update their versions in their individual project readme files.
- Include the impacted archtypes in the release.
Update the
tag of the reactor pom files.- Add any new artifacts and uncomment any commented artifacts.
- Add any new artifacts to the
Ensure changelog is updated with the description of all changes being released and the date and versions are correct.
Update versions/release.txt with
- the snapshot version and release version for each artifact being released.
- the snapshot version and previous release version for each artifact not being released.
- commands for any new artifacts.
Update versions/snapshot.txt with
- the new version and next snapshot version for each artifact being released.
- commands for any new artifacts.
Execute all the commands in versions/release.txt.
- Double check the version changes.
Update the
tag of the reactor pom files.- Comment any artifacts not being released.
Commit the changes to a new branch.
Determine the
(yyyy.mm.dd.N). -
mvn clean install site site:stage -P<profileId>,site -Drelease.number=<release.number>
on this branch.- A final continuous integration test;
doesn't run the integration tests. - inspect the maven site to ensure there are no issues.
- A final continuous integration test;
to create a tag for the release and merge the branch to main. -
mvn clean install deploy -P<profileId>,attach-artifacts,stage,ossrh -Dgpg.keyname=<keyname>
on the tag.- Use a jenkins job for this.
- Be sure to clear com.cerner.ccl and com.cerner.ftp from the local maven repo beforehand.
- This assumes there is a profile with id ossrh specifying the gpg.passphrase
mvn nexus-staging:release -Pstage -DstagingRepositoryId=<REPO>
on the tag. -
Generate and deploy the maven site for the release.
mvn clean site site:stage site-deploy -P<profileId>,site -Drelease.number=<release.number>
Update the
tag of the reactor pom files.- Uncomment any artifacts not being released.
Execute all the commands in versions/snapshot.txt.
- Double check the version changes.
Commit the changes to a new branch and merge to main.
- A valid Sonatype user account with write access to com.cerner is required to release this project.
- To create an account sign up with Sonatype.
- Deployed components must be signed. The verify phase of the the maven build will do this.
- gpg must be installed and configured. See working with gpg.
- The gpg secrets and passwords must be encrypted and passed on to the jenkins box.
$ export ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD=<password to encrypt> $ openssl aes-256-cbc -pass pass:$ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD -in ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg -out .ci/secring.gpg.enc $ openssl aes-256-cbc -pass pass:$ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD -in ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg -out .ci/pubring.gpg.enc