A hook script to increment a version number for git
Design your own versionning schema like this :
The code will auto-increment the version each time you commit files and will auto add to commit the version file
##1) Copy precommit file into your hook dir ##
in your git directory ( .git at your project root directory ), find the directory named "hooks". Copy precommit into this dir.
##2) Create a version file##
Create to your root directory a file named "version.md" ( You can rename it as you want , but you will need to edit precommit script to match your version file ). Write into your new fresh version file a starting version number like examples above.
NB : Version file should only contain number and dots, not words.
##3) Start commiting your codes !##
You will notice each time you commit, version.md ( or your custom version file ) is added to your commit.
#Next features#
Options to create a Git tag on each major updates following a schema like :
0.0.9 -> 0.1.0 // No tag 0.1.0
0.9 -> 1.0 // Creation of tag 1.0 -> // No tag -> // Creation of tag