This Document contains informations how to develop the application. Additionally some architectural notes are contained.
Please follow the instructions in the Build Guide first.
- brew install postgres
- pg_ctl start -l $logfile ([Official Documentation] (
- initdb
call psql
- CREATE USER bookr PASSWORD 'bookr';
- \q
Then run gradle flywayMigrate
To get a production like environment it's recommended to apply the instructions from the Distribution
The whole project is organized in multiple modules and is built with gradle.
Dependencies: bookr-distribution -> bookr-war -> bookr-client
Contains the Angular JS code and is built with gulp.
Contains the Server side logic and APIs. It builds the JEE7 webapplication.
All Java packages are under ch.haeuslers.bookr.
The web application ist organized with 4 main packages.
- boundary: Contains the REST API and the Websocket server endpoints.
- control: Holds all business services.
- entity: Defines the persistent entities. These are enriched with marshalling und unmarshalling Annotations (JAXB).
- common: All other stuff like producers and auditing related logic.
It's layering is supervised by jdepend as Unit-Test.
According the file 'dependencyMatrix.csv' in the test resources, the dependencies are allowed as follows:
- boundary -> common, entity, control
- control -> common, entity
- entity -> common
The resources are all addressed by RESOURCE/id where id needs to be of the type uuid according to rfc4122. When creating resources the id's need to be created by the client.
url: RESOURCES/{id}
id: uuid
request method: PUT
request body: json or xml
response code: 204
response body: -
url: RESOURCES/{id}
id: uuid
request method: GET
request body: -
response code: 200
response body: json or xml
request method: GET
request body: -
response code: 200
response body: json or xml
## updated url: RESOURCES/{id}
id: uuid
request method: POST
request body: -
response code: 204
response body: json or xml
## delete url: RESOURCES/{id}
id: uuid
request method: DELETE
request body: -
response code: 204
response body: -