diff --git a/testnets/holesky/README.md b/testnets/holesky/README.md
index c031285f3..ad94f48c1 100644
--- a/testnets/holesky/README.md
+++ b/testnets/holesky/README.md
@@ -1,31 +1,249 @@
-# Holesky Launch Instructions
+This document provides instructions for running the Bolt sidecar on the Holesky testnet.
-## Components
+# Table of Contents
-The components that need to run to test Bolt on Holesky are:
-- A synced execution client
-- A synced beacon node
-- Active validators
-- Commit-Boost with Bolt configuration
+* [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
+* [Setup](#setup)
+ * [Standalone Binary](#standalone-binary)
+ * [Building and running the MEV-Boost fork binary](#building-and-running-the-mev-boost-fork-binary)
+ * [Building and running the Bolt sidecar binary](#building-and-running-the-bolt-sidecar-binary)
+ * [Configuration file](#configuration-file)
+ * [Docker](#docker)
+ * [Commit-Boost](#commit-boost)
+ * [Observability](#observability)
+* [Register your validators on-chain on the Bolt Registry](#register-your-validators-on-chain-on-the-bolt-registry)
+ * [Validator Registration](#validator-registration)
+ * [Bolt Network Entrypoint](#bolt-network-entrypoint)
+ * [Symbiotic Integration guide for Staking Pools](#symbiotic-integration-guide-for-staking-pools)
+ * [Symbiotic Integration guide for Operators](#symbiotic-integration-guide-for-operators)
+ * [EigenLayer Integration Guide for Node Operators and Solo Stakers](#eigenlayer-integration-guide-for-node-operators-and-solo-stakers)
+* [Reference](#reference)
+ * [Command-line options](#command-line-options)
+ * [Delegations and signing options for standalone and docker container setup](#delegations-and-signing-options-for-standalone-and-docker-container-setup)
+ * [`bolt-delegations-cli`](#`bolt-delegations-cli`)
+ * [Installation and usage](#installation-and-usage)
+ * [Delegations CLI Example](#delegations-cli-example)
+ * [Using a private key directly](#using-a-private-key-directly)
+ * [Using a ERC-2335 Keystore](#using-a-erc-2335-keystore)
+ * [Avoid restarting the beacon node](#avoid-restarting-the-beacon-node)
-## Setup
-### Commit-Boost
+# Prerequisites
-#### Installation
+In order to run Bolt you need some components already installed and running in
+your system.
-To install the `commit-boost` CLI with `cargo`:
+**A synced Geth client:**
+At the moment Bolt is only compatible with the Geth execution client. Running
+another execution client could lead to commitment faults because fallback block
+building is not supported yet. You can download Geth from [the official
+**A synced beacon node:**
+Bolt is compatible with every beacon client. Please refer to the various beacon
+client implementations to download and run them.
+**Active validators:**
+The Bolt sidecar requires signing keys from active Ethereum validators, or
+authorized delegates acting on their behalf, to issue and sign preconfirmations.
+> [!NOTE]
+> To run the Bolt sidecar it might be necessary to restart your beacon client in
+> order to set the sidecar as the [builder
+> endpoint](https://ethereum.github.io/builder-specs/).
+> See this [section](#avoid-restarting-the-beacon-node) for more details.
+**LST collateral:**
+For Holesky in order to provide credible proposer commitments it is necessary to
+restake 1 ether worth of ETH derivatives per validator in either the Symbiotic
+or the EigenLayer protocol.
+# Setup
+There are various way to run the Bolt Sidecar depending on what infrastructure
+you want to use and the way your preferred signing methods:
+- as a standalone binary;
+- as a standalone Docker container;
+- as a [Commit-Boost](https://commit-boost.github.io/commit-boost-client)
+ module (requires Docker).
+Running the Bolt sidecar as a standalone binary requires building it from
+source. Both the standalone binary and the Docker container requires reading
+signing keys from [ERC-2335](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2335) keystores,
+while the Commit-Boost module relies on an internal signer and a custom PBS
+module instead of regular [MEV-Boost](https://boost.flashbots.net/).
+In this section we're going to explore each of these options and its
+## Standalone Binary
+For running the Bolt Sidecar as a standalone binary you need to have the
+following dependencies installed:
+- [git](https://git-scm.com/downloads);
+- [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install).
+- [Golang](https://golang.org/doc/install).
+Depending on your platform you may need to install additional dependencies.
+Debian-based distributions:
+sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y git build-essential libssl-dev build-essential ca-certificates
+Fedora/Red Hat/CentOS distributions:
+sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools" && sudo dnf install -y git openssl-devel ca-certificates pkgconfig
+Arch/Manjaro-based distributions:
-# Use specific commit hash to ensure compatibility
-cargo install --locked --git https://github.com/Commit-Boost/commit-boost-client --rev aed00e8 commit-boost
+sudo pacman -Syu --needed base-devel git openssl ca-certificates pkgconf
+Alpine Linux
+sudo apk add git build-base openssl-dev ca-certificates pkgconf
+ MacOS
+On MacOS after installing XCode Command Line tools (equivlanet to `build-essential` on Linux) you can install the other dependencies with [Homebew](https://brew.sh/):
+xcode-select --install
+brew install pkg-config openssl
+After having installed the dependencies you can clone the Bolt repository by
-# Test installation
-commit-boost --version
+git clone --branch v0.3.0 https://github.com/chainbound/bolt.git && cd bolt
+### Building and running the MEV-Boost fork binary
+The Bolt protocol relies on a modified version of
+[MEV-Boost](https://boost.flashbots.net/) that supports the [Constraints
+API](https://docs.boltprotocol.xyz/api/builder). This modified version is
+available in the `mev-boost` directory of the project and can be built by
+make build
+in the `mev-boost` directory. The output of the command is a `mev-boost` binary.
+To run the `mev-boost` binary please read the official [documentation](https://boost.flashbots.net/).
+If you're already running MEV-Boost along with your beacon client it is
+recommended to choose another port this service in order to [avoid restarting
+your beacon client](#avoid-restarting-the-beacon-node). Check out the linked
+section for more details.
+### Building and running the Bolt sidecar binary
+Then you can build the Bolt sidecar by running:
+cargo build --release && mv target/release/bolt-sidecar .
-#### Configuration
+In order to run correctly the sidecar you need to provide either a list command
+line options or a configuration file (recommended). All the options available
+can be found by running `./bolt-sidecar --help`, or you can find them in the
+[reference](#command-line-options) section of this guide.
+#### Configuration file
+A configuration file can be either a `.env` file or a `.toml` file. If you use
+`.env` file you can find a `.env.example` file in the repository that you can
+use as a template.
+For a `.toml` file you can use the template in the `Config.example.toml`. Lastly
+you need to specify the path of the configuration file by setting the
+`BOLT_SIDECAR_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable to the path of the file.
+Please read the section on [delegations and signing](#delegations-and-signing-options-for-standalone-and-docker-container-setup)
+to configure such sidecar options properly.
+After you've set up the configuration file you can run the Bolt sidecar with
+## Docker
+First, make sure to have both [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/),
+[Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/) and
+[git](https://git-scm.com/downloads) installed in your machine.
+Then clone the Bolt repository by running:
+git clone --branch v0.3.0 htts://github.com/chainbound/bolt.git && cd bolt
+The docker compose setup will spin up the Bolt sidecar along with the Bolt
+MEV-Boost fork that supports the [Constraints API](https://docs.boltprotocol.xyz/api/builder).
+Both services require a configuration file with environment variables. For the
+Bolt sidecar you need to create a `bolt-sidecar.env` file in this folder; if you
+need a reference template you can checkout the
+[`.env.example`](../../bolt-sidecar/.env.example). To
+configure properly the signing options it is strongly recommended to read the
+[delegations and
+reference section of this guide.
+For the MEV-Boost fork you need to create a `mev-boost.env` file in this folder.
+In order to launch the Bolt sidecar as a Docker container you need to create a
+`bolt-sidecar.env` configuration file in this folder. For a reference template you can
+checkout the [`.env.example`](../../bolt-sidecar/.env.example) file.
+If you want to [avoid restarting the beacon
+node](#avoid-restarting-the-beacon-node) please follow the steps in the linked
+After you've set up the configuration file you can build the Docker container by
+cd testnets/holesky && docker compose build
+## Commit-Boost
+First download the `commit-boost-cli` binary from the Commit-Boost [official
+releases page](https://github.com/Commit-Boost/commit-boost-client/releases)
A commit-boost configuration file with Bolt support is provided at
[`cb-bolt-config.toml`](./cb-bolt-config.toml). This file has support for the
@@ -59,13 +277,13 @@ To initialize commit-boost, run the following command:
commit-boost init --config cb-bolt-config.toml
-This will create 3 files:
+This will create three files:
- `cb.docker-compose.yml`: which contains the full setup of the Commit-Boost services
- `.cb.env`: with local env variables, including JWTs for modules
- `target.json`: which enables dynamic discovery of services for metrics scraping via Prometheus
-#### Running
The final step is to run the Commit-Boost services. This can be done with the following command:
@@ -75,32 +293,499 @@ commit-boost start --docker cb.docker-compose.yml --env .cb.env
This will run all modules in Docker containers.
-> bolt-boost will be exposed at `pbs.port` (18551 by default, set with `BOLT_SIDECAR_BUILDER_PROXY_PORT`), and your beacon node MUST be configured
+> [!IMPORTANT] > `bolt-boost` will be exposed at `pbs.port` (18551 by default, set with `BOLT_SIDECAR_BUILDER_PROXY_PORT`), and your beacon node MUST be configured
> to point the `builder-api` to this port for Bolt to work.
-### Bolt Sidecar
### Observability
-commit-boost comes with various observability tools, such as Prometheus, cadvisor, and Grafana. It also comes with some pre-built dashboards,
-which can be found in the `grafana` directory.
+Commit-Boost comes with various observability tools, such as Prometheus,
+cadvisor, and Grafana. It also comes with some pre-built dashboards, which can
+be found in the `grafana` directory.
To update these dashboards, run the following command:
+`bash ./update-grafana.sh `
+In this directory, you can also find a Bolt dashboard, which will be launched
+alongside the other dashboards.
+# Register your validators on-chain on the Bolt Registry
+Once you are successfully running the Bolt sidecar you need to register on-chain
+on the Bolt Registry to successfully receive preconfirmation requests from users
+and RPCs. This step is needed to prove that your commitments are economically
+In order to do that you need some collateral in the form of whitelisted Liquid
+Staking Token (LST) that needs to be restaked in either the Symbiotic or
+EigenLayer protocol.
+Then you need to interact with two contracts on Ethereum Mainnet:
+`BoltValidators` and `BoltManager`. The former is used to register your
+active validators into the protocol, while the latter is used to manage to
+register as an operator into the system and integrate with the restaking
+## Validator Registration
+The [`BoltValidators`](./src/contracts/BoltValidators.sol) contract is the only point of entry for
+validators to signal their intent to participate in Bolt Protocol and authenticate with their BLS private key.
+The registration process includes the following steps:
+1. Validator signs a message with their BLS private key. This is required to prove that the
+ validator private key is under their control and that they are indeed its owner.
+2. Validator calls the `registerValidator` function providing:
+ 1. Their BLS public key
+ 2. The BLS signature of the registration message
+ 3. The address of the authorized collateral provider
+ 4. The address of the authorized operator
+Until the Pectra hard-fork will be activated, the contract will also expose a `registerValidatorUnsafe` function
+that will not check the BLS signature. This is gated by a feature flag that will be turned off post-Pectra and
+will allow us to test the registration flow in a controlled environment.
+## Bolt Network Entrypoint
+The [`BoltManager`](./src/contracts/BoltManager.sol) contract is a crucial component of Bolt that
+integrates with restaking ecosystems Symbiotic and Eigenlayer. It manages the registration and
+coordination of validators, operators, and vaults within the Bolt network.
+Key features include:
+1. Retrieval of operator stake and proposer status from their pubkey
+2. Integration with Symbiotic
+3. Integration with Eigenlayer
+Specific functionalities about the restaking protocols are handled inside
+the `IBoltMiddleware` contracts, such as `BoltSymbioticMiddleware` and `BoltEigenlayerMiddleware`.
+### Symbiotic Integration guide for Staking Pools
+As a staking pool, it is assumed that you are already in control of a Symbiotic Vault.
+If not, please refer to the [Symbiotic docs](https://docs.symbiotic.fi/handbooks/Handbook%20for%20Vaults)
+on how to spin up a Vault and start receiving stake from your node operators.
+Opting into Bolt works as any other Symbiotic middleware integration. Here are the steps:
+1. Make sure your vault collateral is whitelisted in `BoltSymbioticMiddleware` by calling `isCollateralWhitelisted`.
+2. Register as a vault in `BoltSymbioticMiddleware` by calling `registerVault`.
+3. Verify that your vault is active in `BoltSymbioticMiddleware` by calling `isVaultEnabled`.
+4. Set the network limit for your vault in Symbiotic with `Vault.delegator().setNetworkLimit()`.
+5. You can now start approving operators that opt in to your vault directly in Symbiotic.
+6. When you assign shares to operators, they are able to provide commitments on behalf of your collateral.
+### Symbiotic Integration guide for Operators
+As an operator, you will need to opt-in to the Bolt Network and any Vault that trusts you to provide
+commitments on their behalf.
+The opt-in process requires the following steps:
+1. register in Symbiotic with `OperatorRegistry.registerOperator()`.
+2. opt-in to the Bolt network with `OperatorNetworkOptInService.optIn(networkAddress)`.
+3. opt-in to any vault with `OperatorVaultOptInService.optIn(vaultAddress)`.
+4. register in Bolt with `BoltSymbioticMiddleware.registerOperator(operatorAddress)`.
+5. get approved by the vault.
+6. start providing commitments with the stake provided by the vault.
+### EigenLayer Integration Guide for Node Operators and Solo Stakers
+> [!NOTE]
+> Without loss of generality, we will assume the reader of this guide is a Node
+> Operator (NO), since the same steps apply to solo stakers.
+> As a Node Operator you will be an ["Operator"](https://docs.eigenlayer.xyz/eigenlayer/overview/key-terms)
+> in the Bolt AVS built on top of EigenLayer. This requires
+> running an Ethereum validator and the Bolt sidecar in order issue
+> preconfirmations.
+The Operator will be represented by an Ethereum address that needs
+to follow the standard procedure outlined in the
+[EigenLayer documentation](https://docs.eigenlayer.xyz/) to opt into EigenLayer. Let's go through the steps:
+1. As an Operator, you register into EigenLayer using [`DelegationManager.registerAsOperator`](https://github.com/Layr-Labs/eigenlayer-contracts/blob/mainnet/src/contracts/core/DelegationManager.sol#L107-L119).
+2. As an Ethereum validator offering precofirmations a NO needs some collateral in
+ order to be economically credible. In order to do that, some entities known as a "stakers"
+ need to deposit whitelisted Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs)
+ into an appropriate "Strategy" associated to the LST via the
+ [`StrategyManager.depositIntoStrategy`](https://github.com/Layr-Labs/eigenlayer-contracts/blob/mainnet/src/contracts/core/StrategyManager.sol#L105-L110),
+ so that the Operator has a `min_amount` (for Holesky 1 ether) of collateral associated to it.
+ Whitelisted LSTs are exposed by the `BoltEigenLayerMiddleware` contract
+ in the `getWhitelistedCollaterals` function.
+ Note that NOs and stakers can be two different entities
+ _but there is fully trusted relationship as stakers will be slashed if a NO misbehaves_.
+3. After the stakers have deposited their collateral into a strategy they need
+ to choose you as their operator. To do that, they need to call the function
+ [`DelegationManager.delegateTo`](https://github.com/Layr-Labs/eigenlayer-contracts/blob/mainnet/src/contracts/core/DelegationManager.sol#L154-L163).
+4. As an Operator you finally opt into the Bolt AVS by interacting with the `BoltEigenLayerMiddleware`.
+ This consists in calling the function `BoltEigenLayerMiddleware.registerOperatorToAVS`.
+ The payload is a signature whose digest consists of:
+ 1. your operator address
+ 2. the `BoltEigenLayerMiddleware` contract address
+ 3. a salt
+ 4. an expiry 2.
+ The contract will then forward the call to the [`AVSDirectory.registerOperatorToAVS`](https://github.com/Layr-Labs/eigenlayer-contracts/blob/mainnet/src/contracts/core/AVSDirectory.sol#L64-L108)
+ with the `msg.sender` set to the Bolt AVS contract. Upon successful verification of the signature,
+ the operator is considered `REGISTERED` in a mapping `avsOperatorStatus[msg.sender][operator]`.
+Lastly, a NO needs to interact with both the `BoltValidators` and `BoltEigenLayerMiddleware`
+contract. This is needed for internal functioning of the AVS and to make RPCs aware that you are a
+registered operator and so that they can forward you preconfirmation requests.
+The steps required are the following:
+1. Register all the validator public keys you want to use with Bolt via the `BoltValidators.registerValidator`.
+ If you own more than one validator public key,
+ you can use the more gas-efficient `BoltValidators.batchRegisterValidators` function.
+ The `authorizedOperator` argument must be the same Ethereum address used for
+ opting into EigenLayer as an Operator.
+2. Register the same Operator address in the `BoltEigenLayerMiddleware` contract by calling
+ the `BoltEigenLayerMiddleware.registerOperator` function. This formalizes your role within the Bolt network
+ and allows you to manage operations effectively, such as pausing or resuming
+ your service.
+3. Register the EigenLayer strategy you are using for restaking _if it has not been done by someone else already_.
+ This ensures that your restaked assets are correctly integrated with Bolt’s system.
+# Reference
+## Command-line options
+For completeness, here are all the command-line options available for the Bolt
+sidecar. You can see them in your terminal by running the Bolt sidecar binary
+with the `--help` flag:
+Command-line options for the Bolt sidecar
+Usage: bolt-sidecar [OPTIONS] <--private-key |--commit-boost-address |--keystore-password >
+ --port
+ Port to listen on for incoming JSON-RPC requests
+ [default: 8000]
+ --execution-api-url
+ Execution client API URL
+ [default: http://localhost:8545]
+ --beacon-api-url
+ URL for the beacon client
+ [default: http://localhost:5052]
+ --engine-api-url
+ Execution client Engine API URL
+ [default: http://localhost:8551]
+ --constraints-url
+ URL for the Constraint sidecar client to use
+ [default: http://localhost:3030]
+ --constraints-proxy-port
+ Constraint proxy server port to use
+ [default: 18551]
+ --validator-indexes
+ Validator indexes of connected validators that the sidecar should accept commitments on behalf of. Accepted values: - a comma-separated list of indexes (e.g. "1,2,3,4") - a contiguous range of indexes (e.g. "1..4") - a mix of the
+ above (e.g. "1,2..4,6..8")
+ [default: ]
+ --jwt-hex
+ The JWT secret token to authenticate calls to the engine API.
+ It can either be a hex-encoded string or a file path to a file containing the hex-encoded secret.
+ [default: 0x7d5de8eaa5bf57c93710aa7423842cd1d6b06567fd99df4f7c62774cf86db169]
+ --fee-recipient
+ The fee recipient address for fallback blocks
+ [default: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000]
+ --builder-private-key
+ Secret BLS key to sign fallback payloads with (If not provided, a random key will be used)
+ [default: 0x643b385db30641c29abf6473f3fd7aca61196487a683a1796702cb38c6bb257b]
+ --max-commitments-per-slot
+ Max number of commitments to accept per block
+ [default: 128]
+ --max-committed-gas-per-slot
+ Max committed gas per slot
+ [default: 10000000]
+ --min-priority-fee
+ Min priority fee to accept for a commitment
+ [default: 1000000000]
+ --chain
+ Chain on which the sidecar is running
+ [default: mainnet]
+ [possible values: mainnet, holesky, helder, kurtosis]
+ --commitment-deadline
+ The deadline in the slot at which the sidecar will stop accepting new commitments for the next block (parsed as milliseconds)
+ [default: 8000]
+ --slot-time
+ The slot time duration in seconds. If provided, it overrides the default for the selected [Chain]
+ [default: 12]
+ --private-key
+ Private key to use for signing preconfirmation requests
+ --commit-boost-address
+ Socket address for the commit-boost sidecar
+ --commit-boost-jwt-hex
+ JWT in hexadecimal format for authenticating with the commit-boost service
+ --keystore-password
+ The password for the ERC-2335 keystore. Reference: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2335
+ --keystore-path
+ Path to the keystores folder. If not provided, the default path is used
+ --delegations-path
+ Path to the delegations file. If not provided, the default path is used
+-m, --metrics-port
+The port on which to expose Prometheus metrics
+ [env: METRICS_PORT=]
+ [default: 3300]
+-d, --disable-metrics
+-h, --help
+Print help (see a summary with '-h')
+## Delegations and signing options for standalone and docker container setup
+As mentioned in the [prerequisites](#prerequisites) section, the Bolt sidecar
+can sign commitments with a delegated set of private keys on behalf of active
+Ethereum validators.
+> This is the recommended way to run the Bolt sidecar as it
+> doesn't expose the active validator signing keys to any additional risk.
+In order to create these delegation you can use the `bolt-delegations-cli` binary.
+If you don't want to use it you can skip the following section.
+### `bolt-delegations-cli`
+`bolt-delegations-cli` is an offline command-line tool for safely generating delegation messages
+signed with a BLS12-381 key for the [Constraints API](https://docs.boltprotocol.xyz/api/builder)
+in [Bolt](https://docs.boltprotocol.xyz/).
+The tool supports two key sources:
+- Local: A BLS private key provided directly from a file.
+- Keystore: A keystore file that contains an encrypted BLS private key.
+- Offline usage: Safely generate delegation messages in an offline environment.
+- Flexible key source: Support for both direct local BLS private keys and Ethereum keystore files (ERC-2335 format).
+- BLS delegation signing: Sign delegation messages using a BLS secret key and output the signed delegation in JSON format.
+#### Installation and usage
+Go to the root of the Bolt project you've previously cloned using Git. Enter in
+the `bolt-delegations-cli` directory by running `cd bolt-delegations-cli`.
+If you're using the Docker container setup make sure you have [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) installed in your system.
+Then you can build the `bolt-delegations-cli` binary by running:
+cargo build --release && mv target/release/bolt-delegations-cli .
+Now you can run the binary by running:
+The binary exposes a single `generate` command, which accepts the following
+options and subcommands (use `./bolt-delegations-cli generate --help` to see
+Usage: bolt-delegations-cli generate [OPTIONS] --delegatee-pubkey
+ local Use local private keys to generate the signed messages
+ keystore Use an EIP-2335 keystore folder to generate the signed messages
+ help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
+ --delegatee-pubkey The BLS public key to which the delegation message should be signed [env: DELEGATEE_PUBKEY=]
+ --out The output file for the delegations [env: OUTPUT_FILE_PATH=] [default: delegations.json]
+ --chain The chain for which the delegation message is intended [env: CHAIN=] [default: mainnet] [possible values: mainnet, holesky, helder, kurtosis]
+ --action The action to perform. The tool can be used to generate delegation or revocation messages (default: delegate) [env: ACTION=] [default: delegate] [possible values: delegate, revoke]
+ -h, --help Print help (see more with '--help')
+In the section below you can see a usage example of the binary.
+#### Delegations CLI Example
+1. Using a local BLS private key:
+ ```text
+ bolt-delegations-cli generate \
+ --delegatee-pubkey 0x7890ab... \
+ --out my_delegations.json \
+ --chain holesky \
+ local \
+ --secret-keys 0xabc123...,0xdef456..
+ ```
+2. Using an Ethereum keystore file:
+ ```text
+ bolt-delegations-cli generate \
+ --delegatee-pubkey 0x7890ab... \
+ --out my_delegations.json \
+ --chain holesky \
+ keystore \
+ --path /keys \
+ --password myS3cr3tP@ssw0rd
+ ```
+When using the `keystore` key source, the `--path` flag should point to the
+directory containing the encrypted keypair directories.
+The keystore folder must adhere to the following structure:
+|-- 0x81b676591b823270a3284ace7d81cbce2d6cdce55bb0e053874d7e3a08f729453009d3e662ec3130379f43c0f3210b6d
+| `-- voting-keystore.json
+|-- 0x81ea9f74ef7d935b807474e38954ae3934856219a23e074954b2e860c5a3c400f9aedb42cd27cb4ceb697ca36d1e58cb
+| `-- voting-keystore.json
+|-- ...
+ `-- ...
+where the folder names are the public keys and inside every
+folder there is a single JSON file containing the keystore file.
+In case of validator-specific passwords (e.g. Lighthouse format) the
+`--password-path` flag must be used instead of `--password`, pointing to the
+directory containing the password files.
+The passwords folder must adhere to a certain structure as well, as shown below.
+|-- 0x81b676591b823270a3284ace7d81cbce2d6cdce55bb0e053874d7e3a08f729453009d3e662ec3130379f43c0f3210b6d
+|-- 0x81ea9f74ef7d935b807474e38954ae3934856219a23e074954b2e860c5a3c400f9aedb42cd27cb4ceb697ca36d1e58cb
+|-- ...
+ `-- ...
+That is, the password files should be named after the public key and each file
+should just contain one line with the password in plain text. The files
+themselves don't need a particular file extension.
+Now that you have generated the delegation messages you can provide them to the
+sidecar using the `--delegations-path` flag (see the
+[options](#command-line-options) section). When doing so the sidecar will check if
+they're indeed valid messages and will keep in memory the association between
+the delegator and the delegatee.
+However in order to sign the commitments you still need to provide the signing
+key of the delegatee. There are two ways to do so, as explored in the sections
+### Using a private key directly
+As you can see in the [command line options](#command-line-options) section you
+can pass directly the private key as a hex-encoded string to the Bolt sidecar
+using the `--private-key` flag. This is the simplest setup and can be used in
+case if all the delegations messages point to the same delegatee or if you're
+running the sidecar with a single active validator.
+### Using a ERC-2335 Keystore
+The Bolt sidecar supports [ERC-2335](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2335) keystores for loading signing keypairs.
+In order to use them you need to provide the `--keystore-path` pointing to the
+folder containing the keystore files and the `--keystore-password` or
+`keystore-secrets-path` flag pointing to the folder containing the password
-In this directory, you can also find a Bolt dashboard, which will be launched alongside the other dashboards.
+Both the `keys` and `passwords` folders must adhere to the structure outlined
+in the [Delegations CLI example](#delegations-cli-example) section.
-### Validators
+## Avoid restarting the beacon node
-Validators must be configured to always prefer builder proposals over their own. Refer to client documentation for the specific configuration flags.
-**If this is not set, it could lead to commitment faults**.
+As mentioned in the [prerequisites](#prerequisites) section, in order to run the
+sidecar correctly it might be necessary to restart your beacon client. That is
+because you need to configure the `--builder` flag (or equivalent) to point to
+the Bolt sidecar endpoint.
-#### Registration
+However if you're already running a PBS sidecar like
+[MEV-Boost](https://boost.flashbots.net/) on the same machine then you can avoid
+the restart by following this steps when starting the Bolt sidecar:
+1. Set the `--constraints-proxy-port` flag or the
+ `BOLT_SIDECAR_BUILDER_PROXY_PORT` environment variable to the port previously occupied by
+ MEV-Boost.
+2. Build the Bolt MEV-Boost fork binary or pull the Docker image and start it
+ using another port
+3. Set the `--constraints-url` flag or the `BOLT_SIDECAR_CONSTRAINTS_URL` to point to the Bolt MEV-Boost instance.