Lists symbols from the specified project or solution.
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roslynator list-symbols <PROJECT|SOLUTION>
--depth <DEPTH>
--external-assemblies <ASSEMBLY_FILE>
--file-log <FILE_PATH>
--file-log-verbosity <LEVEL>
-h, --help
--ignored-attributes <FULLY_QUALIFIED_METADATA_NAME>
--ignored-parts <IGNORED_PARTS>
--ignored-projects <PROJECT_NAME>
--indent-chars <INDENT_CHARS>
--language <LANGUAGE>
-m, --msbuild-path <DIRECTORY_PATH>
-o, --output <FILE_PATH>
--projects <PROJECT_NAME>
-p, --properties <NAME=VALUE>
-v, --verbosity <LEVEL>
--visibility <VISIBILITY>
Path to one or more project/solution files.
Defines a depth of a list of symbols. Allowed values are member (default), type or namespace.
Indicates whether a documentation should be included.
Indicates whether an empty line should be added between two member definitions.
Defines file name/path to external assemblies that should be included.
Path to a file that should store output.
Verbosity of the file log. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed] and diag[nostic].
Indicates whether symbols should be grouped by assembly.
Show command line help.
Defines symbol that should be used as a root of a type hierarchy.
Defines a list of attributes that should be ignored.
Defines parts of a symbol definition that should be excluded. Allowed values are assemblies, containing-namespace, containing-namespace-in-type-hierarchy, attributes, assembly-attributes, attribute-arguments, accessibility, modifiers, parameter-name, parameter-default-value, base-type, base-interfaces, constraints, trailing-semicolon, trailing-comma.
Defines projects that should not be analyzed.
Defines a list of symbols that should be ignored. Namespace of types can be specified.
Defines characters that should be used for indentation. Default value is two spaces.
Defines project language. Allowed values are cs[harp] or v[isual-]b[asic]
Defines layout of a list of symbol definitions. Allowed values are namespace-list (default), namespace-hierarchy or type-hierarchy.
Defines a path to MSBuild directory.
Defines path to file(s) that will store a list of symbol definitions.
Defines projects that should be analyzed.
Defines one or more MSBuild properties.
Verbosity of the log. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed] and diag[nostic].
Defines one or more visibility of a type or a member. Allowed values are public, internal or private.
Specifies syntax lists that should be wrapped. Allowed values are attributes, parameters, base-types and constraints.
Redirected/piped input will be used as a list of project/solution paths separated with newlines.
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