Searches the specified project or solution for possible misspellings or typos.
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roslynator spellcheck <PROJECT|SOLUTION>
--culture <CULTURE_ID>
-d, --dry-run
--file-log <FILE_PATH>
--file-log-verbosity <LEVEL>
-h, --help
--ignored-projects <PROJECT_NAME>
--ignored-scope <SCOPE>
--language <LANGUAGE>
--min-word-length <NUM>
-m, --msbuild-path <DIRECTORY_PATH>
--projects <PROJECT_NAME>
-p, --properties <NAME=VALUE>
--scope <SCOPE>
-v, --verbosity <LEVEL>
--visibility <VISIBILITY>
--words <PATH>
Path to one or more project/solution files.
Specifies case-sensitive matching.
Defines culture that should be used to display diagnostic message.
Display misspellings and typos but do not save changes to a disk.
Path to a file that should store output.
Verbosity of the file log. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed] and diag[nostic].
Show command line help.
Defines projects that should not be analyzed.
Defines syntax that should not be analyzed. Allowed values are comment, type, member, local, parameter, non-symbol and symbol.
Indicates whether generated code should be spellchecked.
Enable editing of a replacement.
Defines project language. Allowed values are cs[harp] or v[isual-]b[asic]
Specifies minimal word length to be checked. Default value is 3.
Defines a path to MSBuild directory.
Defines projects that should be analyzed.
Defines one or more MSBuild properties.
Defines syntax that should be analyzed. Allowed values are comment, type, member, local, parameter, non-symbol and symbol.
Verbosity of the log. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed] and diag[nostic].
Defines a maximal visibility of a symbol to be fixable. Allowed values are public (default), internal or private.
Specified path to file and/or directory that contains list of allowed words.
Redirected/piped input will be used as a list of project/solution paths separated with newlines.
Possible misspelling or typo is reported as a diagnostic RCS2001
Thus it is possible to suppress it as any other diagnostic.
- It is required to specify one or more wordlists (parameter
). - Wordlist is defined as a text file that contains list of values separated with newlines.
- Each value is either a valid word (for example
) or a fix in a format<ERROR>: <FIX>
(for examplemispell: misspell
). - Word matching is case-insensitive by default (use option
to specify case-sensitive matching). - It is recommended to use Wordb wordlists that are specifically tailored to be used for spellchecking.
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