Usage: java -jar <jarfile with dependencies> [-args]
Usage with GET Method: -get,
--- Mandatory ---
-u , -URL <Target URL>
Usage with POST Method: -post,
Note: Post Method usage is limited to 500 lines per request
--- Mandatory ---
-u , -URL <remote input file>
-in <input file>
<input file> should contain the hostnames/ips in the first column
--- Optional ---
-client <client info>
-appver <application version>
generates JSON output
to create new output file simply pipe the output: <command> '>' <destination file>
- java -jar <jar file with dependencies> -post -k <key> -u <url or path to remote file>
- java -jar <jar file with dependencies> -post -k <key> -in <local file>
- java -jar <jar file with dependencies> -get -k <key> -u <url>
java -jar <jar file with dependencies> -h
java -jar <jar file with dependencies> -get -h
java -jar <jar file with dependencies> -post -h