A cli tool (or go library) to provide a foundation for a platform-agnostic CICD process.
Documentation: https://cidverse.github.io/normalizeci/
Quick Links:
- normalization - check the env vars and the local repository to provide a common set of env vars on any ci platform.
- compatibility - convert the common env vars into a specific format (i.e. gitlab) to run a script made for gitlab on any ci provider.
You can download the binaries from the project releases: https://github.com/cidverse/normalizeci/releases
sudo curl -L -s -o /usr/local/bin/normalizeci https://github.com/cidverse/normalizeci/releases/download/v1.0.0/linux_amd64
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/normalizeci
(available builds: linux_386, linux_amd64, windows_386, windows_amd64, darwin_386, darwin_amd64)
Id | Command | Description |
1 | normalizeci normalize --format export --output nci.env |
generate nci variables in format export for unix systems, stored as file |
2 | normalizeci normalize --format powershell |
generate nci variables in format export for windows powershell, written to stdout |
3 | normalizeci normalize --output nci.env |
generate nci variables in the suggested format for the current system |
4 | normalizeci normalize --hostenv --output nci.env |
additionally to 3 includes all env vars from the host |
5 | normalizeci normalize --format cmd |
generate nci variables in format export for windows cmd, written to stdout |
6 | normalizeci denormalize --target gitlab |
generate a gitlab ci like environment based on the normalized environment |
7 | normalizeci version |
print version information |
normalizeci normalize --format export --output nci.env
source nci.env
rm nci.env
normalizeci normalize --format powershell --output nci.ps1
& .\nci.ps1
rm nci.ps1
The NormalizeCI CLI will return the commands to set the normalized variables in your current terminal session, so you need to run the response of the command.
eval $(normalizeci normalize)
$nenv = normalizeci normalize
Invoke-Expression "$nenv"
Install the latest version as library:
go get -u github.com/cidverse/normalizeci/pkg
And access the normalized environment, by default it will search for the vcs repo based on the current working directory.
var normalized = normalizeci.RunDefaultNormalization()
AppVeyor | appveyor |
Azure DevOps Pipeline | azure-devops |
CircleCI | circleci |
GitLab CI/CD | gitlab-ci |
GitHub Actions | github-actions |
Local Git Repository | local |
Note: If none of the above systems is detected, repository information is determined based on the local Git repository.
Note:: If you want to contribute, feel free to pick one of the following services and add a package to normalize their variables.
AWS CodeBuild | aws-codebuild |
Bamboo | bamboo |
Bitbucket | bitbucket |
Bitrise | bitrise |
Buddy | buddy |
Buildkite | buildkite |
Cirrus CI | cirrusci |
Codefresh | codefresh |
Codeship | codeship |
Drone | drone |
Jenkins | jenkins |
Sail CI | sailci |
Semaphore | semaphore |
Shippable | shippable |
TeamCity | teamcity |
Travis CI | travis-ci |
Wercker | wercker |
If a system is missing in this list, please open an issue.
Released under the MIT license.