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This branch is 1 commit behind NASA-AMMOS/AIT-Core:master.


This directory contains files needed to expose AIT realtime and historical
telemetry endpoints to the OpenMCT framework.

You can learn more about OpenMCT by visiting:



- It is assumed that the AitOpenMctPlugin has been activated in the AIT
server configuration file, as this provides the sources for telemetry.
See the local file 'ait_cfg_section.yaml' for the expected section to
be added to your $AIT_CONFIG file.

- For this guide, we also assume that the AIT server is running on
host 'localhost' and port 8082, which are two configuration options
that can be passed to the OpenMct AIT extension during
session setup.

- Earlier versions of the AIT-OpenMCT integration required explicit
installation of OpenMCT, and adding AIT extensions to that deployment.
This has since been simplified where OpenMCT is now treated as a dependency.

- The AIT extension requires 'http.js', a library that was
included in the OpenMCT Tutorial (Apache License, Version 2.0).
The source location of this file is:
It is currently included with our example OpenMCT server.



While treating OpenMCT as a dependency, a Node web-server capable of running
the OpenMCT service is still needed.  AIT provides a basic example
server which fulfills this need (based on OpenMCT's tutorial).
See AIT-Core/openmct/example-server/.

The example server includes:
- package.json; with all dependencies (including OpenMCT) and service launcher.
- server.js; entry point for the web-server that will host OpenMCT service.
- index.html; sets up OpenMCT and AIT extensions.
- lib/https.js; a modified library required by the integration.
- ait_integration.js; symlink to AIT-OpenMct service integration.

Setup via the example-server:

1) Copy 'example-server' to a directory referenced by the environment variable ${OPENMCT_DIR}

> cp -RL ./example-server ${OPENMCT_DIR}  #Recursive copy, resolve symlinks to real files

2) Install service dependencies (including OpenMCT) via NPM and package.json:

> npm install

The index.html includes the import of the required Javascript files:

        <script src="lib/http.js"></script>
        <script src="ait_integration.js"></script> well as the OpenMCT installation of the integration and data endpoints:

                 host: 'localhost',
                 port : 8082 }));

The web-server can be launched via Node-NPM:

> npm start


Running AIT and OpenMCT:

1) Start the AIT server (configured to run AIT's OpenMct plugin)
2) Start OpenMCT server
3) Open browser to location of the OpenMCT UI endpoint.