Releases: cloudamqp/lavinmq
- Queue multi action UI, purge or delete multiple queues (#330)
- Shovel error feedback, ability to see why a shovel failed without consulting the logs (#328)
- Can pass queue and consumer arguments in lavinmqperf
- Shovel configuration error feedback (#328)
- Can reset vhosts (#321)
lavinmqperf connection-count
for benchmarking many connections- Read cgroup max memory, both for cgroup v1 and v2
- Show message rates per vhost (#355)
- Kubernetes example file (./extras/kubernetes.yaml)
- Fix potential corruption by race condition between multiple consumers
- Stop Queue if unrecoverable read error (i.e. corruption) (#318)
- Handle both ackmode and ack_mode as param to "Get messages" (#347)
- Number of messages was never used when puring from UI (#337)
- Use the statically linked gc libary, which gives fewer GC pauses (#337)
- Report which protocol each listener uses in /api/overview (#348)
- Limit API result sets, truncate instead of corrupt output (#343)
- Truncate spare index files on queue index restore for decreased memory usage on recovery
- Renamed to LavinMQ
- Limit number of consumers listed on Queue page, improve load time if there's lots of consumers (#327)
- Count consumers more efficiently (#346)
- Stop building deb packages for Ubuntu 18.04
- New logging framework (#332)
- Improved websocket example page (./static/ws.html)
- Base container on crystal 1.4.1 and ubuntu 22.04 (openssl 3.0)
Changes: v1.0.0-alpha.34...v1.0.0-beta.1
Option do configure tcp keepalive via config file
Allow or block guest user using loopback address. (#305)
Reject and requeue is now default option when getting messages in UI. (#307)
Show hostname in header (#308)
Prometheus metrics
Make it possible to reque Get messages last with the HTTP API
Show server hostname in UI
Displaying timestamp of first and last message in each Queue (HTTP API/UI)
Option to set max count of how many messages to purge
avalanchemqperf throughput have a max uncofirmed messages option
avalanchemqperf throughput can multi ack X number of messages
avalanchemqperf consumer-churn command
avalanchemqctl status command
Remove SystemD socket activation/seamless restart (#303)
GC collect every 10s and unmap GC memory as soon as possible
No 2GB limit of MFiles (segments/queue indicies)
Messages are requeued correctly if delivery fails
Can log to file using log_file config option
Fix print build info on startup, log prefix on each line
Faster JSON generation for queues
Build with Crystal 1.3.1
Allow Get/Reject messages from paused queues in the HTTP API
Use /var/lib/avalanchemq as default path for data in containers
libsystemd is no longer a dependency
Faster ready messages bytesize counting
Changes: v1.0.0-alpha.33...v1.0.0-alpha.34
- Restore PROXY protocol v2 functionality
- Correct header names for Received/Sent bytes in Connections listing
Changes: v1.0.0-alpha.29...v1.0.0-alpha.30
- FreeBSD compatibility
- Crystal 1.0.0 compatibility
- Publisher confirm count to Overview chart
- Support for PROXY protocol v2, including SSL information
- Delayed message exchange bug fix
- Trigger explicit GC of message segments on purge and delete queue
Changes: v1.0.0-alpha.27...v1.0.0-alpha.28
- WebSocket support, for use with
- Compress HTTP responses
- Faster restoring of queue indexes on boot
- Reply with FlowOk when getting Flow from channel
- Consitent clean up of dropped connections
- Mark vhost as dirty on boot to run at least one GC
- x-frame-options now applied correctly
- Confirms are sent before messages are delivered to consumers
- Federation links connection recovery improved
- Null padded index files are truncated on restore
- File descriptors are always closed when files are deleted
- Lower default segment size to 8MB
- Include client provided connection name (if any) in log statements