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Flutter plugin for reading and writing key-value pairs.

notified_preferences is a wrapper around shared_preferences. It provides you with an easy way of listening to changes in your preference values.

If you're already using shared_preferences, you can replace it.



Getting started

A helper mixin class, NotifiedPreferences is provided with which you can create your own Settings object:

class Settings with NotifiedPreferences {
  late final PreferenceNotifier<bool> hasSeenTutorial =
    createSetting(key: 'hasSeenTutorial', initial: false);

  late final PreferenceNotifier<bool> clicked =
    createSetting(key: 'buttonClicks', initial: 0);

NotifiedPreferences has to be initialized once, when you create your Settings object:

Future<void> main() async {
  Settings settings = Settings();
  await settings.initialize();
    // inject your settings here, with e.g. Provider.
      value: settings,
      child: MyApp(),

This has the benefit that all other operations are completely synchronous.


You can listen to your preferences by using ValueListenableBuilder just like with normal ValueNotifier:

  valueListenable: settings.clicked,
  builder: (context, value, child) => Text('You have clicked the button $value times!'),

And when you change your value, listeners will be notified / rebuilt:

  onPressed: () => settings.clicked.value++,
  tooltip: 'Increment',
  child: const Icon(Icons.add),


You can also listen to your preferences with addListener:

void _onClicked() {
  print('The user has clicked ${settings.clicked.value} times!');


Remember to remove the listener again, to avoid memory leaks:

void dispose() {

! Using anonymous functions with addListener results in them being unable to be removed !


If you want to store preferences which aren't contained in the base types, String, int, double, bool, List<String> and their nullable counterparts, you can store them as json:

late final PreferenceNotifier<ComplexObject> complexObject = createJsonSetting(
  key: 'complexObject',
  initialValue: ComplexObject(
    someInt: 0,
    someString: 'a',
  fromJson: (json) => ComplexObject.fromJson(json),


If you want to store enums, a convenience method is provided:

late final PreferenceNotifier<SomeEnum> someEnum = createEnumSetting(
  key: 'someEnum',
  initialValue: SomeEnum.a,
  values: SomeEnum.values,

Advanced usage

Custom shared prefs

If you are already using a different SharedPreferences wrapper like encrypted_shared_preferences, or if you want to mock the implementation for testing, you can pass it during initialisation:

await settings.initialize(otherSharedPrefs);

Manual notifiers

If you do not want to use NotifiedPreferences, you can instantiate your PreferenceNotifiers manually:

final myNotifier = PreferenceNotifier<T>(
  preferences: preferences,
  key: key,
  initialValue: initialValue,
  read: read,
  write: write,

Note that you lose functionality to clear all your settings.

Custom Read/Write

If you somehow want to implement custom logic inside read or write of your Preferences, you can do so:

late final PreferenceNotifier<ComplexObject> complexObject = createSetting(
  key: 'complexObject',
  initialValue: ComplexObject(
    someInt: 0,
    someString: 'a',
  read: (prefs, key) {
    String? value = prefs.getString(key);
    ComplexObject? result;
    if (value != null) {
      result = ComplexObject.fromJson(jsonDecode(value));
    return result;
  write: (prefs, key, value) => prefs.setStringOrNull(

Note that read cannot be async.

Decentralised settings

If you would like to store your Preferences on multiple classes instead of a single one, you can use NotifiedSettings, which is not abstract:

NotifiedSettings settings = await NotifiedSettings.getInstance();

class SomeController {
    final ValueNotifier<String?> someValue = settings.createSettings(
        key: 'someString',
        initialValue: null,

This way you can retain your ability to clear all settings.