Original Problem - https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/9
Abstracted Problem - Day 9 - Mirage Maintenance
Input Data - My SolutionComputer Science Principles/Maths Used:
Functional Programming
Recursive Function Calls
Created recursive function that
calculates increment between each number of a sequence,
calls itself recursively with these increments
as the sequence
calculates the next number in the sequence using the recursive call
and returns it.
def next_in_sequence(sequence):
increments = []
for index, num in enumerate(sequence):
if index != len(sequence) -1:
increments.append(sequence[index+1] - num)
if set(increments) == {0}: return sequence[-1]
return sequence[-1] + next_in_sequence(increments)
Then just call the function on each sequence in the input and sum the returned values.
Part 2: Exactly the same as part one but this time the recursive function returns the number that would've come before the start of the sequence.
Very straightforward, no issues today
To reduce repetition, could combine next_in_sequence()
and previous_in_sequence()
functions into a one by taking in an additional boolean parameter - representing whether the next or previous value in sequence is required.