diff --git a/P1844_Replace_All_Digits_with_Characters.ijs b/P1844_Replace_All_Digits_with_Characters.ijs
index 328396c..92a5e4d 100644
--- a/P1844_Replace_All_Digits_with_Characters.ijs
+++ b/P1844_Replace_All_Digits_with_Characters.ijs
@@ -1,4 +1,25 @@
 NB. Problem Link: https://leetcode.com/contest/biweekly-contest-51/problems/replace-all-digits-with-characters/
-isAlpha       =. {{ 'y e. (97+i.26) { a. }}
-replaceDigits =. {{ ({. y), 2 {{ if. isAlpha {. y do. a. {~ (a. i. {. y) + ". {.|. y else. {.|.y end.  }} \ y }}
+isAlpha       =: {{ y e. (97+i.26) { a. }}
+replaceDigits =: {{ ({. y), 2 {{ if. isAlpha {. y do. a. {~ (a. i. {. y) + ". {.|. y else. {.|.y end.  }} \ y }}
+NB. Solution 2 (a pair at a time)
+shift=: +&.:(a:`(a.&i.))           NB. uses semidual available from >= J9.02
+NB. eg: 0 1 2 1 shift 'acdf'
+replaceDigits2=: [: ; _2&(<@(({. , 0&".@{: shift {.)^:(2 = #))\)
+NB. Solution 3 (whole array)
+replaceDigits3=: $ {. ,@((0 ". }."1) (,@] ,. shift) {."1)@(_2 ]\ ])
+NB. Solution 4 (refactor 3 - J works with more naturally with rows than with columns)
+replaceDigits4=: $ {. ,@(([ ,. shift~) 0 ". ,.)/@|:@(_2 ]\ ])
+Note 'Testing'
+inputs=: 'a1c1e1';'a1b2c3d4e'
+outputs=: 'abcdef';'abbdcfdhe'
+s=: 0 {:: inputs
+replaceDigits4 s
+replaceDigits4 &.> inputs
+outputs -: replaceDigits4 &.> inputs
+outputs (-:"1)&> (replaceDigits , replaceDigits2 , replaceDigits3 ,: replaceDigits4) &.> inputs