Requirement: To Develop a Front-end using JQuery library, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3. The website should be in similarity to the Graduate departments home page.
Used Modular programming approach of Front end design.
- Create .js files & have intercalls between functions.
In jQuery, we can access the 'id' defined in HTML page using "$" Ex: $("#name").click(function() { })
ISTMain.html is the html file. - IST.js and Services.js are the two javascript files invoked from ISTMain.html. - styles.css is the style sheet used
Plugins Used jQuery UI Plugin
- jQuery UI is a set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets & themes built on top of the jQuery javascript library. whether building a highly interactive web application or adding a date picker to a form control, jQueryUI is the choice.
jQuery Datatables Plugin
- It's a jQuery plugin which adds advanced features to any HTML table
jQuery Dialog Plugin
- A jQuery plugin which which provides with the feature of opening content interactively
Cookies? - small text files that are placed on a users users computer by a website. - < 4 KB - They can only store strings - Two types: session cookies(they are stored as long as the browser is open,no expiration), persistent cookies(they expire,stores on the user's disk until the expiration date)
Local-Storage? - After HTML5 came out, Local storage has replaced cookies. - Important difference is unlike cookies, data does not have to be sent back and forth with every http request. - Local storage can hold up to 5MB of information. - Local storage can not only store strings but also Javascript objects.