Verified (Simple) Backups
Yeah, yeah… “vsb”, not “veb”. But I’m a sucker for psuedo-word commands.
enough for two 82-width buffers (set-frame-size (selected-frame) 170 69)
- A Tour of Go
- (gotta run gotour from cmd line first)
- Effective Go
- lots of useful info about most everything there
- packages
- docs & source
- Gob
Don’t have two mains inside a package.
A main of veb.go in package veb works. A main of cmd.go in package veb gives BS mystery errors. palladium:veb spydez$ go run src/veb/cmd.go
src/veb/checksum.go:16: undefined: IndexEntry
- there is nothing wrong with checksum: mv src/veb/cmd.go src/veb/veb.go go run src/veb/veb.go ((normal, expected output from running main))
But this is for ‘go run’. go install will whine when it finds main & package together regardless.
“xsum.go” is a no-no? It worked as hash.go, didn’t as xsum.go, and does as checksum.go.
select + closed channel == WTF
- it’ll run the closed channel’s case randomly. 0.o
some stuff in test/scripts
Check that veb is finding all files:
- obviously veb needs to print out only file names
(go run src/veb/veb.go && find test/scratch -type f | sed “s,test/scratch/,,g”) | sort | uniq -c
making tree of files from text file w/ filenames in it… find . -type f -iname > path/to/walkfiles.txt cat ../../../walkfiles.txt | perl -p -e “s/\n/\0/;” > ../../../walknull.txt cat ../../../walkdirnull.txt | xargs -0 mkdir -p cat ../../../walknull.txt | xargs -0 -I{} sh -c ‘echo $1 > $1.txt’ – {} TODO: Make these 2-3 MB files of random data…
randomed files…
- but OSX doesn’t like “1M”… dd if=/dev/urandom of=test/data/hash/rand2mb.bin bs=1048576 count=2
few random files w/ checksum file for f in `seq 1 15`; do dd if=/dev/urandom of=rand_${f}.bin bs=1048576 count=2; done for f in `seq 1 15`; do shasum -a1 rand_${f}.bin ; done > ../../verification/short-walk-files.txt shasum -a1 –check ../../verification/short-walk-files.txt
closed: [2012-05-15 Tue 19:16]
Looks like it is… shrugs
closed: [2012-05-08 Tue 15:47]
- install from MacPorts
closed: [2012-05-08 Tue 15:28]
closed: [2012-05-08 Tue 22:43]
- GOPATH, dir structure, etc.
- ignore pkg & bin dirs in git
closed: [2012-05-08 Tue 22:48]
- make test tree w/ tons o’ files.
- print out some of files in iTunes lib, use to make mostly empty files of same layout.
- make sure it uses the crazy letters (eg Folie À Deux), not just ACII.
- print out some of files in iTunes lib, use to make mostly empty files of same layout.
closed: [2012-05-08 Tue 23:50]
shasum for initial stab…
SHA 1:
- 893M file (935905255 bytes)
- 0m52.194s real time as per `time shasum -pa 1 SCOTT_PILGRIM.m4v`
- 17.1006017 MBps
SHA 1 (take 2): palladium:Movies spydez$ ls -lh unwatched/MOVIE_2.iso -rw-r–r–@ 1 spydez staff 7.9G May 2 15:23 unwatched/MOVIE_2.iso palladium:Movies spydez$ ls -l unwatched/MOVIE_2.iso -rw-r–r–@ 1 spydez staff 8465022976 May 2 15:23 unwatched/MOVIE_2.iso palladium:Movies spydez$ time shasum -pa 1 unwatched/MOVIE_2.iso e453b6e10aff36ce5dca0506366ac9b4ee1e3f3e ?unwatched/MOVIE_2.iso
real 4m14.084s (+ (* 4 60) 14.084) 254.084 sec user 0m34.527s sys 0m16.014s
SHA 256: palladium:Movies spydez$ ls -lh unwatched/MOVIE_1.iso -rw-r–r–@ 1 spydez staff 7.9G May 2 15:15 unwatched/MOVIE_1.iso palladium:Movies spydez$ ls -l unwatched/MOVIE_1.iso -rw-r–r–@ 1 spydez staff 8533966848 May 2 15:15 unwatched/MOVIE_1.iso palladium:Movies spydez$ time shasum -pa 256 unwatched/MOVIE_1.iso b2a525dde826e301177b78479d26367d2da8252a36eb83109d7477f62fa2416f ?unwatched/MOVIE_1.iso
real 10m53.673s (+ (* 10 60) 53.673) 653.673 sec user 1m18.879s sys 0m14.157s
SHA 1 : 31.772465 MBps SHA 256: 12.450606 MBps
And now… the easier way. SHA-1 is faster.
- 53 sec vs 82 sec for 8.9 GB file
CONCLUSION: Use SHA-1, since speed is more important than security
- But possibly make hashes user choosable in case someone hates SHA-1
closed: [2012-05-09 Wed 00:32]
That was pretty easy…
closed: [2012-05-09 Wed 16:09]
Made some rand files & checksummed them. (CMDs -> few random)
- [X] Make walk & hash non-main
- [X] Make lil’ veb its very own main.
closed: [2012-05-18 Fri 19:57]
timer.go done!
closed: [2012-05-18 Fri 19:41]
- launcher script to set Go with the right number of procs?
- time walk w/ goroutines vs single-thread
closed: [2012-05-09 Wed 17:29]
- See git’s. They know what they’re doing.
- how git determines if a file’s modified:
possibly use shasum’s checkfile method for the xsums instead of git tree object’s
- and then something like the git index for checking modifications
So 2 meta-files.
- .veb/index – file info for quickly finding new/deleted/modified files
- .veb/xsums – checksums of all known files.
Go os.FileInfo gives: Name() string // base name of the file Size() int64 // length in bytes for regular files; system-dependent for others Mode() FileMode // file mode bits ModTime() time.Time // modification time
So use just those for now. Git index has a ton more, but this is simpler and the above should do.
Will need full (relative) path instead of just basename to avoid same-named files …like my “” files.
Since this is mostly to learn Go, will be using the gob pkg to write file info out/read back in.
- TODO [4/5]
- [X] Make add() function for adding new files to Index
- make checkWalker() use it?
- No… add new things to Index after they’re backed up.
- make checkWalker() use it?
- [X] remove addWalker()
- [X] remove build()
- [ ] test index.go!
- [X] implement Export()? Or is that for 009:xsums?
- Xsums.
- [X] Make add() function for adding new files to Index
closed: [2012-05-20 Sun 21:55]
use shasum’s checkfile format for the xsums
- or add to index?
- or both…
- TODO [0/2]
- [ ] implement Export() for sending xsums out to shasum-formatted file.
- …I’m thinking this should go back in Index. :/
- maybe have the formatter in Xsum.
- Put it in index.Save()
- …I’m thinking this should go back in Index. :/
- [ ] implement Export() for sending xsums out to shasum-formatted file.
Use Go log pkg to log stuff.
- Is there a way to tee the logs to stderr and a log file?
- I think I saw a MultiWriter somewhere…
- [X] index.go
- [X] checksum.go
- [X] veb.go (commands)
- [ ] MultiWriter
Log levels?
- struct w/ 3 logs
- error
- warning
- info
- Yes.
closed: [2012-05-20 Sun 21:58]
- put that code in veb.go before stuff happens.
straight walk vs goroutined walk?
- filepath.Walk itself is serial, so no big benefits can be gained
serial walk: 32 ms for 2752 files (3076 files & folders)
- think we’ll be fine for now.
- [X] make scripts create in scratch/local or scratch/remote instead of just scratch
- [X] script to clean up test area
- something simple should do, like: rm -rf test/scratch
- [X] script to make small tree
- [X] script to modify something in small tree
- [ ] script to just bump mtime (touch)?
- [ ] script to make full tree
- [ ] script to modify things in small tree
- [ ] script to just bump mtime (touch)?
closed: [2012-05-19 Sat 02:09]
- so everything can be sent together, and won’t have to restat files or anything
- [X] test ‘veb status’ with changed files
- and changed & new files
- [X] test ‘veb verify’ on freshly init’d repo
closed: [2012-05-19 Sat 15:40]
- make .veb dir and files, doesn’t really do anything
- git init
closed: [2012-05-19 Sat 19:20]
- checks what’s changed/new, doesn’t do anything
- git status
GIT STATUS OUTPUT: palladium:scratch spydez$ git status
DESIRED VEB STATUS OUTPUT: palladium:scratch spydez$ veb status veb repository at /path/to/here
Changed files:
- filesize increased 400 bytes (90.3MB -> 90.3MB)
- modified on (2012-05-19 16:11:05)
- modification time only (2012-05-19 16:11:05)
New files:
- 8.9GB, modified on (2012-05-19 16:11:05)
- 80MB, modified on (2012-05-19 16:11:05)
MAKE SURE CHANGED FILES ARE THINGS YOU’VE ACTUALLY CHANGED (use “veb fix <file>” if a file has been corrupted in this repository) (use “veb push”, “veb pull”, or “veb sync” to commit changed/new files)
actual output (all new; no changed files) palladium:scratch spydez$ go run ../../src/veb/veb.go status info >> 2012/05/19 18:59:08 veb.go:155: START status veb repository at /Users/spydez/sourcepan/veb/test/scratchNew files:
- 12.00KB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:19 -0500 CDT)
- 6.00KB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:14 -0500 CDT)
311/Don’t Tread On Me/01 Don’t Tread On Me.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:04 -0500 CDT)
311/Don’t Tread On Me/02 Thank Your Lucky Stars.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:04 -0500 CDT)
311/Don’t Tread On Me/09 Whiskey & Wine.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:04 -0500 CDT)
311/Don’t Tread On Me/10 It’s Getting OK Now.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:04 -0500 CDT)
311/Don’t Tread On Me/11 There’s Always An Excuse.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:04 -0500 CDT)
Ace Troubleshooter/.DS_Store
- 6.00KB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:14 -0500 CDT)
Ace Troubleshooter/It’s Never Enough/01 Ball & Chain.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:04 -0500 CDT)
Ace Troubleshooter/It’s Never Enough/02 Anything.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:05 -0500 CDT)
Apt° Core/.DS_Store
- 6.00KB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:14 -0500 CDT)
Apt° Core/2/01 No Such Thing As Time.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:05 -0500 CDT)
Fall Out Boy/.DS_Store
- 6.00KB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:09 -0500 CDT)
Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/01 Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:53:11 -0500 CDT)
Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/02 I Don’t Care.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:53:11 -0500 CDT)
Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/03 She’s My Winona.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:05 -0500 CDT)
Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/04 America’s Suitehearts.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:05 -0500 CDT)
Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/05 Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:06 -0500 CDT)
Five Iron Frenzy/.DS_Store
- 6.00KB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:14 -0500 CDT)
Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/01 Handbook for the Sellout.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:53:11 -0500 CDT)
Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/02 Where is Micah_.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:06 -0500 CDT)
Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/11 Oh, Canada.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:06 -0500 CDT)
Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/12 Most Likely to Succeed.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:06 -0500 CDT)
Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/13 Every New Day.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:06 -0500 CDT)
- 6.00KB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:09 -0500 CDT)
Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/01 Ta på dig dansskorna.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:53:11 -0500 CDT)
Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/03 Swing för hyresgästföreningen.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:07 -0500 CDT)
Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/04 Fast tvärtom.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:07 -0500 CDT)
Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/06 Fel del av gården.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:07 -0500 CDT)
Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/08 Tom Jones.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:07 -0500 CDT)
Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/09 Äppelknyckarjazz.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:07 -0500 CDT)
Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/10 Stick iväg Jack del II.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:07 -0500 CDT)
Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/11 2 dollar på fickan.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:08 -0500 CDT)
Parov Stelar/.DS_Store
- 6.00KB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:19 -0500 CDT)
Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.1/01 Coco (Featuring Lilja Bloom).test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:08 -0500 CDT)
Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.1/02 Hurt.test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:08 -0500 CDT)
Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.1/03 For Rose(수원 아이파크 시티 CF삽입곡).test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:08 -0500 CDT)
Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.2/01 The Mojo Radio Gang(Radio Ver.).test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:08 -0500 CDT)
Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.2/02 Ragtime Cat(Featuring Lilja Bloom).test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:08 -0500 CDT)
Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.2/03 Silent Snow(Featuring Max The Sax).test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:08 -0500 CDT)
Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.2/04 Libella Swing(현대카드 TV CF 삽입곡).test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:53:11 -0500 CDT)
Trans-Siberian Orchestra/.DS_Store
- 6.00KB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:19 -0500 CDT)
Trans-Siberian Orchestra/Christmas Eve and Other Stories/02 O Come All Ye Faithful_O Holy Night (instrumental).test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:09 -0500 CDT)
Trans-Siberian Orchestra/Christmas Eve and Other Stories/05 The Silent Nutcracker (Instrumental).test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:09 -0500 CDT)
Trans-Siberian Orchestra/Christmas Eve and Other Stories/06 A Mad Russian’s Christmas (Instrumental).test.bin
- 2.00MB, modified on (2012-05-18 17:47:09 -0500 CDT)
MAKE SURE CHANGED FILES ARE THINGS YOU’VE ACTUALLY CHANGED (use “veb fix <file>” if a file has been corrupted in this repository) (use “veb push”, “veb pull”, or “veb sync” to commit changed/new files)
summary: 45 new, 0 changed info >> 2012/05/19 18:59:08 veb.go:331: END status info >> 2012/05/19 18:59:08 veb.go:333: status (45 new, 0 changed) took 3.161ms
actual output (nothing to do) palladium:local spydez$ go run ../../../src/veb/veb.go status info >> 2012/05/20 17:03:34 veb.go:252: START status veb repository at /Users/spydez/sourcepan/veb/test/scratch/localNo changes or new files.
summary: 0 new, 0 changed info >> 2012/05/20 17:03:34 veb.go:387: END status info >> 2012/05/20 17:03:34 veb.go:389: status (0 new, 0 changed) took 1.802ms
actual output (no new; some changed files) palladium:local spydez$ go run ../../../src/veb/veb.go status info >> 2012/05/20 17:17:55 veb.go:252: START status veb repository at /Users/spydez/sourcepan/veb/test/scratch/localChanged files:
311/Don’t Tread On Me/01 Don’t Tread On Me.test.bin
- file mode changed (644-> 664)
Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/01 Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes.test.bin
- filesize increased 4.00B (2.00MB -> 2.00MB)
- modified on (2012-05-20 17:13:48 -0500 CDT)
- file mode changed (644-> 664)
Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/02 I Don’t Care.test.bin
- filesize increased 4.00B (2.00MB -> 2.00MB)
- modified on (2012-05-20 17:13:48 -0500 CDT)
Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/01 Handbook for the Sellout.test.bin
- filesize increased 4.00B (2.00MB -> 2.00MB)
- modified on (2012-05-20 17:13:48 -0500 CDT)
Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/01 Ta på dig dansskorna.test.bin
- filesize increased 4.00B (2.00MB -> 2.00MB)
- modified on (2012-05-20 17:13:48 -0500 CDT)
Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.2/04 Libella Swing(현대카드 TV CF 삽입곡).test.bin
- filesize increased 4.00B (2.00MB -> 2.00MB)
- modified on (2012-05-20 17:13:48 -0500 CDT)
MAKE SURE CHANGED FILES ARE THINGS YOU’VE ACTUALLY CHANGED (use ‘veb fix <file>’ if a file has been corrupted in this repository) (use ‘veb push’, ‘veb pull’, or ‘veb sync’ to commit changed/new files)
summary: 0 new, 6 changed info >> 2012/05/20 17:17:55 veb.go:387: END status info >> 2012/05/20 17:17:55 veb.go:389: status (0 new, 6 changed) took 2.203ms
actual output (new & changed) palladium:local spydez$ go run ../../../src/veb/veb.go status info >> 2012/05/20 17:47:38 veb.go:254: START status veb repository at /Users/spydez/sourcepan/veb/test/scratch/localNew files:
- 0.00B, modified on (2012-05-20 17:47:34 -0500 CDT)
Changed files:
311/Don’t Tread On Me/01 Don’t Tread On Me.test.bin
- file mode changed (-rw-r–r– -> -rw-rw-r–)
Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/01 Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes.test.bin
- filesize increased 4.00B (2.00MB -> 2.00MB)
- modified on (2012-05-20 17:13:48 -0500 CDT)
- file mode changed (-rw-r–r– -> -rw-rw-r–)
Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/02 I Don’t Care.test.bin
- filesize increased 4.00B (2.00MB -> 2.00MB)
- modified on (2012-05-20 17:13:48 -0500 CDT)
Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/01 Handbook for the Sellout.test.bin
- filesize increased 4.00B (2.00MB -> 2.00MB)
- modified on (2012-05-20 17:13:48 -0500 CDT)
Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/01 Ta på dig dansskorna.test.bin
- filesize increased 4.00B (2.00MB -> 2.00MB)
- modified on (2012-05-20 17:13:48 -0500 CDT)
Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.2/04 Libella Swing(현대카드 TV CF 삽입곡).test.bin
- filesize increased 4.00B (2.00MB -> 2.00MB)
- modified on (2012-05-20 17:13:48 -0500 CDT)
MAKE SURE CHANGED FILES ARE THINGS YOU’VE ACTUALLY CHANGED (use ‘veb fix <file>’ if a file has been corrupted in this repository) (use ‘veb push’, ‘veb pull’, or ‘veb sync’ to commit changed/new files)
summary: 1 new, 6 changed info >> 2012/05/20 17:47:38 veb.go:386: END status info >> 2012/05/20 17:47:38 veb.go:388: status (1 new, 6 changed) took 37.408ms
closed: [2012-05-20 Sun 18:26]
- [X] stats for status line & exit info log
- [X] need ‘veb push’ or some other means of saving index.
- verifying nothing (empty index) is pretty bland.
- Made test-commit.
- runs xsum on all files, warns when stuff’s different but not modified.
- need a “quit” command for early exiting.
Firstly, do the quit early part.
DESIRED VEB STATUS OUTPUT: palladium:scratch spydez$ veb verify veb repository at /path/to/here
Verifying file checksums against those stored in veb index… Note: new files (as shown by ‘veb status’) will not be checked.
Changed files:
- filesize increased 400 bytes (90.3MB -> 90.3MB)
- modified on (2012-05-19 16:11:05)
- previous SHA1: 79bac1510de7be376f89715635f7be51b006c59a
- current SHA1: e58c8e3e4cd756d8b7716b022ece9181b1fd52da
scanned: 400 of 56780 files (1 changed file) (type ‘q’ to quit): _
actual output (full check) palladium:local spydez$ go run ../../../src/veb/veb.go verify info >> 2012/05/20 18:27:43 veb.go:396: START verify veb repository at /Users/spydez/sourcepan/veb/test/scratch/localVerifying file checksums against those stored in veb index… Note: new files (as shown by ‘veb status’) will not be checked.
Files with new hashes:
Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/02 I Don’t Care.test.bin
- filesize increased 4.00B (2.00MB -> 2.00MB)
- modified on (2012-05-20 17:13:48 -0500 CDT)
- previous SHA1: 1b206714df8b9c019df4ccd4aadafcae299d57a2
- current SHA1: 7eadac6d4623b095daa8eeda44fe8a503bdb40d6
Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/01 Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes.test.bin
- filesize increased 4.00B (2.00MB -> 2.00MB)
- modified on (2012-05-20 17:13:48 -0500 CDT)
- file mode changed (-rw-r–r– -> -rw-rw-r–)
- previous SHA1: 86ac6e4f783113c8afd7dd8e32b50407885e9ea9
- current SHA1: fa3ee41f9141f3f137b2846b50f3b46f69fd91a8
Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/01 Ta på dig dansskorna.test.bin
- filesize increased 4.00B (2.00MB -> 2.00MB)
- modified on (2012-05-20 17:13:48 -0500 CDT)
- previous SHA1: 2aad0943ffa8306d030ea5d750ca9b780f69ec4c
- current SHA1: 55e874427b6829801dd1a1e8a8532f9110a9c396
Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.2/04 Libella Swing(현대카드 TV CF 삽입곡).test.bin
- filesize increased 4.00B (2.00MB -> 2.00MB)
- modified on (2012-05-20 17:13:48 -0500 CDT)
- previous SHA1: f42f01fed7e4306fbcb0d3f954f1b0a2a23e82cf
- current SHA1: aaa72c136960e5671bc6bdc9fcc42add05dea7f3
Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/01 Handbook for the Sellout.test.bin
- filesize increased 4.00B (2.00MB -> 2.00MB)
- modified on (2012-05-20 17:13:48 -0500 CDT)
- previous SHA1: 418201374e41fc7e6be83e1e4c97acc24dd37cbc
- current SHA1: 1752eaab329a3e9de4b31e0dd443af14569918d3
scanned: 36 of 36 files (5 changed) (type ‘q’ to quit):
MAKE SURE CHANGED FILES ARE THINGS YOU’VE ACTUALLY CHANGED (use ‘veb fix <file>’ if a file has been corrupted in this repository) (use ‘veb push’, ‘veb pull’, or ‘veb sync’ to commit changed/new files)
summary: 31 ok, 5 changed, 0 not checked info >> 2012/05/20 18:27:46 veb.go:473: END verify info >> 2012/05/20 18:27:46 veb.go:475: verify (31 ok, 5 changed, 0 not checked) took 3.122954s
actual ouput (early quit) palladium:local spydez$ go run ../../../src/veb/veb.go verify info >> 2012/05/20 18:28:13 veb.go:396: START verify veb repository at /Users/spydez/sourcepan/veb/test/scratch/localVerifying file checksums against those stored in veb index… Note: new files (as shown by ‘veb status’) will not be checked.
Files with new hashes:
Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/01 Ta på dig dansskorna.test.bin
- filesize increased 4.00B (2.00MB -> 2.00MB)
- modified on (2012-05-20 17:13:48 -0500 CDT)
- previous SHA1: 2aad0943ffa8306d030ea5d750ca9b780f69ec4c
- current SHA1: 55e874427b6829801dd1a1e8a8532f9110a9c396
scanned: 12 of 36 files (1 changed) (type ‘q’ to quit): q scanned: 12 of 36 files (1 changed) (type ‘q’ to quit):
MAKE SURE CHANGED FILES ARE THINGS YOU’VE ACTUALLY CHANGED (use ‘veb fix <file>’ if a file has been corrupted in this repository) (use ‘veb push’, ‘veb pull’, or ‘veb sync’ to commit changed/new files)
summary: 11 ok, 1 changed, 24 not checked info >> 2012/05/20 18:28:14 veb.go:473: END verify info >> 2012/05/20 18:28:14 veb.go:475: verify (11 ok, 1 changed, 24 not checked) took 863.801ms
closed: [2012-05-20 Sun 17:03]
debug command. For testin’.
Probably not ‘veb commit’. Maybe ‘veb test-commit’.
closed: [2012-05-20 Sun 23:21]
- changes backup location
- silimalish to git remote
closed: [2012-05-21 Mon 22:00]
veb push - send local changes to remote
print help info
for getting a good version of a corrupted file from the remote
veb fix path/to/file.bin
Turns out I probably want a commit. For when the backup exists already. local-dir$ veb init local-dir$ cd remotedir remotedir$ veb init remotedir$ veb commit remotedir$ cd local-dir local-dir$ veb remote remotedir local-dir$ veb push
Or maybe have push not just check for new stuff? Maybe force commit, then push ala git’s flow.
copies files to backup location
Probably don’t use “commit”. This is more like git’s push/pull.
- veb pull - get remote changes to here
- veb sync - veb push && veb pull w/ warnings about collisions
- maybe they should all warn
closed: [2012-05-21 Mon 22:01]
metadata dir, index file name, xsum file name log currently in index.go and cmd.go
- [ ] clean up
- [X] write README
- [X] go install, test the bin.
- [ ] git tag v0.1
make veb remote more like git remote
- probably also pull remote out of index and put in config file.
$ git remote $ git remote add github [email protected]:spydez/hw.git $ git remote github $ git remote -v github [email protected]:spydez/hw.git (fetch) github [email protected]:spydez/hw.git (push)
make veb push more like git push
git push <remote-name>
Can we make go run nice’d, or low priority?
- move commands out of main package so veb can be integrated into other things?
- Doubt it ever will… but might as well.
- parallelized walk
- make walk only current dir, spawn subdirs off as separate goroutines
- better multi-point syncing?
- eg:
- desktop changes x.mp3
- desktop backs up to NAS
- laptop changes same x.mp3 (in a different manner… different song metadata or something)
- laptop backs up to NAS
- veb notifies user that a modified x.mp3 exists both on laptop and NAS and asks which is desired.
- may involve version controlling the veb meta-files and using git to figure that out.
- “Hm… x.mp3 changed. Git! Do source and dest have previous file hases in common?”
- eg:
- choice of hash functions on init
- SHA1. SHA256. MD5 for the speed freaks…
- non-local/non-mounted remotes
- talk w/ gob over network for index
- rsync files
palladium:scratch spydez$ cd local
palladium:local spydez$ veb init Initialized empty veb repository at ~/test/scratch/local
palladium:local spydez$ veb commit veb repository at ~/test/scratch/local
Committed files:
.DS_Store 311/Don’t Tread On Me/09 Whiskey & Wine.test.bin 311/Don’t Tread On Me/10 It’s Getting OK Now.test.bin 311/Don’t Tread On Me/02 Thank Your Lucky Stars.test.bin 311/Don’t Tread On Me/11 There’s Always An Excuse.test.bin Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/03 She’s My Winona.test.bin Ace Troubleshooter/It’s Never Enough/02 Anything.test.bin Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/01 Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes.test.bin 311/Don’t Tread On Me/01 Don’t Tread On Me.test.bin Apt° Core/2/01 No Such Thing As Time.test.bin Ace Troubleshooter/It’s Never Enough/01 Ball & Chain.test.bin Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/02 I Don’t Care.test.bin Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/04 America’s Suitehearts.test.bin Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/01 Handbook for the Sellout.test.bin Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/05 Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet.test.bin Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/11 Oh, Canada.test.bin Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/01 Ta på dig dansskorna.test.bin Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/02 Where is Micah_.test.bin Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/13 Every New Day.test.bin Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/12 Most Likely to Succeed.test.bin Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/06 Fel del av gården.test.bin Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/03 Swing för hyresgästföreningen.test.bin Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/04 Fast tvärtom.test.bin Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/08 Tom Jones.test.bin Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/09 Äppelknyckarjazz.test.bin Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/11 2 dollar på fickan.test.bin bar.txt foo.txt Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/10 Stick iväg Jack del II.test.bin Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.1/01 Coco (Featuring Lilja Bloom).test.bin Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.2/03 Silent Snow(Featuring Max The Sax).test.bin Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.2/02 Ragtime Cat(Featuring Lilja Bloom).test.bin Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.2/01 The Mojo Radio Gang(Radio Ver.).test.bin Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.1/02 Hurt.test.bin Trans-Siberian Orchestra/Christmas Eve and Other Stories/05 The Silent Nutcracker (Instrumental).test.bin Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.1/03 For Rose(수원 아이파크 시티 CF삽입곡).test.bin Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.2/04 Libella Swing(현대카드 TV CF 삽입곡).test.bin Trans-Siberian Orchestra/Christmas Eve and Other Stories/06 A Mad Russian’s Christmas (Instrumental).test.bin Trans-Siberian Orchestra/Christmas Eve and Other Stories/02 O Come All Ye Faithful_O Holy Night (instrumental).test.bin
summary: 39 commits, 0 errors in 1.553082s
palladium:local spydez$ mkdir ../remote palladium:local spydez$ cd ../remote
palladium:remote spydez$ veb init Initialized empty veb repository at ~/test/scratch/remote
palladium:remote spydez$ cd ../local
palladium:local spydez$ veb remote ../remote veb repository at ~/test/scratch/local
veb added ~/test/scratch/remote as the remote
palladium:local spydez$ veb push veb repository at ~/test/scratch/local
Pushed files:
311/Don’t Tread On Me/10 It’s Getting OK Now.test.bin Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/09 Äppelknyckarjazz.test.bin Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/02 I Don’t Care.test.bin foo.txt Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.1/03 For Rose(수원 아이파크 시티 CF삽입곡).test.bin Ace Troubleshooter/It’s Never Enough/02 Anything.test.bin Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/04 America’s Suitehearts.test.bin Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.2/03 Silent Snow(Featuring Max The Sax).test.bin Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/05 Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet.test.bin bar.txt Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/06 Fel del av gården.test.bin Trans-Siberian Orchestra/Christmas Eve and Other Stories/02 O Come All Ye Faithful_O Holy Night (instrumental).test.bin Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/01 Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes.test.bin Fall Out Boy/Folie À Deux/03 She’s My Winona.test.bin Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.1/02 Hurt.test.bin Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/02 Where is Micah_.test.bin .DS_Store Ace Troubleshooter/It’s Never Enough/01 Ball & Chain.test.bin Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/13 Every New Day.test.bin Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.2/04 Libella Swing(현대카드 TV CF 삽입곡).test.bin Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/03 Swing för hyresgästföreningen.test.bin Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/12 Most Likely to Succeed.test.bin Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/10 Stick iväg Jack del II.test.bin Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/04 Fast tvärtom.test.bin Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/11 Oh, Canada.test.bin 311/Don’t Tread On Me/02 Thank Your Lucky Stars.test.bin Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/01 Ta på dig dansskorna.test.bin Trans-Siberian Orchestra/Christmas Eve and Other Stories/05 The Silent Nutcracker (Instrumental).test.bin Apt° Core/2/01 No Such Thing As Time.test.bin Trans-Siberian Orchestra/Christmas Eve and Other Stories/06 A Mad Russian’s Christmas (Instrumental).test.bin 311/Don’t Tread On Me/11 There’s Always An Excuse.test.bin Five Iron Frenzy/Our Newest Album Ever!/01 Handbook for the Sellout.test.bin 311/Don’t Tread On Me/01 Don’t Tread On Me.test.bin Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/08 Tom Jones.test.bin Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.1/01 Coco (Featuring Lilja Bloom).test.bin Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.2/01 The Mojo Radio Gang(Radio Ver.).test.bin 311/Don’t Tread On Me/09 Whiskey & Wine.test.bin Parov Stelar/Coco Pt.2/02 Ragtime Cat(Featuring Lilja Bloom).test.bin Movits!/Äppelknyckarjazz/11 2 dollar på fickan.test.bin
status: 0 ignored, 0 errors, 39 pushed, 0 unchanged in 5.383501s
palladium:local spydez$ touch bar.txt palladium:local spydez$ echo foo > foo.txt
palladium:local spydez$ veb status veb repository at ~/test/scratch/local
Changed files:
- modified on (2012-05-21 23:31:47 -0500 CDT)
- filesize increased 4.00B (0.00B -> 4.00B)
- modified on (2012-05-21 23:32:02 -0500 CDT)
MAKE SURE CHANGED FILES ARE THINGS YOU’VE ACTUALLY CHANGED (use ‘veb fix <file>’ if a file has been corrupted in this repository) (use ‘veb push’, ‘veb pull’, or ‘veb sync’ to commit changed/new files)
summary: 0 new, 2 changed (2.647ms)
palladium:local spydez$ veb push veb repository at ~/test/scratch/local
use ‘veb status’ to check new/changed files use ‘veb commit’ to add new/changed files to repository
LOCAL ignored files:
bar.txt foo.txt
status: 2 ignored, 0 errors, 0 pushed, 37 unchanged in 10.196ms
palladium:local spydez$ veb commit veb repository at ~/test/scratch/local
Committed files:
bar.txt foo.txt
summary: 2 commits, 0 errors in 3.222ms
palladium:local spydez$ veb push veb repository at ~/test/scratch/local
Pushed files:
status: 0 ignored, 0 errors, 1 pushed, 38 unchanged in 4.626ms
- Cheesy version $ wc -l `find . -iname “*.go”`
- non-blank lines version find . -type f -iname “*.go” -print0 | xargs -0 cat | sed ‘/^\s*$/d’ | wc -l
- [2012-05-21 Mon 14:28] palladium:src spydez$ find . -type f -iname “*.go” -print0 | xargs -0 cat | sed ‘/^\s*$/d’ | wc -l 1260