These are the contribution guidelines for the SPHERE.IO JVM SDK 1.x and Sunrise Java shop template.
Contributions are welcome!
If you have push access to the repository you can fix them directly otherwise just make a pull request.
- on bigger effort changes: open an issue and ask if you can/should/need to help
- fork the repository
- produce production code and unit tests
- make a pull request
- mention and/or assign @lauraluiz and @schleichardt, who will review and optionally merge
We want to have a clear and tested code base.
- change as few lines as necessary, do not mix up concerns
- never reformat code, we want in diffs only real changes, except it is a pure refactoring pull request
- use code formatting and concepts like in the rest of the application
- your committed code should not emit warnings such as unchecked generics
- you need to use tests to prove that your code works, JUnit tests are sufficient
- production code should be in Java
- your code is from you and not copied from third party sources
- use good commit messages
- unit tests have to be passed in Travis CI
- integration tests will fail since we use encrypted credentials which are not available in forks for security reasons
- the SDK should be backwards compatible when released as 1.0.0