diff --git a/.changeset/purple-panthers-attack.md b/.changeset/purple-panthers-attack.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81b404b2ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.changeset/purple-panthers-attack.md
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+'@commercetools-frontend/codemod': minor
+Introduces a new codemod which helps migrating away from React's `defaultProps` to `prop` destructuring.
+This is how the change looks like:
+type TMyComponentProps = {
+ message: string;
+ size: string;
+function MyComponent(props: TMyComponentProps) {
+ ...
+MyComponent.defaultProps = {
+ size: 'big'
+type TMyComponentProps = {
+ message: string;
+ size?: string; // <--- Note this property is now defined as optional
+function MyComponent({ size = 'big', ...props }: TMyComponentProps) {
+ ...
+And here is how the new codemod can be run:
+$ npx @commercetools-frontend/codemod@latest react-default-props-migration 'src/**/*.{jsx,tsx}'
diff --git a/packages/codemod/README.md b/packages/codemod/README.md
index 65be1b6cfb..981a1bbb94 100644
--- a/packages/codemod/README.md
+++ b/packages/codemod/README.md
@@ -49,3 +49,41 @@ Remove code related to the old design when using the `useTheme` hook, for exampl
$ npx @commercetools-frontend/codemod@latest redesign-cleanup 'src/**/*.{jsx,tsx}'
+### `react-default-props-migration`
+Migrates the way React Components `defaultProps` to use JavaScript default parameters instead. This is needed for React v18 or later.
+function MyComponent(props) {
+ return (
+ - Prop 1: {props.prop1}
+ - Prop 2: {props.prop2}
+ - Prop 3: {props.prop3}
+ );
+MyComponent.defaultProps = {
+ prop1: 'My default value',
+function MyComponent({ prop1: 'My default value', ...props }) {
+ return (
+ - Prop 1: {prop1}
+ - Prop 2: {props.prop2}
+ - Prop 3: {props.prop3}
+ );
+You can run this codemod by using the following command:
+$ npx @commercetools-frontend/codemod@latest react-default-props-migration 'src/**/*.{jsx,tsx}'
diff --git a/packages/codemod/src/cli.ts b/packages/codemod/src/cli.ts
index 41de44e0ec..83edceaa42 100755
--- a/packages/codemod/src/cli.ts
+++ b/packages/codemod/src/cli.ts
@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ const transforms: { name: TCliTransformName; description: string }[] = [
'Remove code related to the old design when using the "useTheme" hook, for example the usage of "themedValue".',
+ {
+ name: 'react-default-props-migration',
+ description:
+ 'Migrate React components using defaultProps as a component property to a destructured object param.',
+ },
const executeCodemod = async (
@@ -38,7 +43,18 @@ const executeCodemod = async (
globPattern: string,
globalOptions: TCliGlobalOptions
) => {
- const files = glob.sync(globPattern);
+ const absoluteGlobPattern = path.resolve(globPattern);
+ const files = glob.sync(
+ path.join(absoluteGlobPattern, '**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}'),
+ {
+ ignore: [
+ '**/node_modules/**',
+ '**/public/**',
+ '**/dist/**',
+ '**/build/**',
+ ],
+ }
+ );
const runJscodeshift = async (
transformPath: string,
@@ -49,6 +65,7 @@ const executeCodemod = async (
switch (transform) {
case 'redesign-cleanup':
+ case 'react-default-props-migration':
case 'remove-deprecated-modal-level-props':
case 'rename-js-to-jsx':
case 'rename-mod-css-to-module-css': {
@@ -56,12 +73,6 @@ const executeCodemod = async (
await runJscodeshift(transformPath, files, {
extensions: 'tsx,ts,jsx,js',
- ignorePattern: [
- '**/node_modules/**',
- '**/public/**',
- '**/dist/**',
- '**/build/**',
- ],
parser: 'tsx',
verbose: 0,
dry: globalOptions.dryRun,
diff --git a/packages/codemod/src/transforms/react-default-props-migration.ts b/packages/codemod/src/transforms/react-default-props-migration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cac3c625a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/codemod/src/transforms/react-default-props-migration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+import {
+ API,
+ AssignmentExpression,
+ ASTPath,
+ CallExpression,
+ Collection,
+ ExpressionStatement,
+ FileInfo,
+ JSCodeshift,
+ MemberExpression,
+ ObjectExpression,
+ PropertyPattern,
+ TSTypeAliasDeclaration,
+} from 'jscodeshift';
+import prettier from 'prettier';
+import { TRunnerOptions } from '../types';
+type TDefaultPropsMap = Record;
+// When adjusting the component body where the previous props object was used
+// we don't need to adjust the function calls that are listed here
+ 'filterAriaAttributes',
+ 'filterDataAttributes',
+ Given the component function parameter description, we extract the
+ Typescript type name (if any).
+ Somethibng like this:
+ (props: MyComponentProps) -> MyComponentProps
+function resolvePropsTypescriptType(
+ propsParam: PropertyPattern['pattern']
+): string | undefined {
+ if (
+ propsParam.type === 'ObjectPattern' &&
+ propsParam.typeAnnotation &&
+ propsParam.typeAnnotation.type === 'TSTypeAnnotation' &&
+ propsParam.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation.type === 'TSTypeReference' &&
+ propsParam.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation.typeName.type === 'Identifier'
+ ) {
+ return propsParam.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation.typeName.name;
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ This helper takes care of replacing the defaultProps usage in the component body
+ Previously the component code was relying on the props object to access the default values
+ but now the default props are destructured in the function signature
+ Example:
+ ```
+ const MyComponent = (props) => {
+ return {props.prop1}
+ }
+ // AFTER
+ const MyComponent = ({ prop1 }) => {
+ return {prop1}
+ }
+ ```
+function replacePropsUsage({
+ j,
+ defaultPropsKeys,
+ scope,
+}: {
+ j: JSCodeshift;
+ defaultPropsKeys: string[];
+ scope: Collection;
+}) {
+ /*
+ Next code block replaces destructured props usage in the component body.
+ ```
+ const MyComponent = (props) => {
+ return {props.prop1}
+ }
+ }
+ // AFTER
+ const MyComponent = ({ prop1, ...props }) => {
+ return {prop1}
+ }
+ ```
+ */
+ scope
+ .find(j.MemberExpression, {
+ object: { type: 'Identifier', name: 'props' },
+ })
+ .forEach((memberPath: ASTPath) => {
+ const property = memberPath.node.property;
+ // Add type guard for Identifier
+ if (
+ property.type === 'Identifier' &&
+ defaultPropsKeys.includes(property.name)
+ ) {
+ j(memberPath).replaceWith(j.identifier(property.name));
+ }
+ });
+ /*
+ Next code block replaces props usage in the component body where
+ props is passed as an argument to a function.
+ ```
+ const MyComponent = (props) => {
+ return {getStyles(props)}
+ }
+ // AFTER
+ const MyComponent = ({ prop1, ...props }) => {
+ return {getStyles({ prop1, ...props })}
+ }
+ ```
+ */
+ scope
+ .find(j.CallExpression, {
+ // There are some functions that don't need to be adjusted
+ // (example: filterAriaAttributes, filterDataAttributes)
+ callee: {
+ type: 'Identifier',
+ name: (name: string) =>
+ },
+ arguments: [{ type: 'Identifier', name: 'props' }],
+ })
+ .forEach((callPath: ASTPath) => {
+ // Create a destructured object
+ const properties = [
+ ...defaultPropsKeys.map((key) => {
+ const id = j.identifier(key);
+ const newProp = j.property('init', id, id);
+ newProp.shorthand = true;
+ return newProp;
+ }),
+ j.spreadElement(j.identifier('props')),
+ ];
+ const objectExpression = j.objectExpression(properties);
+ // Replace the 'props' argument with the destructured object
+ callPath.node.arguments[0] = objectExpression;
+ });
+ /*
+ Next code block replaces props spread in JSX elements
+ ```
+ const MyComponent = (props) => {
+ return
+ }
+ // AFTER
+ const MyComponent = ({ prop1, ...props }) => {
+ return
+ }
+ ```
+ */
+ scope
+ .find(j.JSXSpreadAttribute, {
+ argument: { type: 'Identifier', name: 'props' },
+ })
+ .forEach((path) => {
+ const attributes = defaultPropsKeys.map((key) =>
+ j.jsxAttribute(
+ j.jsxIdentifier(key),
+ j.jsxExpressionContainer(j.identifier(key))
+ )
+ );
+ // Replace the spread with individual attributes
+ j(path).replaceWith([
+ ...attributes,
+ j.jsxSpreadAttribute(j.identifier('props')),
+ ]);
+ });
+ We need to make sure the component type definition is updated to reflect the
+ props that are now optional.
+ Example:
+ ```
+ type MyComponentProps = {
+ prop1: string;
+ prop2: string;
+ prop3: string;
+ }
+ function MyComponent(props: MyComponentProps) { ... }
+ MyComponent.defaultProps = {
+ prop1: 'default value',
+ }
+ // AFTER
+ type MyComponentProps = {
+ prop1?: string;
+ prop2: string;
+ prop3: string;
+ }
+ function MyComponent({ prop1, ...props }: MyComponentProps) { ... }
+ ```
+function updateComponentTypes({
+ j,
+ root,
+ typeName,
+ destructuredKeys,
+}: {
+ j: JSCodeshift;
+ root: Collection;
+ typeName: string;
+ destructuredKeys: string[];
+}) {
+ // Find the type definition of the component props
+ root
+ .find(j.TSTypeAliasDeclaration)
+ .forEach((typePath: ASTPath) => {
+ if (typePath.node.id.name === typeName) {
+ const typeAnnotation = typePath.node.typeAnnotation;
+ if (typeAnnotation.type === 'TSTypeLiteral') {
+ typeAnnotation.members.forEach((member) => {
+ if (
+ member.type === 'TSPropertySignature' &&
+ member.key.type === 'Identifier' &&
+ destructuredKeys.includes(member.key.name)
+ ) {
+ member.optional = true;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ This helper transforms the component function signature to use a destructured object
+ as first parameter, so we can append the default props to it.
+ Example:
+ ```
+ const MyComponent = (props) => { ... }
+ // AFTER
+ const MyComponent = ({ prop1, ...props }) => { ... }
+ ```
+function transformComponentFunctionSignature({
+ functionPropsParam,
+ defaultPropsMap,
+ componentName,
+ j,
+}: {
+ functionPropsParam: PropertyPattern['pattern'];
+ defaultPropsMap: TDefaultPropsMap;
+ componentName: string;
+ j: JSCodeshift;
+}): PropertyPattern['pattern'] {
+ let refactoredParameter: PropertyPattern['pattern'];
+ const defaultPropsKeys = Object.keys(defaultPropsMap);
+ switch (functionPropsParam.type) {
+ // In this case, the component already has a destructured object as first parameter
+ // so we need to append the defaultProps to it
+ // const MyComnponent = ({ prop1, ...props }) => { ... }
+ case 'ObjectPattern':
+ refactoredParameter = functionPropsParam;
+ refactoredParameter.properties = [
+ ...transformDefaultPropsToAST(defaultPropsMap, j),
+ // If the destructured object already had one of the default props, filter it out
+ ...functionPropsParam.properties.filter((prop) => {
+ return (
+ prop.type !== 'ObjectProperty' ||
+ prop.key.type !== 'Identifier' ||
+ !defaultPropsKeys.includes(prop.key.name)
+ );
+ }),
+ ];
+ break;
+ // In this case, the component has a simple parameter as first parameter
+ // so we need to refactor it to a destructured object
+ // const MyComnponent = (props) => { ... }
+ case 'Identifier':
+ refactoredParameter = j.objectPattern([
+ ...transformDefaultPropsToAST(defaultPropsMap, j),
+ j.spreadProperty(j.identifier('props')),
+ ]);
+ // Make sure the refactored parameter has the same type annotation
+ // as the original one
+ refactoredParameter.typeAnnotation = functionPropsParam.typeAnnotation;
+ break;
+ default:
+ console.warn(
+ `[WARNING]: Could not parse component function first parameter "${componentName}"`
+ );
+ }
+ return refactoredParameter!;
+ This helper extracts the default props keys/values from the defaultProps object node
+function extractDefaultPropsFromNode(
+ defaultPropsNode: ObjectExpression
+): TDefaultPropsMap {
+ return defaultPropsNode.properties.reduce((acc, prop) => {
+ if (prop.type === 'ObjectProperty' && prop.key.type === 'Identifier') {
+ return {
+ ...acc,
+ [prop.key.name as string]:
+ prop.value as ExpressionStatement['expression'],
+ };
+ }
+ return acc;
+ }, {} as TDefaultPropsMap);
+ This helper transforms the default props keys/values to an AST representation
+ so we can easily append them to the component function signature.
+ ```
+function transformDefaultPropsToAST(
+ defaultPropsMap: TDefaultPropsMap,
+ j: JSCodeshift
+) {
+ return Object.entries(defaultPropsMap).map(([key, value]) => {
+ const propNode = j.objectProperty(
+ j.identifier(key),
+ j.assignmentPattern(j.identifier(key), value)
+ );
+ propNode.shorthand = true;
+ return propNode;
+ });
+async function reactDefaultPropsMigration(
+ file: FileInfo,
+ api: API,
+ options: TRunnerOptions
+) {
+ const j = api.jscodeshift;
+ const root = j(file.source, { comment: false });
+ const originalSource = root.toSource();
+ console.log('Processing file:', file.path);
+ // 1. Search for "defaultProps" definitions
+ root
+ .find(j.AssignmentExpression, {
+ left: {
+ type: 'MemberExpression',
+ property: { name: 'defaultProps' },
+ },
+ })
+ .forEach((path: ASTPath) => {
+ // Types validation to please Typescript
+ if (
+ path.node.left.type === 'MemberExpression' &&
+ path.node.left.object.type === 'Identifier'
+ ) {
+ // The node path looks like this:
+ // defaultProps: MyComponent.defaultProps = defaultProps;
+ const componentName = path.node.left.object.name;
+ const defaultPropsNode = path.node.right;
+ let componentPropsTypescriptType: string | undefined; // Only TypeScript files have type annotations
+ let defaultPropsMap: TDefaultPropsMap = {};
+ let functionScope: Collection;
+ // 2. We now extract the default props values
+ // Default props can be defined inline or as a reference to another object
+ // INLINE -- MyComponent.defaultProps: { prop1: 'value1', prop2: 'value2' }
+ // REFERENCE -- MyComponent.defaultProps: defaultProps
+ if (defaultPropsNode.type === 'Identifier') {
+ // REFERENCE -- MyComponent.defaultProps: defaultProps
+ // A) Look for the identifier declaration
+ const defaultPropsDeclarations = root.find(j.VariableDeclarator, {
+ id: { type: 'Identifier', name: defaultPropsNode.name },
+ });
+ if (defaultPropsDeclarations.size() === 1) {
+ // B) Extract default props keys/values
+ defaultPropsMap = extractDefaultPropsFromNode(
+ defaultPropsDeclarations.nodes()[0].init as ObjectExpression
+ );
+ // C) Remove the identifier declaration
+ defaultPropsDeclarations.remove();
+ } else {
+ console.warn(
+ `[WARNING]: Could not find defaultProps declaration for "${componentName}"`
+ );
+ }
+ } else if (defaultPropsNode.type === 'ObjectExpression') {
+ // INLINE -- MyComponent.defaultProps: { prop1: 'value1', prop2: 'value2' }
+ // Extract default props keys/values
+ defaultPropsMap = extractDefaultPropsFromNode(defaultPropsNode);
+ } else {
+ console.warn(
+ `[WARNING]: Do not know how to process default props for component "${componentName}": ${j(
+ path
+ ).toSource()}`
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ // 3. Next we update the component function signature
+ // We first look for classic function declarations
+ // function MyComnponent(props) { ... }
+ const functionComponentDeclaration = root.find(j.FunctionDeclaration, {
+ id: { name: componentName },
+ });
+ if (functionComponentDeclaration.length === 1) {
+ functionComponentDeclaration.nodes()[0].params[0] =
+ transformComponentFunctionSignature({
+ functionPropsParam:
+ functionComponentDeclaration.nodes()[0].params[0],
+ defaultPropsMap,
+ componentName,
+ j,
+ });
+ // Extract the component props TS type name
+ componentPropsTypescriptType = resolvePropsTypescriptType(
+ functionComponentDeclaration.nodes()[0].params[0]
+ );
+ // Get the function body scope so we only do the replacement
+ // within the component function we're currently processing
+ functionScope = j(functionComponentDeclaration.nodes()[0].body);
+ } else {
+ // If we don't find a function declaration, we look for arrow function declarations
+ // const MyComnponent = (props) => { ... }
+ // const MyComnponent = ({ prop1, ...props }) => { ... }
+ const variableComponentDeclaration = root.find(
+ j.VariableDeclaration,
+ {
+ declarations: [
+ {
+ id: { name: componentName },
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+ );
+ if (variableComponentDeclaration.length === 1) {
+ const functionFirstParamNode =
+ variableComponentDeclaration.nodes()[0].declarations[0];
+ if (
+ functionFirstParamNode.type === 'VariableDeclarator' &&
+ functionFirstParamNode.init?.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression'
+ ) {
+ functionFirstParamNode.init.params[0] =
+ transformComponentFunctionSignature({
+ functionPropsParam: functionFirstParamNode.init.params[0],
+ defaultPropsMap,
+ componentName,
+ j,
+ });
+ // Extract the component props TS type name
+ componentPropsTypescriptType = resolvePropsTypescriptType(
+ functionFirstParamNode.init.params[0]
+ );
+ // Get the function body scope so we only do the replacement
+ // within the component function we're currently processing
+ functionScope = j(functionFirstParamNode.init.body);
+ } else {
+ console.warn(
+ `[WARNING]: Could parse component function first parameter "${componentName}"`
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ console.warn(
+ `[WARNING]: Could not find component declaration for "${componentName}" (class component are ignored)`
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // 4. Refactor the usages of the default props in the body of the component
+ replacePropsUsage({
+ j,
+ defaultPropsKeys: Object.keys(defaultPropsMap),
+ scope: functionScope!,
+ });
+ // 5. Update the component TS type definition so we make sure the default props are optional
+ // (not needed for Javascript files)
+ if (componentPropsTypescriptType) {
+ updateComponentTypes({
+ j,
+ root,
+ typeName: componentPropsTypescriptType,
+ destructuredKeys: Object.keys(defaultPropsMap),
+ });
+ }
+ // 6. Remove the defaultProps assignment from the component
+ j(path).remove();
+ }
+ });
+ // Do not return anything if no changes were applied
+ // so we don't rewrite the file
+ if (originalSource === root.toSource()) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (!options.dry) {
+ // Format output code with prettier
+ const prettierConfig = await prettier.resolveConfig(file.path);
+ return prettier.format(root.toSource(), prettierConfig!);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+export default reactDefaultPropsMigration;
diff --git a/packages/codemod/src/types.ts b/packages/codemod/src/types.ts
index ff1b532b37..b3b08fdfc3 100644
--- a/packages/codemod/src/types.ts
+++ b/packages/codemod/src/types.ts
@@ -16,4 +16,5 @@ export type TCliTransformName =
| 'remove-deprecated-modal-level-props'
| 'rename-js-to-jsx'
| 'rename-mod-css-to-module-css'
- | 'redesign-cleanup';
+ | 'redesign-cleanup'
+ | 'react-default-props-migration';