The MEEP stack is currently deployed on Render.
It uses 4 services:
- A web service for the django backend
- A postgres database for the django backend
- A background worker for the queue workers
- A web service for the nextjs frontend
The backend services require the following environment variables:
- BASE_URL: The url (with https://, no trailing slash) of the backend site
- CACHE_FILE: A file (e.g. /tmp/meep) that will be used for the Mapit data cache
- DATABASE_URL: The postgres database URL
- MAPIT_URL: The URL to the mapit service (probably
- SECRET_KEY: A django-style secret key for use in crypto functions
The backend web server also requires:
- ALLOWED_HOSTS: A comma-separated list of backend hosts (no https, no trailing slash)
- CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS: A comma-separated list of frontend origins (with https://, no trailing slash)
The prelaunch command is: python migrate
The web server launch command is: python collectstatic --noinput && python compress --force && gunicorn local_intelligence_hub.wsgi
The collectstatic and compress commands are required at launch, because their output is lost in prelaunch.
The compress command is required to generate compressed front-end assets (using the django-compressor library). Normally this would be done on the fly, but that doesn't work with whitenoise, which requires all assets to exist when the server starts up.
The worker launch command is: python procrastinate worker
The pre-launch command is: npm install && npm run build
The launch command is npm start