This includes:
- forest library implmenting the logic of a local "thread" as discussed in the paper
- ppx rewriter to fully embed the surface syntax for the language in ocmal
- a server to enforce the global logic discussed in the paper
- a client to run a universal filesystem specification and allow runnning through commands
- many examples running on top of the local version of forest (soon to be ported to the global version)
- multiple filesystem libraries for our library to run on top of (in memory FS, posix FS, write back cache style posix FS using in memory cache, and soon to contain write back cache style posix FS using disk cache)
- ocaml (version 4.05)
- dune
- core
- async
- menhir
- ppx_deriving
- ppx_deriving_yojson
various examples of using the the TxForest
Library and embeded language
parser, lexer, helper functions and the low
level forsts types for the languge
ppx rewriter to embed the language in ocaml
the exposed forest libary (ForestIntf) containing
local and global transactional versions of the
library. Also includes a client to walk through the
filesystem using forest commands running on a
universal filesystem.
implementation of the core calculus of forest.
Txforest runs forest commands as local transactions
like the denotation function in the paper. TxForestGlobal
implements the global loging and optimistic checking for
the global semantics specified in the paper.
This also includes the filesystem libraries which forest
can run on top of (SimpleFilesystem is in memory,
runs on a disk filestem, UncommitedPosixFilesystem reads
from a disk filesystem and writes to an in memory one,
ZFSFilesystem runs on top of ZFS, soon this will also
include another library which reads and writes
from a temp disk filesystem).
./executables/<ex to run>.exe
to see the ppx rewriten version of an example:
ocamlc -dsource _build/default/examples/<example to look at>