You can use HA Bridge to adjust the Kodi software volume output. This allows you to use dim commands and set the volume level with percentage values.
The short answer is JSON-RPC an interface to communicate with Kodi. See the official Kodi Wiki for more info
In Kodi navigate to Settings/Services/Control (screenshot)
Turn ON the following:
- Allow control of Kodi via HTTP
- Allow remote control from applications on this system
- Allow remote control from applications on other systems
Change the username to something unique and set a strong password.
Make a note of the PORT
Access the HA Bridge Configuration in your browser and open the Manual Add tab.
Give the device a unique name that doesn’t include “volume” as it will cause conflicts with the Echo’s built in volume controls. A device name of “cody sound” works well.
Select TCP in the dropdown
This section might seem a little long winded and if you know what you are doing then feel free to jump ahead.
We need to log into the Kodi web server without having to fill in the popup each time. You can do this by putting the username and password in the URL. It is not a good idea to do this on other websites as it does put your password in clear view, but for your local network it is fine.
Use the example below replacing the relevant sections with the details that you defined in the Kodi settings screen in the first step. Replacing the IP with the address of the machine that Kodi is running on.
http://KODI_USERNAME:[email protected]:8080/jsonrpc
Before you continue, open your custom URL in a browser (making sure Kodi is running). If all is working as it should you will see a big page of JSON that starts with:
"description": "JSON-RPC API of XBMC",
"id": "",
If you don’t see something that looks like the code above, then go back and double check your settings.
The URL is what connects you to Kodi, JSON is what is used to communicate with it. The JSON that is used to set the volume level is:
Join the two together by adding ?request=
to the end of the URL and then add the JSON to the end of the request. You will end up with something like:
http://KODI_USERNAME:[email protected]:8080/jsonrpc?request={"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Application.SetVolume","params":{"volume":100},"id":1}
Go ahead and test the combined URL/JSON in a browser changing 100 to whatever level you want to set. Kodi should adjust the volume accordingly, try a few different levels to be sure it is working correctly.
The browser will reformat the URL each time you press return so don’t build the URL in the browser bar without making a copy first.
Ideally build the URL in a text document which you can easily edit and then copy/paste each time.
You want to end up with three full URLs in your text file, one for each of the commands.
http://KODI_USERNAME:[email protected]:8080/jsonrpc?request={"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Application.SetVolume","params":{"volume":100},"id":1}
http://KODI_USERNAME:[email protected]:8080/jsonrpc?request={"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Application.SetVolume","params":{"volume":45},"id":1}
http://KODI_USERNAME:[email protected]:8080/jsonrpc?request={"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Application.SetVolume","params":{"volume":0},"id":1}
You should now be able to control the volume of Kodi using the structured URL you built above in a browser.
If you can’t get it to work in a browser then you won’t be able to get it to work in HA Bridge.
Add a new manual device and give it a name e.g. “Cody Sound”
Set Device type
to Custom
Use the same URL for all three (ON, OFF, DIM)
http://KODI_USERNAME:[email protected]:8080/jsonrpc?request=
Content type
Content body On
Content body Dim
Content body Off
Save and test the button in the Bridge Devices tab and hopefully it should turn the volume up in Kodi.
You can use the commands as listed in the README
“Set Cody Sound to 50 percent” “Cody Sound to 70 percent”
Remembering that “Turn on Cody Sound” will set the volume to 100%, and “Turn off Cody Sound” will mute.