Open your Nexus tab in your browser
log in in Nexus
Go to the toothed wheel, and select Create repository
Choose docker registry hosted
Enter name myregistry
Set HTTP port to 30999
allow anonymous docker pull
Enable Docker v1 API
Tick Allow anonymous docker pull
Deployment policy to Allow redeploy
Hit Create repository
Go to Security -> Realms
Set active Docker Bearer Token Realm
Add the following lines in /etc/docker/daemon.json
Add nexus entry in /etc/hosts as the example below
On your local host
Add the nexus container private address ip
Check portainer localhost nexus # add nexus after localhost jenkins jenkins external.local internal.local
nc -vz nexus 30999 # should be succeeded
cd jenkins-pic
source venv/bin/activate
docker-compose down
sudo systemctl restart docker
docker-compose up -d
# wait a while
docker login -u admin -p 12345678 nexus:30999
Create a job petclinic-image-in-nexus
Copy from petclinic-docker-run
In bindings, change credentials to nexuslogin
docker login -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD nexus:30999
RS=`docker images --all --filter=reference='robotshop/*:ccbb706a189c' --format "{{.Repository}}"`
docker tag <your_dockerhub_account>/petclinic nexus:30999/petclinic
docker push nexus:30999/petclinic