Team Name: Py-Var Team Members: Nick Smith, Akash Gaonkar Project Description: We plan to expand to expand our compiler to handle variadic functions. These are functions that can have any number of arguments, such as sum or max in Python. We would like to research this topic because variadic functions are extremely helpful when programming. This project will give us a deeper understanding of how variadic functions work and we will better understand how they are best used.
Work Schedule: Nov 6 - 12: Research, 3 hours (each team member), Work on PA6, 3 hours Nov 13 - 19: Finish PA6, any leftover time towards research Nov 20 - 26: (Thanksgiving) Finish research, begin to implement. No time guarantees due to holiday Nov 27 - Dec 3: Implementation, 6 hours Dec 4 - 11: Finish Implementation, Create Presentation, 6 hours Dec 12 - 17: Work on project paper, 2 hours, Study for Finals, forever