The International Skin Imaging Collaboration (ISIC) 2018 Challenge comprises 10,015 dermoscopic skin lesion images, annotated with one of seven possible skin disease types.
Dataset homepage:
The bash script
provided in this directory can be used to download the actual image data and original annotations.
Doing so will result in a folder ISIC2018_Task3_Training_Input
containing the images and a file ISIC2018_Task3_Training_GroundTruth.csv
with the original annotations.
The original dataset is imbalanced, so we created the following non-exhaustive but balanced split:
Split | Total Images | Images / Class |
train | 350 | 50 |
val | 210 | 30 |
trainval | 560 | 80 |
test | 1,944 | 35-400 |
Note that the test set is still imbalanced. Therefore, balanced accuracy should be used to assess performance instead of plain accuracy.
We achieved a baseline performance of 66.19% in terms of balanced accuracy (averaged over 10 runs) using a ResNet-50 trained on the trainval