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-title: "Set environment variables using agent config"
-sidebar_position: 300
-sidebar_label: "Set with agent config"
-unlisted: true
-{/* TODO move from https://docs.dagster.io/dagster-plus/managing-deployments/setting-environment-variables-agents */}
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+title: "Set environment variables using agent config"
+sidebar_position: 300
+sidebar_label: "Set with agent config"
+This guide is applicable to Dagster+.
+In this guide, we'll walk you through setting environment variables for a Dagster+ [Hybrid deployment](/dagster-plus/deployment/deployment-types/hybrid) using the Hybrid agent's configuration.
+There are two ways to set environment variables:
+- **On a per-code location basis**, which involves modifying the `dagster_cloud.yaml` file. **Note**: This approach is functionally the same as [setting environment variables using the Dagster+ UI](/dagster-plus/deployment/management/environment-variables/dagster-ui). Values will pass through Dagster+.
+- **For a full deployment and all the code locations it contains**. This approach makes variables available for all code locations in a full Dagster+ deployment. As values are pulled from the user cluster, values will bypass Dagster+ entirely.
+## Prerequisites
+To complete the steps in this guide, you'll need:
+- A Dagster+ account using [Hybrid deployment](/dagster-plus/deployment/deployment-types/hybrid/)
+- An existing [Hybrid agent](/dagster-plus/deployment/deployment-types/hybrid/#dagster-hybrid-agents)
+- **Editor**, **Admin**, or **Organization Admin** permissions in Dagster+
+## Setting environment variables for a code location
+ To set environment variables, you need one of the following user roles in Dagster+:
+ - Organization Admin, or
+ -
+ Editor or Admin. Note: Editors and Admins can only set
+ environment variables in full deployments where you're an Editor or Admin.
+Setting environment variables for specific code locations is accomplished by adding them to your agent's configuration in your project's [`dagster_cloud.yaml` file](/dagster-plus/deployment/management/settings/). The `container_context` property in this file sets the variables in the agent's environment.
+**Note**: This approach is functionally the same as [setting environment variables using the Dagster+ UI](/dagster-plus/deployment/management/environment-variables/dagster-ui).
+How `container_context` is configured depends on the agent type. Click the tab for your agent type to view instructions.
+### Amazon ECS agents
+Using the `container_context.ecs.env_vars` and `container_context.ecs.secrets` properties, you can configure environment variables and secrets for a specific code location.
+# dagster_cloud.yaml
+ - location_name: cloud-examples
+ image: dagster/dagster-cloud-examples:latest
+ code_source:
+ package_name: dagster_cloud_examples
+ container_context:
+ ecs:
+ env_vars:
+ - DATABASE_NAME=testing
+ secrets:
+ - name: "MY_API_TOKEN"
+ valueFrom: "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:FOO-AbCdEf:token::"
+ - name: "MY_PASSWORD"
+ valueFrom: "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:FOO-AbCdEf:password::"
+ secrets_tags:
+ - "my_tag_name"
+| Key | Description |
+| `container_context.ecs.env_vars` | A list of keys or key-value pairs. If a value is not specified, it pulls from the agent task. E.g., `FOO_ENV_VAR` = `foo_value`, `BAR_ENV_VAR` = agent task value. |
+| `container_context.ecs.secrets` | Individual secrets using the [ECS API structure](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/APIReference/API_Secret.html). |
+| `container_context.ecs.secrets_tags` | A list of tag names; secrets tagged with these in AWS Secrets Manager will be environment variables. The variable name is the secret name, the value is the secret's value. |
+After you've modified `dagster_cloud.yaml`, redeploy the code location in Dagster+ to apply the changes:
+!["Highlighted Redeploy option in the dropdown menu next to a code location in Dagster+"](/images/dagster-cloud/developing-testing/code-locations/redeploy-code-location.png)
+### Docker agents
+Using the `container_context.docker.env_vars` property, you can include environment variables and secrets in the Docker container associated with a specific code location. For example:
+# dagster_cloud.yaml
+ - location_name: cloud-examples
+ image: dagster/dagster-cloud-examples:latest
+ code_source:
+ package_name: dagster_cloud_examples
+ container_context:
+ docker:
+ env_vars:
+ - DATABASE_USERNAME=hooli_testing
+The `container_context.docker.env_vars` property is a list, where each item can be either `KEY` or `KEY=VALUE`. If only `KEY` is specified, the value will be pulled from the local environment.
+After you've modified `dagster_cloud.yaml`, redeploy the code location in Dagster+ to apply the changes:
+![Highlighted Redeploy option in the dropdown menu next to a code location in Dagster+](/images/dagster-cloud/developing-testing/code-locations/redeploy-code-location.png)
+### Kubernetes agents
+Using the `container_context.k8s.env_vars` and `container_context.k8s.env_secrets` properties, you can specify environment variables and secrets for a specific code location. For example:
+# dagster_cloud.yaml
+ - location_name: cloud-examples
+ image: dagster/dagster-cloud-examples:latest
+ code_source:
+ package_name: dagster_cloud_examples
+ container_context:
+ k8s:
+ env_vars:
+ - database_name # value pulled from agent's environment
+ - database_username=hooli_testing
+ env_secrets:
+ - database_password
+ | Key | Description |
+ |---------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ | `env_vars` | A list of environment variable names to inject into the job, formatted as KEY
. If only KEY
is specified, the value will be pulled from the current process. |
+ | `env_secrets` | A list of secret names, from which environment variables for a job are drawn using envFrom
. Refer to the Kubernetes documentation for more info. |
+After you've modified `dagster_cloud.yaml`, redeploy the code location in Dagster+ to apply the changes:
+![Highlighted Redeploy option in the dropdown menu next to a code location in Dagster+](/images/dagster-cloud/developing-testing/code-locations/redeploy-code-location.png)
+## Setting environment variables for full deployments
+ If you're a Dagster+ Editor or
+ Admin , you can only set environment variables for full deployments where
+ you're an Editor
+ or Admin.
+Setting environment variables for a full deployment will make the variables available for all code locations in the full deployment. Using this approach will pull variable values from your user cluster, bypassing Dagster+ entirely.
+Click the tab for your agent type to view instructions.
+### Amazon ECS agents
+To make environment variables accessible to a full deployment with an Amazon ECS agent, you'll need to modify the agent's CloudFormation template as follows:
+1. Sign in to your AWS account.
+2. Navigate to **CloudFormation** and open the stack for the agent.
+3. Click **Update**.
+4. Click **Edit template in designer**.
+5. In the section that displays, click **View in Designer**. The AWS template designer will display.
+6. In the section displaying the template YAML, locate the `AgentTaskDefinition` section:
+ ![Highlighted AgentTaskDefinition section of the AWS ECS agent CloudFormation template in the AWS Console](/images/dagster-cloud/developing-testing/environment-variables/aws-ecs-cloudformation-template.png)
+7. In the `user_code_launcher.config` portion of the `AgentTaskDefinition` section, add the environment variables as follows:
+ ```yaml
+ user_code_launcher:
+ module: dagster_cloud.workspace.ecs
+ class: EcsUserCodeLauncher
+ config:
+ cluster: ${ConfigCluster}
+ subnets: [${ConfigSubnet}]
+ service_discovery_namespace_id: ${ServiceDiscoveryNamespace}
+ execution_role_arn: ${TaskExecutionRole.Arn}
+ task_role_arn: ${AgentRole}
+ log_group: ${AgentLogGroup}
+ env_vars:
+ - SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD ## pulled from agent environment
+ ' > $DAGSTER_HOME/dagster.yaml && cat $DAGSTER_HOME/dagster.yaml && dagster-cloud agent run"
+ ```
+8. When finished, click the **Create Stack** button:
+ ![Highlighted Create Stack button in the AWS Console](/images/dagster-cloud/developing-testing/environment-variables/aws-ecs-save-template.png)
+9. You'll be redirected back to the **Update stack** wizard, where the new template will be populated. Click **Next**.
+10. Continue to click **Next** until you reach the **Review** page.
+11. Click **Submit** to update the stack.
+### Docker agents
+To make environment variables accessible to a full deployment with a Docker agent, you'll need to modify your project's `dagster.yaml` file.
+In the `user_code_launcher` section, add an `env_vars` property as follows:
+# dagster.yaml
+ module: dagster_cloud.workspace.docker
+ class: DockerUserCodeLauncher
+ config:
+ networks:
+ - dagster_cloud_agent
+ env_vars:
+ - SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD # value pulled from agent's environment
+In `env_vars`, specify the environment variables as keys (`SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD`) or key-value pairs (`SNOWFLAKE_USERNAME=dev`). If only `KEY` is provided, the value will be pulled from the agent's environment.
+### Kubernetes agents
+To make environment variables available to a full deployment with a Kubernetes agent, you'll need to modify and upgrade the Helm chart's `values.yaml`.
+1. In `values.yaml`, add or locate the `workspace` value.
+2. Add an `envVars` property as follows:
+ ```yaml
+ # values.yaml
+ workspace:
+ envVars:
+ - SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD # value pulled from agent's environment
+ ```
+3. In `envVars`, specify the environment variables as keys (`SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD`) or key-value pairs (`SNOWFLAKE_USERNAME=dev`). If only `KEY` is provided, the value will be pulled from the local (agent's) environment.
+4. Upgrade the Helm chart.
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