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Daniel Mellado - Senior Software Engineer - Red Hat
Ansible Automates Zagreb, 11.12.2019
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- What's a Collection?
- Demo Time!
Slides available at:
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What's a Collection?
- A new wat to distribute Ansible content
- An artifact format for consistent content structure
- Contains 1-N of roles, modules, plugins and module utilities
- Enables versioning of external content
- Enables consistent delivery independent of Ansible distributions
- Installable as system, user or project resources
- Immediate use of the content found within the artifact
- Namespacing support built into the collection
Difficult distribution of non-role content --
Plugin/role name collisions --
Difficult code-sharing for most plugins
Multiple roles with deps? Good luck.
Roles already distribute plugins- done?
- Requires role to be "entered" (see also ansible-wtf)
- Plugins are not "first-class citizens"
- Versioning/maintenance issues
Collection may contain 1-N:
- Roles/Modules/Plugins
- Playbooks (future/TBD)
Collection is the unit of distribution and versioning
- globally
- per-user
- content-adjacent (ie per-project)
Default paths (searched in this order, configurable)
- (current playbook)/collections
- ~/.ansible/collections
- usr/share/ansible/collections
Content Hub
Ansible has a global(ish) flat plugin namespace
Role1 and Role2 both distribute my_module
- Which one will get used? (ha!)
- Can I use them both in the same run? (no
- What if core later includes a my_module? (screwed)
- What if the project has in library/ ?
- What if the user has in ~/.ansible/?
- What if the system has in /usr/share/ansible ?
- Issue exists for roles and all modules/plugins
Collections have a namespace and name
- For distribution, namespace == Galaxy user/org
Content in collections is accessed by namespace
- mynamespace.mycollection.my_module
- f5.bigip.provisioning_role
Built-in collections
- ansible.builtin
- ansible.legacy
- hosts: somehosts
- myns.mycollection.athing:
- # use only the ping packaged in core
- # use core or library(etc)/
when: thing | myns.mycollection.filter == 42
- ping: # still works, ==
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That's awfully verbose
- hosts: somehosts
- ansible.builtin
- myns.mycollection
- otherns.othercollection
- mymodule: # first found in the list of collections
- otherns.othercollection.mymodule: # fully-qualified is fine
- module_utils only works for modules
- unless you're "in the box"
- perverse incentives
- eg, Azure/AWS want to share utility code between
- modules/actions/inventory/lookup plugins
- Just use pip!
- Entire collection is a Python namespace package
- All installed collection content is accessible
- even across collections!
root Python namespaceansible_collections.mynamespace.mycollection
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Demo time!
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.medium-text[ Slides are available on ]
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Slides can be found at:
Daniel Mellado
[email protected] dmellado (freenode)
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