7.0.0 (2023-04-28)
- See AOP migration guides for AOP migration details
- Upgraded most libraries dependencies.
- Group: new option to enable collaboration
- Studio, BPM, Message and Tools leave Axelor Open Suite to become AOP addons
- axelor-tools became axelor-utils
- Studio and BPM upgraded
- Merge Studio and BPM module to a single module and create two different apps
- Apps logic is integrated into the studio
- apps definition using YAML
- auto-installer moved from Base to Studio
- Add new types for apps (Standard, Addons, Enterprise, Custom and Others)
- Web app: application.properties renamed to axelor-config.properties and completed.
- See AOP documentation for parameter changes related to AOP.
- See details for parameter changes related to AOS
`aos.api.enable` is renamed `utils.api.enable` and is now true by default. `aos.apps.install-apps` is renamed `studio.apps.install` `axelor.report.use.embedded.engine` is renamed `reports.aos.use-embedded-engine` `axelor.report.engine` is renamed `reports.aos.external-engine` `axelor.report.resource.path` is renamed `reports.aos.resource-path`
- Swagger
- API: implement OpenAPI with Swagger UI.
Complete the properties `aos.swagger.enable` and `aos.swagger.resource-packages` in the axelor-config.properties to enable the API documentation menu in Technical maintenance.
- API: implement OpenAPI with Swagger UI.
- Mobile settings New module to configure the new Axelor Open Mobile
- TracebackService: automatically use tracebackservice on controller exceptions
Now, for every controller methods in AOS packages ending with
, any exception will create a traceback.
- Supplychain module: remove bank-payment dependency
- AxelorMessageException: Moved from Message module to Base
- Add order to all menus
- Add a gap of 100 between menus
- Negative value for root menus and positive for others
- Stock: reworked all menus in stock module menus
- Account: rework accounting move form view to optimize responsiveness.
- CRM: App configurations are not required anymore. closedWinOpportunityStatus, closedLostOpportunityStatus, salesPropositionStatus can now be left empty in the configuration. If the related features are used, a message will be shown to inform the user that the configuration must be made.
- Change several dates to dateTime
- axelor-base: Period
- axelor-purchase: PurchaseOrder
- axelor-account: Invoice, InvoiceTerm, Reconcile, ReconcileGroup, ClosureAssistantLine
- axelor-bank-payment: BankReconciliation
- axelor-stock: Inventory
- axelor-production: UnitCostCalculation
- axelor-human-resources: Timesheet, PayrollPreparation, LeaveRequest, Expense, LunchVoucherMgt
- axelor-contract: ContractVersion
- Date format:
- Add a new locale per company
- Use company locale and/or user locale instead of hard coded date format
- Business project: exculdeTaskInvoicing renamed to excludeTaskInvoicing.
- Template: Add 'help' tab for mail templates.
- New french admin-fr user in demo data
- Add tracking in different forms (app configurations, ebics, etc...)
- Removed deprecated IException interfaces (replaced by new ExceptionMessage java classes)
- Removed all translations present in source code except english and french.
- Removed axelor-project-dms module.
- Removed axelor-mobile module (replaced by axelor-mobile-settings).
- Removed Querie model.
- SaleOrder: removed following unused fields:
- PaymentSession: removed cancellationDate field.
- Account: removed unused configuration for ventilated invoices cancelation.
- Password : passwords fields are now encrypted
Concerned models : Ebics User, Calendar and Partner. You can now encrypt old fields by using this task : `gradlew database --encrypt`