Either a list of participant id to perform the action on, or the keyword "all" to perform the action on all participant.
// Import classes:
import com.telnyx.sdk.model.List<UUID>;
import com.telnyx.sdk.model.String;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ActionsParticipantsRequestParticipants exampleActionsParticipantsRequestParticipants = new ActionsParticipantsRequestParticipants();
// create a new List<UUID>
List<UUID> exampleList<UUID > = new List<UUID>();
// set ActionsParticipantsRequestParticipants to List<UUID>
exampleActionsParticipantsRequestParticipants.setActualInstance(exampleList < UUID >);
// to get back the List<UUID> set earlier
List<UUID> testList<UUID > = (List<UUID>) exampleActionsParticipantsRequestParticipants.getActualInstance();
// create a new String
String exampleString = new String();
// set ActionsParticipantsRequestParticipants to String
// to get back the String set earlier
String testString = (String) exampleActionsParticipantsRequestParticipants.getActualInstance();