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Darya provides some simple abstractions for HTTP requests and responses, as well as session control.


Request objects can be created with just a URI.

An HTTP method can optionally be supplied (GET, POST, 'PUT, etc), with GET being the default.

Request methods are treated case insensitively.

Creating requests

use Darya\Http\Request;

$request = Request::create('/hello');

They can be populated with request data when instantiated. This data is expected to mirror the structure of PHP's superglobals, which means the superglobals themselves can be used to build a representation of the current request.

$request = Request::create($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], [
	'get'    => $_GET,
	'post'   => $_POST,
	'cookie' => $_COOKIE,
	'file'   => $_FILES,
	'server' => $_SERVER,
	'header' => Request::headersFromGlobals($_SERVER)

This shortcut method does all of the above for you.

$request = Request::createFromGlobals();

Reading request data

Assume the request URI /hello?id=10 for the following examples.

Retrieving the request URI

// GET /hello?id=10
$request->uri(); // '/hello'

Determining the request method

$request->method();       // 'get'
$request->method('get');  // true
$request->method('post'); // false

Retrieving the request body

$body = $request->body(); // '{"data":{"my":"payload"}}'

Retrieving parameter values and other data

$request->get('id');  // 10
$request->post('id'); // null
$request->any('id');  // 10 (checks post then get)

$request->cookie('my_cookie'); // Accessing cookies

// IP of the client that issued the current request

$request->ip(); // Same as the above

Testing for an ajax request

$request->header('X-Requested-With') === 'XmlHttpRequest';

$request->ajax(); // Similar to above but also checks for 'ajax' get and post parameters


Response objects determine the response sent back to the browser of the client accessing your application.

Creating responses

Responses can be empty.

use Darya\Http\Response;

$response = new Response;

They can be optionally instantiated with content and headers up front.

$response = new Response('Hello, world!');
$reponse = new Response('This response has a special header.', [
	'My-header: My header value'

Status codes

Response status codes default to 200 OK.

You can get and set the status code using the status() method.

$status = $response->status;



Headers can be set one at a time or all at once.

// Set a single header
$response->header('Content-Type: application/json');

// Set many headers
	'Content-Type: application/json',
	'My-header: My header value'

The array of headers can be retrieved via the headers property.

$headers = $response->headers;


Content can be set to a string, or anything that can be cast to a string. This include objects that implement the __toString() magic method.

// Set the content to be a string
$response->content('Hello, world!');

// Set the content to be an object that can be cast to a string

Content can be cleared by setting it to false.


Setting the content as an array automatically sets the Content-Type: application/json header. When the response is sent, the array will be serialized as JSON.

// Sent as {"hello":"world"}
	'hello' => 'world'

To retrieve the unprocessed response content, you can access the content property.

	'hello' => 'world'

$content = $response->content; // ['hello' => 'world']

To retrieve the processed response content, use the body() method.

	'hello' => 'world'

$body = $response->body(); // '{"hello":"world"}'


Redirect clients to another URL using the redirect() method.


This sets the Location header and flags the response as redirected.

You can determine whether the response has been redirected using the redirected property.

$willRedirectWhenSent = $response->redirected;


Send the entire response back to the client with the send() method.


If you need to send the headers and body separately, use sendHeaders() and sendContent().

sendHeaders() will not send headers if they have already been sent, either by this request or elsewhere in PHP.

It is recommended to use the send() method alone, however(), and to ensure that no other part of your application sends any headers or response data.


Darya's default session implementation uses PHP's $_SESSION superglobal to utilise the currently configured session handler.

In future versions, it will support explicit implementations of SessionHandlerInterface.

Basic usage

use Darya\Http\Session;

$session = new Session;

$session->started(); // false


$session->started(); // true

$session->set('key', 'value');
$session->has('key'); // true
$session->get('key'); // 'value'

// Alternative syntax
$session->key;   // 'another value';
$session['key']; // 'yet another value';

$session->has('key'); // false;

Response sessions

Sessions can be used in conjunction with response objects. Access them through the $response->session property.

$session = new Session;
$session->key = 'value';
$request = Request::createFromGlobals($session);

$request->session->key;   // 'value'
$request->session['key']; // 'value'
$request->session('key'); // 'value'