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File metadata and controls

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Production deployment

Production deployment assumes a Kubernetes cluster.

The entity service has been deployed to kubernetes clusters on Azure, GCE, minikube, and AWS. The system has been designed to scale across multiple nodes and handle node failure without data loss.


Entity Service Kubernetes Deployment

At a high level the main custom components are:

  • REST API Server - a gunicorn/flask backend web service hosting the REST api.
  • PPRL Worker instances - using celery for task scheduling.

The components that are used in support are:

  • Postgresql database holds all match metadata
  • Redis is used for the celery job queue and as a cache
  • An object store (e.g. AWS S3, or Minio) stores the raw CLKs, intermediate files, and results.
  • nginx provides upload buffering, request rate limiting.
  • An ingress controller (e.g. nginx-ingress/traefik) provides TLS termination.

The rest of this document goes into how to deploy in a production setting.


A Kubernetes Cluster is required - creating and setting up a Kubernetes cluster is out of scope for this documentation.

Hardware requirements

Recommended AWS worker instance type is r3.4xlarge - spot instances are fine as we handle node failure. The number of nodes depends on the size of the expected jobs, as well as the memory on each node. For testing we recommend starting with at least two nodes, with each node having at least 8 GiB of memory and 2 vCPUs.

Software to interact with the cluster

You will need to install the kubectl command line tool, and helm.


The Anonlink Entity Service has been packaged using helm, follow the helm installation documentation.

Ingress Controller

For external API access the deployment optionally includes an Ingress resource.

This can be enabled with the api.ingress.enabled setting.

Note the ingress requires configuration specifically for the ingress controller installed on the Kubernetes cluster, usually via annotations which can be provided in the api.ingress.annotations setting.


If client's are pushing or pulling large amounts of data (e.g. large encodings or many raw similarity scores), the ingress may need to be configured with a large buffer and long timeouts. Using the NGINX ingress controller we found the following ingress annotations to be a good starting point: 4096m 4096m "60" "60" "60"

Deploy the system

Helm can be used to deploy the system to a kubernetes cluster. There are two options, if you would like to deploy from the source simply run helm dependency update command from your deployment/entity-service directory, otherwise (recommended approach) add the Data61 helm chart repository:

helm repo add data61
helm repo update

Configuring the deployment

Create a new blank yaml file to hold your custom deployment settings my-deployment.yaml. Carefully read through the chart's default values.yaml file and override any values in your deployment configuration file.

At a minimum consider setting up an ingress by changing api.ingress, change the number of workers in workers.replicaCount (and workers.highmemory.replicaCount), check you're happy with the workers' cpu and memory limits in workers.resources, and finally set the credentials:

  • global.postgresql.postgresqlPassword
  • redis.password (and redis-ha.redisPassword if provisioning redis)
  • minio.accessKey and minio.secretKey
  • anonlink.objectstore.uploadAccessKey and anonlink.objectstore.uploadSecretKey

Configuration of the celery workers

Celery is highly configurable and wrong configurations can lead to a number of runtime issues, such as exhausting the number of connection the database can handle, to threads exhaustion blocking the underlying machine.

We are thus recommending some sets of attributes, but note that every deployment is different and may require its own tweaking.

Celery is not always the best at sharing resources, we recommend deployments specify a limit of CPU resources each worker can use, and correspondingly set the concurrency of the workers to this limit. More information is provided directly in the values.yaml file.

Before Installation

Before installation, it is best practice to run some checks that helm provides. The first one is to execute:

helm lint -f extraValues.yaml

Note that it uses all the default deployment values provided in the values.yaml file, and overwrite them with the given values in extraValues.yaml. It should return some information if some values are missing, e.g.:

2019/09/11 15:13:10 [INFO] Missing required value: global.postgresql.postgresqlPassword must be provided.
2019/09/11 15:13:10 [INFO] Missing required value: minio.accessKey must be provided.
2019/09/11 15:13:10 [INFO] Missing required value: minio.secretKey must be provided.
==> Linting .
Lint OK

1 chart(s) linted, no failures
  • the lint command does not exit with a non 0 exit code, and our templates are currently failing if linting with the option --strict.

  • if the folder Charts is not deleted, the linting may throw some errors from the dependent charts if a value is missing without clear description, e.g. if the redis password is missing, the following error is returned from the redis-ha template because the method b64enc requires a non empty string, but the template does not check first if the value is empty:

     ==> Linting .
    [ERROR] templates/: render error in "entity-service/charts/redis-ha/templates/redis-auth-secret.yaml": template: entity-service/charts/redis-ha/templates/redis-auth-secret.yaml:10:35: executing "entity-service/charts/redis-ha/templates/redis-auth-secret.yaml" at <b64enc>: invalid value; expected string
    Error: 1 chart(s) linted, 1 chart(s) failed

Then, it advised to use the --dry-run --debug options before deploying with helm, which will return all the resources yaml descriptions.


To install the whole system assuming you have a configuration file my-deployment.yaml in the current directory:

$ helm upgrade --install anonlink data61/entity-service -f anonlink.yaml

This can take several minutes the first time you deploy to a new cluster.

Run integration tests and an end to end test

Integration tests can be carried out in the same Kubernetes cluster by creating a integration test Job. Create an integration-test-job.yaml file with the following content:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: anonlinkintegrationtest
    jobgroup: integration-test
  completions: 1
  parallelism: 1
        jobgroup: integration-test
      restartPolicy: Never
      - name: entitytester
        image: data61/anonlink-app:v1.12.0
        imagePullPolicy: Always
          - name: SERVER
          - "python"
          - "-m"
          - "pytest"
          - "entityservice/tests"
          - "-x"

Update the SERVER url then create the new job on the cluster with:

kubectl create -f integration-test-job.yaml

Upgrade Deployment with Helm

Updating a running chart is usually straight forward. For example if the release is called anonlink in namespace testing execute the following to increase the number of workers to 20:

helm upgrade anonlink entity-service --namespace=testing --set workers.replicas="20"

However, note you may wish to instead keep all configurable values in a yaml file and track the changes in version control.

Minimal Deployment

To run with minikube for local testing we have provided a minimal.yaml configuration file that will set small resource limits. Install the minimal system with:

helm install entity-service --name="mini-es" --values entity-service/minimal-values.yaml

Database Deployment Options

At deployment time you must set the postgresql password in global.postgresql.postgresqlPassword.

You can decide to deploy a postgres database along with the anonlink entity service or instead use an existing database. To configure a deployment to use an external postgres database, simply set provision.postgresql to false, set the database server in postgresql.nameOverride, and add credentials to the global.postgresql section.

Object Store Deployment Options

At deployment time you can decide to deploy MinIO or instead use an existing object store service compatible with AWS S3.

Note that there is a trade off between using a local deployment of MinIO vs AWS S3. In our AWS based experimentation Minio is noticeably faster, but more expensive and less reliable than AWS S3, your own mileage may vary.

To configure a deployment to use an external object store, set provision.minio to false and add appropriate connection configuration in the minio section. For example to use AWS S3 simply provide your access credentials (and disable provisioning minio):

helm install entity-service --name="es-s3" --set provision.minio=false --set minio.accessKey=XXX --set minio.secretKey=YYY --set minio.bucket=<bucket>

Object Store for client use

Optionally client's can upload and download data via an object store instead of via the REST API. This requires external access to an object store, and the service must have authorization to create temporary restricted credentials.

The following settings control this optional feature:

Environment Variable Helm Config
UPLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_ENABLED anonlink.objectstore.uploadEnabled
UPLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_SERVER anonlink.objectstore.uploadServer
UPLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_SECURE anonlink.objectstore.uploadSecure
UPLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_ACCESS_KEY anonlink.objectstore.uploadAccessKey
UPLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_SECRET_KEY anonlink.objectstore.uploadSecretKey
UPLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_STS_DURATION - (default 43200 seconds)
DOWNLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_SERVER anonlink.objectstore.downloadServer
DOWNLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_SECURE anonlink.objectstore.downloadSecure
DOWNLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_ACCESS_KEY anonlink.objectstore.downloadAccessKey
DOWNLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_SECRET_KEY anonlink.objectstore.downloadSecretKey
DOWNLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_STS_DURATION - (default 43200 seconds)


If the uploadServer and downloadServer configuration values are not provided, the deployment will assume that MinIO has been deployed along with the service and fallback to using the MinIO ingress host (if present), otherwise the cluster internal address of the deployed MinIO service. This last fallback is in place simply to make e2e testing easier.

Redis Deployment Options

At deployment time you can decide to provision redis using our chart, or instead use an existing redis installation or managed service. The provisioned redis is a highly available 3 node redis cluster using the redis-ha helm chart.

Directly connecting to redis, and discovery via the sentinel protocol are supported. When using sentinel protocol for redis discovery read only requests are dispatched to redis replicas.

Carefully read the comments in the redis section of the default values.yaml file.

To use a separate install of redis using the server shared-redis-ha-redis-ha.default.svc.cluster.local:

helm install entity-service --name="es-shared-redis" \
     --set provision.redis=false \
     --set redis.server=shared-redis-ha-redis-ha.default.svc.cluster.local \
     --set redis.use_sentinel=true

Note these settings can also be provided via a values.yaml deployment configuration file.


To uninstall a release called es in the default namespace:

helm del es

Or if the anonlink-entity-service has been installed into its own namespace you can simple delete the whole namespace with kubectl:

kubectl delete namespace miniestest